谢谢@JO JO 分享。艺人在台上是工作,台下是人生。完全不同的两个场景。即使不是艺人,谁多多少少都会人前人后不同。更何况艺人在台上就如演员在戏中,角色设计而已。其实仔细看就能看出来,台上的梦多,在“演艺”的时候和“非演艺”的时候,神情、动作等都不一样的,其实他是比较安静和沉稳的个性(这或多或少与他曾经的职业运动员生涯有关,该冷静的时候冷静、该兴奋的时候兴奋),这在韦佳德的专访里面有很好的体现。有句话说“该配合你的演出的我尽力在表演”,确实是这样。
Yes, but you are also using energy when you wash dishes by hand. The hot water that you use is either heated by gas or electricity. Newer dishwashers have built-in water heaters that are much more efficient than hot water heaters for the home. In fact, the hot water heated by a dishwasher uses less than half the energy of a regular hot water heater. Up to 27 gallons of water can be used to hand wash dishes compared to newer dishwashers which can use as little as 3 gallons of water per load. So you save energy and water when you use a dishwasher. Plus, it's also much better for your health. Up to 400 times the amount of bacteria can be found on dishes that are washed by hand compared to dishes run through a dishwasher.