他斷章取義你也不知道,笨蛋就是笨蛋,給你看全文吧⋯⋯意思是當年清理的只是0.8%所以埋在裏面的東西就算跑出來也不會增加更多污染,因為埋在地下的東西比周遭環境相對乾淨多了 1982 年,美國政府的一個特別工作組擔心如果強颱風襲擊該島,可能會導致違規行為。 [6] 2013 年,美國能源部的一份報告[7] 發現混凝土穹頂已經風化,結構輕微開裂。 [8] 然而,發現圓頂周圍的土壤比其內容物更受污染,因此裂口不會以任何方式增加輻射水平。 由於 1970 年代的清潔作業僅清除了 Enewetak 環礁中約 0.8% 的超鈾廢物,因此該結構周圍的土壤和潟湖水現在含有比圓頂本身的碎片更高水平的放射性,所以即使在如果發生全面坍塌,對當地居民或海洋環境的輻射劑量不應發生顯著變化。 In 1982, a US government task force raised concern about a probable breach if a severe typhoon were to hit the island.[6] In 2013, a report by the US Department of Energy[7] found that the concrete dome had weathered with minor cracking of the structure.[8] However, the soil around the dome was found to be more contaminated than its contents, so a breach could not increase the radiation levels by any means. Because the cleaning operation in the 1970s only removed an estimated 0.8 percent of the total transuranic waste in the Enewetak atoll, the soil and the lagoon water surrounding the structure now contain a higher level of radioactivity than the debris of the dome itself, so even in the event of a total collapse, the radiation dose delivered to the local resident population or marine environment should not change significantly.