German唱功無容置疑,但喺咪至於6位評判一齊俾滿分?呢個喺巧合定傾過嘅共識嚟? 兩季中聲未出現過如此荒唐嘅畫面,你喺造馬都砌set靚啲嘅分出嚟吖,冇必要將總分拉到同輝智差7分咁遠 同埋6位評審夾埋一齊俾20 根本rule out 咗全球觀眾票選嘅意義,因為根本對賽果0影響!
@TheJasmineDanceGroup8 ай бұрын
I believe you are thinking too much. Just accept the results and be happy. If I was the judge, I would give 20+ points. German’s performance was too good to be put in the second place. He deserved to be the champion.