提案: 街を封鎖する事。 病院内で行われる汚染区域と清潔区域の区分けを国全体で街単位で行うこと。 汚染地域と清潔地域に分けて、その境界を封鎖し、人が移動できないようにする。 汚染地域から清潔地域へ移動する為には2回の検査と2週間の隔離が必要にするように。 確実に未感染と診断した人のみ清潔地域へ入れるようにする。 金持ちの人、オンラインで仕事できる人、そして老人ホームの高齢者はすぐ清潔地域に行けるようになります。 大量の検査で多くの人を移動し、清潔地域を拡大すると同時に汚染地域を縮小して行くようにする。 各地域内には経済活動の制限が無く、人々は自由に普通の生活が出来るようにする。 殆どの人は同じで街で住んで、働いています。だから街を封鎖しても、生活は殆ど変わらない。 トラックの運転手などの物流業者のように境を越える人だけ注意する必要があります。2メートルの距離でマスク着用で充分に対応できる筈。 そして隔離と行っても、自宅隔離で充分の筈。 ある地域を対象にして、2回の検査と2週間の自宅隔離を行う。全員が未感染だとすれば、その地域全体を清潔地域にする。 住まいが感染地域にあって、職場が清潔地域の人は仮説住宅などへ一時的に引越しして働けるようにする。大量の検査で、住まいの地域が清潔地域になるまで待つこと。 その方法で清潔地域がますます拡大し、汚染地域はますます縮小します。 僅か2週間の自宅隔離なら誰でも我慢できる筈。2ヶ月のロックダウンや緊急事態宣言でなく、僅か2週間の自宅隔離。 中国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドが行った対策です。実績のある対策です。 今の日本は検査しても陰性者をそのまま社会へ戻しているから勿体無いです。 検査の翌日に感染したら、検査自体が全く無意味になります。 検査の目的は陽性者を見付けるだけでなく、陰性者も見付けて、それぞれ分けるように。 陰性者が絶対に感染しないように清潔区域へ移動しなければなりません。 陰性者をそのまま感染地域へ戻して、何の意味もありません。検査が勿体無いです。 検査を毎日無限にやっても足りないです。 陰性者を清潔地域へ移動すれば、検査は2回だけで済みます。その陰性者は一生涯検査する必要がなくなります。 Here is an idea: close the borders of cities. In theory it is much easier to close the borders of a single city than an entire country. Determine which areas are infected and which areas are virus-free. Close the borders of these areas or cities. People who want to move from infected areas to virus-free areas need to be tested and quarantined. By testing and moving people, it is possible to expand the virus-free areas and shrink the infected areas. Create pockets of virus-free areas where people are only allowed to enter after test and quarantine. Then keep expanding those areas until they cover the entire country. The advantage is that you allow the economic activities to continue normally in BOTH areas. As infected areas shrink, it becomes easier and easier to stop the spread of the virus, as you know exactly where the virus is and can allocate more and more resources. The problem with most countries is that they are secretly aiming for herd immunity because they only try to SLOW the spread of the virus. But it doesn't matter if it is slow or quick, the virus is still SPREADING, and it will only stop when there are no more people to infect, which is the definition of herd immunity. Instead of mitigation, we should aim for eradication. Instead of slowing the spread, we should STOP the spread of the virus. China locked down the city of Wuhan. Italy and Spain locked down the entire countries, where people were not allowed to leave their houses. But China aimed for elimination, while Italy and Spain aimed only for mitigation. We can stop the spread of the virus by closing borders. The virus is carried by people. If people cannot cross borders, neither can the virus. You can completely block the virus from entering a certain region by closing the borders. Country borders are already closed all over the world, why not close the borders of cities? The closure is temporary if you test and move people to expand the virus-free areas and shrink the infected areas. Most people live and work in the same city. Even if the city borders were closed, the disruption to their normal lives would be minimal. For most people nothing would change. Trying to close down bars and restaurants is ludicrous and impossible. It is very easy for people to SECRETLY open bars and restaurants, have religious meetings, private parties, etc. You would need a police officer in every single household in the city to keep an eye on people but there is not enough police officers to do that. On the other hand closing city borders is much easier. For most cities there are only a few points of entry. Putting police officers permanently in those points of entry is easy. And technically the city borders would still be open. People would be required to be tested and quarantined in order to cross the border, that is all. After the quarantine people would be free to go anywhere they want in the virus-free areas, unrestricted, completely assured they are not infected.