Nice trip! I enjoyed traveling with you to Okinawa, but regarding your last comments I think the Finland trip was also more viewed/more interesting because there was a lot more fun interpersonal interactions with your fellow travelers on that trip, who, as you pointed out, are a lot more used to facing the camera. But props for letting your hard-working staff have a nice break and enjoy their PAID vacation!!
所謂的員工旅遊本來就該放鬆,但身為you tuber 的你,紀錄你的日常當然是你自己的喜好,但可以有私下也就是鏡頭背後的娶在一起真的不錯。 這次的Okinawa 之旅看到不一樣的你,有低落的,也有愉快俏皮吃兩次早餐的你..越來越像一種紀錄你的日常..往後你在回顧應該會有感喔...沒給feedback 不代表沒看啊.. Ps..下次去印尼吧..推薦萬隆Bandung..可以規劃 雅加達一路玩到日惹..看古蹟..Yogyakarta..Candi Borobudur.. Because I’ve never been there.. so maybe you could go there especially price will be cheaper..
其實沒關係啦,2分鐘的影片也可以分享。 我的錯覺嗎?這只影片的阿滴有比平常更帥了哦,不管是說話還是彈指。 Anyway , thanka for sharing the whole trip , good for us when plan our trip. All is well & take good care. Regards from Malaysia. 😄