as an American Jazz musician for 50 yrs and a saxophone technician for 25 yrs I have always found the quality of workmanship in Yanagisawa saxophones to be unbeatable . The people at Yanagisawa have every reason to be proud.
Yanagisawa Saxophone Manufacturing is a national treasure that embodies the spirit of Japanese craftsmanship (and of course, the national treasure of the Itabashi Ward). Selmer (France), Yanagisawa (affectionately called "Yanny"), and Yamaha saxophones are the most sought-after saxophones in Australia. Second-hand and vintage models, if well maintained, hold resale values. I bought a vintage Yanagisawa A-50 alto saxophone and a Yanagisawa A-50 Prima (a distributor of Yanagisawa in the past, hence the name of Prima engraved) alto saxophone, second-hand in Japan. Both are easy to play (I think one of them is used by my daughter who does not let me play anymore.) and have great soulful sound. In my humble opinion, the sound quality of the Yanagisawa saxophone is comparable to the legendary Selmer Mark VI.
Ivashi ivashi , hai, korimoto , hai, harimoto anoooooooo imagonnatkashita now san, hai, bronzo zero hatchi , key posto, once finish I take saxophone and play the song I Bereve I can fry by R Kerry