The knacks of surviving in this world (この監獄の掟は一つ) are being human and being right (ただ人として正しくあれと) Everyone keeps telling me to grow up fast (誰もが俺に更生を望んでいる) And it is so tough, can’t wrap my dead around it (俺はただ自分らしくいたいだけなんだ) Your unfair rules, Ego trip into a loop (理不尽な正義は暴虐を尽くし) We do belong nowhere in this world(俺たちに居場所なんてものはない) Yet we are surviving, Getting through anything(それでも俺たちは抗い続ける、屈したりはしない) Stay alive (確かに生きているんだ) Hated ones Naked hearts (悪意なのか、真意なのか) Worthless games that never end (無意味な賭けだとしても) found them in the darkness in the end (絶望の中でも俺は必ず勝利する) 何が正しくて、何が間違っているんだ 僕はただここで生きていると叫びたいだけ I heard voices calling out my true name (俺の本当の名前を呼ぶ声が聞こえた) I will never give up, or be swayed anymore (もう諦めることも、迷う事もしない) Nobody can stop me, This is the way I am (誰にも俺を止めさせない。「これ」が俺のやり方だ) I’ll EXECUTE you, drop dead baby? (「--物故ろしてやるぜ、ベイビー?」) So this is the way I am Yeah (「これ」が俺のやり方だ)
I finished reading this today. A truly great story with wonderful characters. Had me laughing and crying up to the very end. I honestly expected it to be more of a frivolous story and was surprised at how much it moved me. Looking forward to Qruppo's next work!
@kevinfrench9753 Жыл бұрын
From what I've seen and the extremely small amount I understand, I really do want to try it out and get to know the characters better....