I first though found montage sounded strange, then I found the name familiar... Such a sad end to a promising young life :( When was this performance? Does anyone know? The song was released on 29th of January and so somewhere between then and April... I first heard about this some years ago (I'm in Sweden) and found it sad and heartbreaking but never listened to her. Then one day I found this video probably because I listened to Upiko's song about 'that' subject... I listened to this song over and over and started to listen to her songs, slowly going through all of them (I still have a way to go) but all my favorites so far make me feel immense sadness... I never knew her, but I'll never forget her, and this is all we can really do; remember and keep her memory in our hearts where she lives on though her songs... 優しい天使よ、安らかに眠れ