42:15 and i also don’t think china wants to make a new currency collaboration or whatever you want to call it. It has enough problems in its own and it’s not the right time. It will take generations for this to happen organically. I also agree with you it’s not in its best interest anyway
假如真係地緣政治風險,打金融戰,被動地要defend 個聯繫匯率,而焗住去defend 個「成本」大到一個點,到時候係被逼之下去脫,定係你自己主動去脫?睇餸食飯,外匯儲備可以燒幾耐? 被逼之下脫個impact影響大啲,定係有兩手準備,順利地過渡軟著落「主動脫」,好啲? 政治意識形態正確:香港係屬於中國嘅一部分,但係香港有自己貨幣政策(重有一個類似de facto central bank 香港金融管理局)咁已經係破壞晒事實上主權在中國。 既然已經講緊大灣區一體化,但係你兩地貨幣政策唔同,重要有兩個中央銀行! 咁不如統一用人民幣