真心多謝你對Mirror ge愛同付出,收過你不下一次的Mirror應援,都真的很高質,也令我出席活動時增添更多快樂和投入感,想不到11/11係最後一次見到你😢😢,有幸在最後一秒拿到你們用心製作的應援🥰🥰在此多謝你無私的付出,讓我感受到Mirror俾人支持真好,我跟你一樣12個也喜歡,有時見到隊員之間fans的內閧,真的離開遠遠為妙,也不想討論,我只著眼於12子對我們的互動,但願你離開香港在遠方也一齊支持12子,也願你在外地有更好的生活❤❤Wish you all the best😊😊
聽到這消息,好可惜!但絕對明白你的心情!還記得430你派的應援、你製作的姜報好靚!亦見到你“有做其他仔的應援”!個個都好“平均”!MIRROR是一隊男團,係一team人!12-1=0!其實,班仔之間好“有愛”!平時就互MEAN製造吓娛樂效果,但“真係大事大非”的時候,他們就會“互相補位”!老實講,紅館單意外後,如果唔係“12個仔互相扶持”,MIRROR係好難會捱到今天!12子非常“謙卑”同“互愛”!你睇姜姜“每次都係講MIRROR成隊,連係林青霞的活動上,佢都係講12為幸運NO.!12子的品性都好好,但偏偏就係D粉絲的行為,有時又就真係唔怪得D HATERS話什麼“鏡安法”!雖然都明白大部份HATERS係“受薪打手”!我是“糖”!但我同時都好喜歡“整隊MIRROR”!近期,都非常喜歡“IAN”!不喜歡不等於要傷害、要打壓!喜歡某一個仔,不等於要憎同傷害其餘的仔!我經常都講:12子都好乖,品格好,好有團魂!所以,我除咗特別喜歡個別一/兩個外,同時都非常喜歡整隊MIRROR!冇MIRROR,係唔會有佢哋任何一個!自己人鬥自己人,只會令到班仔“難做”,好唔開心;同時亦俾機會HATERS入!對整隊MIRROR都唔好!基本上,唔明點解要“分區”,因為其實係“會令到粉絲分化”!唔緊要啦,放鬆吓啦!都係好事!亦有可能係HATERS入咗去,故意攪分化,實在佢哋係“反鏡仔”!但的而且確,有部份的粉絲過份保護自己的偶像,這樣真係除咗會令HATERS乘虛而入外,亦會令“真心喜歡12子的人卻步”、令原本不留意MIRROR的人都開始憎MIRROR、抗拒MIRROR!這是事實!KING SIR那個台都曾經有這感覺!希望大家鏡粉明白!團結才是令MIRROR可走更遠!令自己個仔“更加發光發亮”!好唔捨得你,慶幸今年430在姜濤灣見過你!離開香港都是一件好事,轉換吓地點,SETTLE DOWN後慢慢一步一步,做翻自己想做的事!HOPE U HAVE A NEW CHAPTER! 衷心感謝你曾經為12子做的每一樣事!TAKE CARE!
Thank you so much for your unwavering dedication and persistent efforts in creating so many amazing videos for Mirror. Your hard work and creativity have not only showcased their talents beautifully but have also brought immense joy to countless fans.👍🏻 It's truly sad to hear about the stoppage of these wonderful videos. It is hoped that all the Mirror fans can minimize their cleavages and unite together to support not only KT, AL, Ian or individual members of Mirror but the Whole team in entirety. The 12 members are all the valuable assets of HK who are not only diligent, kindheated, dedicated and truthful but they also pulled the many broken hearts together during the downtime and pandemic of HK. Their contributions have been invaluable and should be cherished🌻 Makerville and the manager of Mirror have undeniable responsibility to mediate the differences of the fan groups of Mirror and foster more team spirits and opportunities for the whole team to perform, act and appear in different stages. Each member, no matter KT, AL. Ian, Edan, AK, Jeremy, Jeremy, Lokman, Alton, Stanley, Tiger of Frankie, they bring their unique talents and energy, but it's the concerted team spirit that truly makes them shine. By supporting one another and working together harmoniously, they not only enhance their individual strengths but also create a powerful and cohesive performance that captivates audiences and they can walk longer and further together.⏳⏳ Love and support Mirror forever💐🌝
I feel very sorry to hear that. I really appreciate your hard work. I like your art pieces but I did not buy any of them as I’m not in Hong Kong. I wish you all the best in your new home town.