他 就活在我心上 He simply lives in my heart 撐著一把傘 Holding up an umbrella 就站在我夢旁 Standing next to my dream self 我的頭髮 My locks 有月光的柔長 Long as the soft glow of the moonlight 卻圈不起 But not long enough to braid a bun atop 一朵雲的形狀 Like the shape of a cloud 他 兩頰發著光 He two cheeks are luminously radiating 眼神是迷茫 HIs gaze is dazed 卻留給我想像 Leaving me room for imagination 怎樣的美夢 What kind of sweet dream 才不會醒呢 Can leave me forever asleep 如今的夏天 This summer as it is 花都開好了 Has flowers readily in full bloom 我們的愛在 螢火蟲的夏天 Our love in the firefly summer 時間 就像那盛開的睡蓮 Time is like those full bloom sleeping water lilies 只是那一切就像蜻蜓點水 Except everything is like a dragonfly skimming the water ephemeral 於是那陽光悄悄的 Then the sunlight stealthily 喚醒了黑夜 Wakes up the dark night 就在某年某月的某一天 Then some year some month some day 我來到陌生的巷子口 I come upon this unknown alleyway entrance 我看到一個熟悉的背影降落 I see this familiar silhouette coming down 那是花開花落日升日落的悸動 The kind of flutter seeing flower bloom flower wither sun rise sun set 驀然回首 愛在耳後 Suddenly look back love has passed me by