yu-ki K. ちなみに山白朝子も別名義ですね。あと本名の安達寛高で、乙一原作のシライサンの映画を監督してます。中田永一の「百瀬、こっちを向いて」と「くちびるに歌を」は原作も映画も良いですよ。当時はしばらくネットで中田永一の正体は誰かって話で盛り上がって、乙一説が有力で一年後に本人がSNSで正体を明かすということがありました。
Really like your voice, and hope that one day I could understand all that you say...乙一is a super writer!(Until now I've read several books of him, but in chinese) His hiding side of sympathy is more fascinating than other sides. While someone focusing on the cold words, I could always feel the heated part inside(critique or humanity). Your vidéo is really beautifully prononced!