I have learnt from this episode: 1. 簡化生活。 好處: 儘可能地收回注意力,專注於那些真正重要的事情。只有當你的待辦事項清單變少了,才有可能實現真正的聚焦。 2. 不喜歡任何事物主動佔據我的思維資源。這些事物可以在我的掌控下被管理,但不應該主動提醒我「需要被處理」,因為這會變成我的一項任務或責任,而我的精力應該被用於更有價值的目標。
We almost always have more than we need and keep getting what we want. Your sharing is a very practical exercise to declutter our lives. The possessions could become a burden. Make life simple.
I believe I'm super low maintenance nowadays as I'm laying flat. Hopefully this will be changed soon in a brand new env... To make sure you really need to buy something, do research and wait a few days.
@chrissiey768Ай бұрын
買嘅書多過睇嘅書,唔想借書因為覺得D人會用手指濕口水掀書 😅
@saltyegg3325Ай бұрын
@alittleboat6675Ай бұрын
Really resonate with what you said. Thx Mr Lee.
@leesimonАй бұрын
Thanks for listening
@JoyfulRenАй бұрын
@henryho1262Ай бұрын
Awesome insights 👏 Thank you🙏
@181818lingАй бұрын
I am the type that don't like gardening but like gardens. My solution is to plant succulents.
Rolex, Audemars Piguet and Patek are most commonly regarded as rare. My opinion is I would not pay premium to buy in the grey market. I am not saying those watches are not worth the premium. I am saying that the MRSP is already quite expensive. Also no need to beg the authorized dealer for a watch that needs to pay full price out of one's wallet. All luxury goods are discretionary items.
@@leesimon 我有聽到, 但你之後講一個月千幾二千, 咁呢一個係平均數, 無得 "十年計" 喎。即係十年後, 利息有一兩萬 (假設是兩萬), 咁除返120個月, 一個月都係一二百。 (Sorry, I work in quant trading, 所以對數字特別敏感) In any case, 感謝你的分享。我係呢方面同你都幾志同道合, 我迫自己唔好買書, 絕大部份都係去圖書館借。住大城市, 圖書館好方便。
@tvpoonАй бұрын
simon 兄其實用玻璃種仙人掌唔透氣,好易爛根之後死,最好找一些小盆,底下多孔,放在通風地方。如果你想知更多植物上照顧,歡迎加我F B :阿潘的調理農務系