ይሄን ሲት ኮም ክፍል ካየሁ በኋላ የተሰማኝ ነገር ቢኖር ማርፈድ አልያም መቅረት ምን ያህል የሚወዱንን ሰዎች ልብ እንደሚሰብር ነው። አስባችሁታል እናት የሚትወደውን የልጅዋን ድምጽ ለመስማት እንደጓጓዋች ስታልፍ፤ ሰለዚህ እባካችሁን በተለይ ውጭ ሃገር የምንኖር ለወላጆቻችንም ሆነ ለሚወዱን እና ለምንወዳቸው እኛን በጉጉት ለሚጠብቁን አርፍደንባቸው አይጡን ፣አንጣቸው .... What I felt after watching this sitcom episode is how late or absent that breaks the hearts of those who love us. You have imagined that a mother passes by eager to hear the voice of her beloved child. So please, especially for our parents who live abroad and for those who love us and wait for us eagerly, don't delay them.
Sorry I didn’t get the point in this part Anyway keep it up
@tamrinstudio10 ай бұрын
Dear Bale, we said what we wanted to say. I don't think it happened to you. Anyway, if it makes sense, give it an idea. Thank you for your opinion.
@Bale-Suk10 ай бұрын
@@tamrinstudio Dear Tamri Thank you for your response 🙏 I really appreciate you. I have been following you since the beginning and I admired and enjoyed all the episodes until today. But this one I didn't get it especially the last part May be I have to see it again properly Sorry for being picky By the way my name is ባለሱቅ
@tamrinfilmproduction86129 ай бұрын
Dear bale -suk , please forgive me for misleading you and calling me. Thank you for your kind response.