最近はスーパーマリオRPGを完全に遊びました。僕も再び遊びだ。リメイクも大好きをワクワク思い起こさせる。そのバンドのアレンジがかっこいい!登録する。あのう、僕の日本語が下手です。すみませんでした。 My Japanese is rough so I apologize in advance for any glaring mistakes. I recently finished a 2nd playthrough of Super Mario RPG in celebration of the remake, and it reminded me how much I love this game and am so glad it's getting remade. This band's arrangements are very good! You earned a sub.
This is fantastic all the way through, but man does that opening riff to the first half of the Smithy/Kaijo fight hit fucking HARD. Been one of my favorite moments of video game music since I first heard it, and these guys just made it even better.