That’s not skill issue, air have a great disadvantage against ground, one of the main reasons is the machine gun and not guided missiles, like de AP missile that has a very limited range yet the ground vehicles do not have max ranged, plus that helicopters don’t have a repair station like ground vehicles
@acejustone24292 күн бұрын
skill issue, if u hover in 1 place aa melt u u should be sneaky fly low and use tactic hit and run :V
@mrnmrk6191Күн бұрын
you are an idiot issue
@Farang-Kin-MamuangКүн бұрын
Obviously u never played heli! It should be as you said but it's not. 1) the heli is too slow in this game so sneaking in and run away it's not an option 2) The range of the aa truck gun (NOT THE AA GUN on the ground) has +900 meters range (meaning you cannot sneak and run away) 3) Most of aa truck player camp of their spawn on a hill meaning you can't attack them with many available means (they have spawn base protections!) I encourage u to try play heli sometime it's obvious that you play aa truck or just hate heli players