Gaming Pet Peeves - Episode 3

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Even more of my video game pet peeves. They don't exactly spoil my overall enjoyment of the games they appear in, but man... to deny they get on my last nerve would make me a liar.
There's no such thing as a perfect video game. It doesn't matter how critically acclaimed one might be, you're bound to find fault with it somewhere. Some of the problems games face can outright ruin them, and they rightly receive the ire they deserve, but as with all elements of life, it's equally as likely you'll develop pet peeves related to video games that drive you crazy, regardless of how trivial they are in the grand scheme of things.
What are your video game pet peeves? These are mine.
#Gaming #petpeeves

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@mattguy1773 Ай бұрын
The worst for me is that there are games on one platform that have optimization options but not on the others
@toblerone1729 Ай бұрын
Definitely this, though I can understand if a game barely runs on Switch compared to next-gen consoles due to the lower power of the former 🤷‍♂️
@VulpesHilarianus 6 күн бұрын
CastleVania: Rondo Of Blood is one example. The PSP version, included in Dracula X Chronicles, has a ton of fixes for things like the load times, item drops, Maria's familiars, and item switching. The Wii U e-Shop version and the Requiem Collection for the PlayStation 4 though? Nope. You're stuck with the weird, cut down, botched music, slow to load version that isn't even a direct one-to-one PC-98 port. Requiem Collection didn't even fix the cutscene audio desync Dracula X introduced despite redubbing the entire game again.
@pikminman13 Ай бұрын
shoutouts to the piklopedia giving you a bestiary for a completely understandable in-game lore-based reason, and then on top of that giving you louie's notes
@Underworlder5 22 күн бұрын
olimar notes: an extensive study on the species and its behavior, giving you a newfound appreciation for the native wildlife louie notes: cookbook
@aureliodeprimus8018 4 күн бұрын
My favorite Bestiary comes from Bravely Second. There it is part of a diary and gets updated when you defeat more of the same monsters. And after the first chapter you have a lovely little scene where everyone in your party sees it and decides "Everyone takes a different-colored pencil and makes his own notes in it!", turning every Bestiary entry into a vivid discussion between the party depending on the monster.^^
@civil_the Ай бұрын
My all-time biggest pet peeve in games are when different pieces of late or end-game gear have zero coherence in design. JUST LET ME LOOK COOL GOD DAMMIT
@qu1253 Ай бұрын
The most annoying part is RPG makers never include a transmog (basically a way to transfer the stats of one item to another so you can look how you want without sacrificing stats) system in their games and the community always has to mod one in. In Monster Hunter World, they gave you the ability to unlock any armor set in the game as a layered set that's purely cosmetic... but you don't get it until finishing the main story of the expansion. Thankfully, they've already confirmed that in Monster Hunter Wilds, layered armor sets won't be gatekept until endgame (and armor isn't gender locked anymore, so you can be a dude in a dress and high heels if you're into that sort of thing, I guess).
@exeggcutertimur6091 Ай бұрын
Guild Wars 2 also fixed this issue.
@somepianoguy Ай бұрын
Paper Mario 64 was even better with the dialog: just hold B, no mashing required.
@dragnos9050 Ай бұрын
One pet peeve of mine is the dialogue stopping for me to give a response and there is only one option. I get you want me to be engage in the story, but make my character say it. Don't stop the game and force me to pick the only option.
@ezekielbaskerville2710 Ай бұрын
That annoys me almost as much as the "fake" second option that either traps you in a loop until you say yes, or just goes to yes afterwards anyway, with no difference. If you're gonna "But Thou Must!" me, game, at least reflect my choice and make my character more resigned about it.
@Hwje1111 Ай бұрын
@hdckighfkvhvgmk Ай бұрын
In Stars And Time would like to know your location
@ezekielbaskerville2710 Ай бұрын
@@hdckighfkvhvgmk About which of the cunting points? I genuinely want to know, I recently bought it and haven't got around to playing it yet.
@user-unos111 29 күн бұрын
One of the reasons I think mute videogame protagonists are not that bad. Like seriously, people is too enamored of this concept for some reason.
@pir_hana Ай бұрын
The biggest sin in the Paper Mario remaster is that not only can you not skim through the dialogue, but you can't even go *BACK* and read other bits of the dialogue that you're reading in case you miss any important info
@supermariohack3218 Ай бұрын
Yeah, kinda weird that's missing from the remake, considering that game was build using the original game's code and stuff.
@1rn1u2 Ай бұрын
This lacking is a sin to me :( I'll loved to reseen dialog, even the 100th "I love you" 🥺 (I really did that on game cube, especially to put a little troll side ^^;...and i really like it ☺)
@andrewvanover9747 Ай бұрын
1- it's a full blown remake 2-i don't think it used the original game codes, I think it was faithfully made from the ground up 3-the modern Paper Mario games doesn't let you either, so it makes more since 4-i can't bring myself to skip the text as no matter how many times I replay the game, I always get engaged with the characters and story, and there's only one time in TTYD where the bit of a character talks so fast, but other than that, i read really thoroughly so it doesnt bother me TTYD is my favorite game of all time, I have no complaints about the remake, I hardly notice the 30FPS, it still feels smooth to me, the graphics and lighting are so much better imo, I love all the new themes and remixes, I don't mind the text changed, the game still feels like it has its edge, and it never felt that slow to me, those are my opinions tho :)
@mickkelley3776 Ай бұрын
One of my biggest pet peeves is when a tutorial doesn't just hold your hand, but drags you by the wrist and forces you to do things. The absolute worst is when you're forced to make a purchase using in-game currency they give you - like, what's the point? You give me ten diamonds only to take them away seconds later just because you want to show me how to speed up the growing of zen garden plants? Some games still let the timer run down so you can avoid spending anything, and others just give you the speed-up for free for the sake of the tutorial, but why do certain games have to dangle the carrot in front of the donkey's face just to pull it away the moment they try to take a bite? I hate it so much that it can sometimes make me drop the game altogether.
@DLN_0.5 Ай бұрын
PvZ 2 zen garden tutorial right? Yeah, i hate when that happens
@migueeeelet Ай бұрын
Adding to this: When the game's tutorial gives you some of the premium currency, but of course you have no idea how rare or hard to get it is, so you blow it on the first few prompts you get, because you think that's just how the game works. I think that happened to me with War Thunder and repairing tanks in battle...
@thedeck-buildingdemon8293 Ай бұрын
Adding to this: premium currency (I don’t like how mobile games work in general)
@PingerSurprise Ай бұрын
@@thedeck-buildingdemon8293 Mobile games in general are a gaming pet peeve.
@omegahaxors9-11 25 күн бұрын
fr any game that does that I just uninstall. Games like this are always exploitive trash.
@mateusgreenwood1096 Ай бұрын
One of the worst for me are those games that instead of creating a proper cutscene have you walking a straight line while 2 characters vomit exposition and try to sell it to you as an "ingenious story telling device that never makes cuts" so you cannot skip it.
@acesamm 22 күн бұрын
Sony, as good as some of their games are, are the kings of this nowadays.
@Dukstless Ай бұрын
The theory with Gates to Infinity is that the localization did not fix the text speed that was meant for Japanese (since Japanese can express the same thing in way less characters), so we're now working with Japanese speed in Latin language. I think some people actually made a cheat code to speed up the text.
@redboy3643 Ай бұрын
When you can't do something that would be laughably easy in real life. Lots of stories only happen because your character can't climb half their height or move some boxes out of the way. A required path that isn't wheelchair accessible would be infinitely harder to overcome than any of the gods you might kill.
@ezekielbaskerville2710 Ай бұрын
Oh, does that piss me off. In Dark Souls in particular because of a little something I recently learned. In the previous game, Demon's Souls, the game design is pretty similar in terms of how to traverse the world, with one key difference. *_You can climb up ledges up to about chest height._* In other words, in a game that _predates_ the Dark Souls trilogy, they had a feature they got rid off to make knee high ledges that much more problematic. It also doesn't help that compared to Fall Damage in Demon's Souls, every other game in the series seems to have protagonists with brittle bones.
@user-unos111 29 күн бұрын
Wait till you play Breath of Fire III
@the-angel-of-light-gardevoir8 Ай бұрын
8:00 Im so sorry for your lost, its so stupid how because of a design flaw, a console has a legitimate life expectancy before it just croaks and theres not much you can do…
@whoisthisgit Ай бұрын
As long as I can still salvage my save files, I'll be okay. It's funny how save files are more precious than the console itself.
@nickk3077 Ай бұрын
I think the Switch version of TTYD should have had full cutscenes showing Luigi's whole adventure along with when you talk with that one guy on the roof!
@Lar_me Ай бұрын
No, that would be a good change. They only want to do changes like retconning Vivian's backstory (in the English version) to make her more appealing to Twitter users.
@Shantae1188 Ай бұрын
@@Lar_meYou do realize that was in the original version as well? The thing is, is that it was only in the Japanese version
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
@@Shantae1188 Not quite. The remake's japanese text has gone through changes of its own (and the new english version mostly follows that), compared to the original.
@RaceBandit Ай бұрын
@@Lar_me | Also, Luigi losing the wedding dress in one of his stories.
@temuror3816 Ай бұрын
One of my personal pet peeves is what i like to call " The reverse difficulty curve". As in, a difficult game getting easier & easier the further you get. As i gain more options and powers to breeze through some parts that once caused trouble, i expect the game to return the favor by throwing something even more dangerous at me, to make sure i don't get cocky. When that doesn't happen, things grow numb and repetative.
@Lar_me Ай бұрын
Earthbound. Beginning of the game: Get curb-stomped by ants. End of the game: Bazooka everything in sight, go several turns without healing because it takes so long for your HP to drop down, and fully heal your party with Lifeup Omega.
@thediabolicalraisin8953 Ай бұрын
Symphony of the Night gets SUPER easy once you reach the reverse castle.
@qu1253 Ай бұрын
Basically every Mega Man game (the platformers, at least. I never played Battle Network). Once you beat the first robot master, the rest pretty much drop like flies.
@joro8693 Ай бұрын
The encyclopedia bit could easily be fixed by just making it seem like your character is taking notes more than just a soulless here are the stats for the enemy.
@M4x_P0w3r Ай бұрын
I mean, it only makes sense that you would keep a record of the monsters you encounter. And bestiaries where a thing in the middle ages too, back when there wasn't a standardized academia and records where inconsistent, of varying quality and usually entirely dependent on the perspective of the writer.
@ezekielbaskerville2710 Ай бұрын
I want an RPG that, while it (inevitably, I fear) slides into fighting the gods and all that, _starts_ as you just wanting to scribble down what there is to know about enemies so your village can be better prepared if they suffer monster attacks. Bonus points if it's a world designed like Monster Hunter or Pokemon Legends where you could actually "learn" about them without having to battle them.
@user-unos111 29 күн бұрын
I am pretty sure some games do that. In Persona 4, for example, the bestiary is just notes taken by Teddie.
@victorvirgili4447 10 күн бұрын
Limbus Company’s Observation Logs are actually in-canon documents that the characters have to make to send to the titular Limbus Company for research, and they can lead to some funny character interactions since the logs and their annotations aren’t signed but you can still clearly tell what characters wrote them due to their unique personalities. What isn’t funny, though, is that you can ONLY access Observation Logs while fighting the enemies they talk about, and there’s no other way to read the interactions that take place in those logs. This is especially bad with the story bosses, since to read their Observation Logs you either have to go through the final dungeon again or pray that you find them in the Mirror Dungeon.
@otakamerd1220 Ай бұрын
I actually that Luigi’s monologue is meant to be irritating which is why they don’t let you skip, they know you’re just gonna hammer the a button to attempt in vain to mash through his lines anyway
@whoisthisgit Ай бұрын
I just used that conversation for the footage, the problem affects every line of dialogue in the game.
@dragnos9050 Ай бұрын
I actually read his stories. I do have patience for characters I like. I am also sad that the joke is it is supposed to be boring hence why Mario falls asleep and we skip too the end.
@RainingMetal Ай бұрын
That was actually the first time I even read Luigi's monologue. Not because the game forced me to (although that certainly did factor into me not being able to skip dialogue animations), but I decided that my playthrough of the remake would be the one where I actually gave a damn about Luigi's story.
@oodogla Ай бұрын
​@@dragnos9050the story was actually good too and then they just skip the climax I got so annoyed
@andrewvanover9747 Ай бұрын
​@@oodoglaI don't mind not being able to skip text cuz I can't bring myself to do it cuz I always get engaged with the characters, writing and story. Luigi's story is one of my favorite parts of the game, I don't care if they didn't somehow make a side quest for Luigi, his story was well written and entertaining to me already, same goes for Peach and Bowser segments, I love Bowser role in this game, and TTYD has my favorite version of Peach, also TEC is such a sweet and cool character, I never found issues with these parts. Now about the climax of Luigi's story, the books he wrote did go in some more detail about it I think, so that's cool. TTYD is my favorite game of all time, I highly prefer the remake now, and I have no complaints with the remake either. :)
@therealteddiefrompersonafour Ай бұрын
Mine is that stupid thing bosses do where you beat the brakes off of them in gameplay but then the cutscene rolls around and then they pretend you didn't actually do anything, an example of this is the part of Cognitive Wakaba's fight without Futaba.
@xelius2683 Ай бұрын
Win in gameplay, lose in the cinematic, such a classic and i hate it.
@NisseDood 22 күн бұрын
About half the bosses in Trails series in a nutshell.
@Shyguymask Ай бұрын
There's a Hollow Knight Quality-Of-Life mod and one of its biggest features is speeding up text a lot.
@Necostamps Ай бұрын
Damn now I want to know how to download mods
@smokeless-flame2025 Ай бұрын
Hope you're doing well Shyguymask. loved your videos
@TitanTezwa Ай бұрын
I don't know if this counts as a peeve or a trope but one of my least favorite gaming things is when a game makes a point-of-no-return scenario. These things are one of the worst things they can do in a game to me, because it effectively means once you cross a certain figurative line in a game, that's it. You've crossed it and can never go back. This in itself on frustrating because imagine being locked out of all those previous areas or such; what becomes of the people back there? What if some shop or anything gave something you really wanted? Most distressingly...what if you missed something? No-return points in RPGs are the worst thing ever [exaggerating] because it's all too easy to keep pressing forward, hit a point where you can't go back, and then learn that you missed something that is now locked off from you forever. From a narrative perspective, no-returns don't always make sense, even. Sometimes it just feels injected to make the player keep pushing forward. But just in general not being able to go back and revisit previous areas for any reason really tends to ruin an experience...if mainly because I know in my mind now "Well I'm going to have to play this entire thing again just to get this object I missed", and with being the 100% mindset I am, it really ticks me off.
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
I'm surprised you don't mention potential dead games, too. Some old Ys games made a single Level-up EXTREMELY important (especially when you suck at them like I do but insist on going above Normal difficulty) and had no qualms about letting you save after you couldn't possibly return to grind on standard enemies. "Congratulations, now the tough final boss will take forever to die while you can only afford to take a couple of hits~!" I'm lucky I had the foresight to make a backup, I almost ran into that problem on at least two occasions across the entire series.
@dragnos9050 Ай бұрын
I find it even more frustrating when you're not warned about it beforehand. You get to a new area and fight some enemies finally have enough money for that gear you wanted and then the game stops you saying "I should really stay with the group" or some nonsense AFTER you crossed that line.
@Lar_me Ай бұрын
Final Fantasy 8 and 9 are bad examples of this despite being amazing games otherwise. FF8: "Every single town in the game is locked off permanently; hope you have Call Shop!" And then FF9, despite not even having a practical plot reason to do this, decides to put tree roots outside random towns to block you from going back.
@familiarnamemissing3382 Ай бұрын
@@Lar_meOh god ff9’s point of no return is the worst, I didn’t know about the Octagon Rod and almost locked myself out of tier 3 spells because of it. The fourth disc starts you out in Black Mage Village, it has a shop, why can’t I buy it there if I missed it? Why can’t it just be in a chest in Terra somewhere?
@shadowtheimposter Ай бұрын
The Paper Mario one drives me crazy. I haven’t played the TTYD remake (yet, anyway), but the problem is present in Sticker Star onwards. Origami King in particular drove me crazy because it felt like characters were constantly pointing out obvious facts (yes, Olivia, I do see that statue that looks like the Earth Vellumental, and I know it’s a good idea to save whenever you see the block, I AM ON CHAPTER FIVE) and it made play sessions of that game take way longer than they should have been, especially on my second playthrough.
@spidermacho123 Ай бұрын
i absolutely hate it when you have to walk through a short path before a difficult boss and you have to re-do it every time you want to attempt it again. for example, there's the final boss of castlevania portrait of ruin, where you have to climb those damn stairs every time you die to the boss because the save point is far away. they should have done it like order of ecclesia where there's a save point directly beside the boss door.
@someguy764 Ай бұрын
Lack of checkpoints. It is incredibly annoying how in many games, there are long segments where you can't mess up. I wouldn't mind this too much usually. Except that frequently, the hard part in those segments comes at the half-way point, or even worse, at the very end. So you are forced to repeat the earlier tasks that are at best, overly easy, and at worst, pointless padding just to be able to try the part you failed at again. Super Star Saga's final boss greatly annoyed me back then due to the fact that the second phase was way harder than the first, and every time I messed up and died, I had to do the first phase again. But by far the worst I have encountered is with GTA Online's missions. They are already for the most part way too damn long for the payout most of them give out. But many, especially the ones introduced earlier in the game's lifespan, are very stingy with checkpoints. The Prison Break heist is downright infamous for this. There is only one at the very beginning, and afterwards, all four players have to not mess up a single time through the heist lest they get sent back to the start. And even more annoyingly, it takes way too long to get to the hard part for each player, as much as five minutes of just driving to where you need to go. It is downright baffling when you realize that single player is incredibly generous with checkpoints. And yet the way harder missions of online are made overly strict for no reason. Oh wait. Right. The devs don't actually want you to play. They just want your money for those sweet sweet shark cards.
@whoisthisgit Ай бұрын
I hate it when developers become cruel with a lack of checkpoints all of a sudden, or in a way that adds nothing to the experience. Fire Emblem Fates forcing players to replay the second-last chapter is one of the best examples that comes to mind; I already beat the chapter once, so why do should I have to do it again if it something goes wrong in the final chapter?
@toblerone1729 Ай бұрын
This made me quit Jak 2 not even a third into the game
@raziyatheseeker Ай бұрын
Checkpoints are absolutely crucial. Between that and losing a fight with long unskippable cutscenes beforehand, I have a certain saying for games: "this is why save states were invented". :v
@someguy764 Ай бұрын
@@whoisthisgit Heck. I know you blasted the TTYD remake here, rightfully so, that is its worst aspect by far, but one thing it did get right was letting you immediately retry all non-Glitz Pit fights on the spot. In the original that made the already surprisingly though for the game Shadow Queen more punishing than necessary for each loss you had, and downright cruel with Bonetail and the pit. I know the entire point of the pit is for it to be a gauntlet, but I would much rather go through it in the remake than the original only because I don't have to fear losing at least half an hour of progress if I mess up on the later, harder floors.
@DoctorSpacebar Ай бұрын
Don't get me started on Final Fantasy III's final dungeon. (Spoilers ahoy, you have been warned) The Crystal Tower is *very tall* and that translates to a *lot* of floors. All of those floors have random encounters (in a game with "spells per rest" akin to D&D, even in the remake, rather than MP), and they don't mess around. They've also got plenty of winding paths. As you might expect, there is a boss fight up top with main villain Xande, with a fairly lengthy cutscene beforehand (that's also a point of no return). Par for the course for the last dungeon... But then you find out there's ANOTHER villain behind him, the Cloud of Darkness! After losing an unwinnable boss fight, you go on to ANOTHER dungeon, with four MORE bosses, each one behind a fairly long room that's lousy with random encounters (which you'll need to backtrack through afterward) before the final battle with the Cloud of Darkness. This would be a pretty solid finale, except that in all of that, there is not a single save point. If you lose to one of the bosses, it's back to the beginning of Crystal Tower. If you get murked by a random encounter ambushing you? Back to the beginning. Are you playing the remake on a DS that just ran out of batteries mid-fight? Start over!
@the-angel-of-light-gardevoir8 Ай бұрын
Ahh yes… fake water… that has been a problem in the mario kart games aswell where some water is safe and other… is not, atleast you can “mostly” tell if its safe or not…
@RaceBandit Ай бұрын
I think it gets downplayed in the Mario Kart games by having shallow water and deep water? Then again, IIRC there's at least one track where you _do_ go underwater without drowning.
@the-angel-of-light-gardevoir8 Ай бұрын
@@RaceBandit you might be referring to koopa cape or however its pronounced…. Underwater sections were added in Mario kart 7 and beyond tho
@baaliartifact7330 Ай бұрын
I hate when really hard games take a long time to get you back into gameplay after a death. Super Meat Boy was great because you could jump right back into a level after you died, so trying again wasn't quite as frustrating.
@toblerone1729 Ай бұрын
Indeed, precision platformers are already quite frustrating as it stands ~Looking at you, Jump King~
@raziyatheseeker Ай бұрын
Same with Celeste, honestly. Insanely difficult platformers with immediate respawns are the best thing since sliced bread. Or I guess, the best thing since relaxing songs in frustrating stages, like Stickerbush Symphony / Bramble Blast in DKC2.
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
I quickly put down Super Mario Maker (and skipped the sequel) because of that. Playing those Expert, fan-made levels... while they can be fun, they can also kill you within the first second, but retrying involves waiting for over 5. And then you die again. Wait again. Misery. x)
@epislog178 Ай бұрын
2:14 French Apollo Justice?
@AzafuseKingTora Ай бұрын
Inconclusive Post Games. I havent played the remake but Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team is a good example of this, before you clear the story, your partner Pokemon always greeted you after waking up, this helps reinforce the fact that he is your most loyal friend who will always follow you arround no matter what. Well, after you finish the main story, he allows you to control any Pokemon as the team's leader, which means you can set yourself and your partner in Standby like all the other Pokemon. The problem is that you and your partner are treated like any other Pokemon, with the exception of not being able to dispose of them. This means they hang out in random friend areas, often separate from eachother. It would make more sense if we saw them inside the Team's headquarters, y'know?. The worst offenders however, are the MegaMan Battle Network games, you finish the story and see the credits roll, you even get an icon in the title screen for doing so but the post game starts in the last save right before the final boss, as the games forbid you from saving afterwards. This means the world is in a constant frozen state of near destruction and you never see the fruit of your work saving the day. Its only made worse when, up to BN4, the panic music constantly looped which gets very annoying very fast, especially as it replaces all real world music. BN3 is especially bad because the Internet becomes a dull, lifeless wasteland with barely any NPCs arround due to story reasons.
@obotprime339 Ай бұрын
The Wonderful 101 button mashing clips had me dying XD Personally I'm most annoyed at dialogue when I can't skip cutscenes, one of the reasons I actually prefer Mega Man X6 over X5
@Lost-km5bh Ай бұрын
I'm not bothered by the water in non-underwater stages from Mario 1/Lost Levels, but I can see why it bothers you. It's clearly just for show, to add to the stages, but ends up being a detriment since it's not useful in any way and there's nothing telling you it's any different than the water in underwater stages.
@neocrow-xn5vq Ай бұрын
The text complaint is very relatable. Just let me move on already!
@thevideogamehit9016 Ай бұрын
As a Castlevania SoTN player myself, I actually once managed to encounter Richter Belmont as Richter Belmont. I don't know how that's possible but I hope they can fix that issue
@migueeeelet Ай бұрын
A mild peeve of mine, mostly in modern games, is when characters have very few lines for damage/actions/etc. A pre-2010 game having one or two hurt sounds or one voiceline for casting a spell is acceptable. A 2010 to 2018 game having that is.. a holdover. But from then on, I think it's just plain unacceptable. Looking at you, Yakuza 7. The biggest one I can think of is when a game that offers you multiple paths to victory (usually factory games like Factorio or Minecraft modded) suddenly decides to FORCE you through a certain route. A minecraft modpack (Compact Claustrophobia) does this - up until midgame you're pretty much free on how to tackle things, but then it suddenly forces you to make a nuclear reactor, at first hinting at it as you need power (but you can get power in many other ways), but later on you're forced to make it for its byproducts. I didn't want to make a nuclear reactor, so in the end I just stopped playing that modpack. Extrapolated to a strategy game, this is like being able to go with tanks, aircraft or infantry, and then suddenly hitting a mission that forces you to use one of them, which you may have ignored due to being uninterested in it.
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
Like a lot of people, I used to hate it, but over the years, I've mellowed out on the Lives system most retro games feature. I've grown to enjoy the bit of tension it can add to some games, and the feeling of trying to optimise early parts of a level to get the fastest/best shot at clearing what kills me later on. But if there's one thing I utterly despise about that system: why can you lose Lives (and even get a Game Over) before crossing a checkpoint? I'm starting over from the very beginning, why can't my Lives just stay at the default amount until I actually have progress to lose?
@Lar_me Ай бұрын
Exactly, and then it becomes a case of "Oh great, I died at the beginning of the level. I guess I have to reset the game now so I won't be running low on lives by the time I get to the checkpoint."
@IamANOTHERperson417 Ай бұрын
I personally think like to think part of the challenge is managing to get the checkpoint in the first place. Now, if it’s a game with terrible checkpoints….
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
@@IamANOTHERperson417 I'm not saying reaching the checkpoint shouldn't be a challenge, my problem is that there's a difference between: >getting a Game Over; >and dying before the first checkpoint. In both cases, you restart the stage, so why don't games consider them as the same thing?
@nickk3077 Ай бұрын
I think the 3DS versions of the Ace Attorney games didn't have that issue because I don't remember it there. Also, I think they have a bit of replay value. I would compare it to reading the same book again.
@vincenthaynes3603 Ай бұрын
Auto Lock-on in Pikmin 4. Fuck that annoying accessibility feature that A: I can't turn off, and B:Even noobs hate.
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
I really wish those games had never introduced pointer-aiming to begin with. Gyro aiming's good for First Person Shooters, but in Pikmin, I think it's overkill. And awkward, heck, I'm willing to bet that's why they even implemented that dumb and very annoying over-correction.
@DoctorSpacebar Ай бұрын
I've heard about it from imonlyhereforpikmin's video and everything about it sounds godawful.
@vincenthaynes3603 Ай бұрын
@@DoctorSpacebar It really shows its issues in Sage Leaf's 7th challenge.
@vincenthaynes3603 Ай бұрын
@@VonFirflirch I'll meet you halfway. Gyro was fine in Pikmin 3, at least.
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
@@vincenthaynes3603 It unfortunately had already started to piss me off then x) In the old games, the aiming reticle was stuck to the ground, but from 3 onwards, it "rides" enemies, creating some issues when you suck at aiming (that's-a me!) and are prone to miss flying targets, causing your Pikmins to end WAAAAAY off course x)
@bivcbmtgstgtssscqcrddgtrsm2257 Ай бұрын
I'm with you on the text speed. It's the bane of those cursed with the ability to read quickly.
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
I've encountered some games that allow for instant text display and it's hard to go back to having ANY scrolling whatsoever. Funnily enough, those games happen to be among my favorites, now that I think about it. xD
@VulpesHilarianus 6 күн бұрын
When you can type at 160WPM and read at twice that, and yet the game's displaying text at 45WPM while scrolling through menu slots at one every three quarters of a second like you're playing Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing... Man, I really hate the Genesis era Phantasy Star games for subjecting me to that.
@Tabby_PW Ай бұрын
"If anything were to happen to my shiny Gardevoir, I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself." I have one in X, she is my child. The feeling is mutual.
@QizLizWiz Ай бұрын
Same, but for a Shiny Kommo-o and Jangmo-o
@misk-ivus2990 Ай бұрын
Mine has gotta be that one part in every rpg where you have to talk to ONE specific person to advance the story and you can't find them. I hate having to look up answers for problems that shouldn't exist!
@WhiteFangofWar Ай бұрын
7:03 This. I've never seen a post-death loading screen tip that helped. Some are particularly insulting like one in Metroid Dread: 'No attack is unavoidable. Learn enemy patterns to avoid damage.' Yet in a Souls game where I could use some help figuring out the cryptical mechanics, they hit you with lore instead.
@DoctorNovakaine Ай бұрын
On the other hand, if those tips were actually more helpful, people would complain about the game hand-holding and babying the player. There's no actual winning.
@IamANOTHERperson417 Ай бұрын
Game with so many of abilities, but you’ll only need a few. Example: The Fable series’s magic system. You COULD steal the life from someone, why do that when you can summon a shield that prevents ALL damage when active? Fable 2 is worse. You COULD use chain attacks to take down an enemy… or, you can knock them down and let your dog take care of them. (Though granted, there’s some parts where you can’t rely on the dog).
@CarbonRollerCaco 26 күн бұрын
Heh. I get the feeling of that "Release" thing. It's like walking in front of a loaded gun that you know isn't rigged to fire, but you're afraid that it'll get rattled enough by random vibrations to go off anyway no matter how well it's made. Speaking of Pokémon, I also get the "bestiary" griping: filling out emcyclopedias like that is basically a sort of game-within-a-game. If it were the result of things you'd do anyway, it wouldn't be so bad, but having to, say, collect/use/kill X instances of the thing or creature, or spend Y amount of time fighting with such things or creatures present-oi. And since you brought up Ace Attorney, which I actually do find replayable in much the same sense as a movie, it sucks when games give you the impression that they'll take all your notes for you but fall short in several parts where it matters, and not only that, but outright deny you access to their notes in some crucial moments where they'd be handy, all but killing their point. I'm playing through Emio and it is EGREGIOUS with these. Even if these are the characters' own notes, they remember unnoted things, like they themselves don't even need the notes, so it doesn't even make sense from a story perspective. Speaking of that, I can understand giving "Tantei-kun" and Ayumi separate sets of notes for story realism, but most players are going to be tackling the game solo and thus depend on both sets anyway, so let me access both notebooks at once, damn it! And Masahiro Sakurai also hates when dialogue isn't easily skippable, so I hardly think your complaint on that front is a mere "you problem", Eve. ;
@Mr.Jim248 Ай бұрын
7:43 That reminds me of this one skit from a Dead Rising 2 let's play where the co-host kept calling Chunk "Frank".
@lightguard1 Ай бұрын
While it is similar to Persona, FE Three Houses is really good at skipping every single dialogue that you want. You don't have to wait for text to scroll and you don't have to select pointless dialogue options.
@bird5109 Ай бұрын
3:16-4:10 And to add insult to injury, they removed the ability to scroll back upwards if you happen to skip a piece of dialogue by accident!
@JoSephGD Ай бұрын
The modern Ace Attorney collections have a text skip option. In the original trilogy, it's on by default. However, for the other collections, it needs to be turned on to be available for all text. Otherwise, it functions as it does in the originals: only replayed text can be skipped.
@sheenyhive Ай бұрын
Bad difficulty and esoteric puzzles. When the game is more interested in outfoxing its players than being an experience worth going through, my paitence drops to ground zero.
@thel-iteralone4592 Ай бұрын
The amount of control I have over text speed has certainly become much more important to me over time. The Pokemon series's Release button being too easily accessible beyond Gen 1 also gets to me with the prospect of accidentally releasing a Pokemon.
@ivanbluecool Ай бұрын
Too many menus in a game that only needs one. .hack for example has a menu in game. Log in menu and a computer menu. You have to log off twice. Go to email. Read email. Log in twice. Then do the mission. EVERYTIME.
@AlexHylianGamer Ай бұрын
Anyone else noticed a character called Sir Goatse? Or just me😮
@RaceBandit Ай бұрын
Saw that. Adam's done these joke names before; I think in a Fire Emblem video he renamed his captain to "Fuck me", for example.
@JoseViktor4099 Ай бұрын
Not being able to pause Souls Fromsoftware games are the most stupid decision this company could do. Even if those games are online there is no reason to not block the pause button only when these online features are working, like on invasions.
@Shyguymask Ай бұрын
And Sekiro proved that pausing during boss fights is perfectly plausible and doesn't bring any issues.
@sheenyhive Ай бұрын
Probably stubbornness on Fromsoft's part, something something "artistic vision". I dislike lack of pausing, hate that excuse even more.
@agenericdude Ай бұрын
I think a very pointless pet peeve i have that gets me every time for some reason is the sound of the springs from Sonic 3. Maybe it's because i expect the sound from the previous games, it starts like them, and then i does a different sound in the end and i don't like it. This is so pointless, but it annoys me so much.
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
"Minor but unnecessary changes in sequel/remakes" like this one are among the things that keep me awake at night x)
@idkidk4334 11 күн бұрын
2 hour tutorials before the main game lol. Cough cough the beginning of twilight princess to the 1st dungeon 😂
@letsmakeit110 Ай бұрын
inputs that require more buttons/directional pad inputs than necessary in order to increase the difficulty. it's fine in games like qwop or surgeon simulator where the bad controls are the whole point, but it's annoying in other genres. When I finally acquire the muscle memory to perform the input it doesn't feel like an accomplishment. Just a waste of time. Traditional fighters are notorious for this.
@vrokortac9457 Ай бұрын
5:59 in the Eternal Cylinder, they actually work the Bestiary into the story and gameplay
@omegahaxors9-11 25 күн бұрын
"I always fear I'll accidentally release my precious pokemon" Bidoof: "Not you."
@Sweetestsadist Ай бұрын
I'm so sick of crafting. I was tired of it a while ago, but Tears of the Kingdom put me over to the point that I never want to see it again. A game series that's already known for making you go into menus far too much decides to add yet another for a mechanic that not only doesn't need, but actually sets it back. Yeah? I can make a hammer by entering a menu to choose a weapon I won't use for combat, go into another menu to choose the crafting power, targeting a rock and the otherwise useless weapon that's taking up an inventory slot? You know what was better? Finding a hammer and just having it for the rest of the game.
@invaderhorizongreen8168 Ай бұрын
My pet peeve is escort missions why should I get a game over, with the NPC that wants to make friends with all the chainsaws in the entire level, while i am trying to escort them to safety.
@nksuke5988 Ай бұрын
Slow scrolling texts reminds me of how in voice-acted games where the text also scrolls can feel off-putting, at least for me. Astral Chain was one of these that I recently played, and you could change it in the options at least.
@raziyatheseeker Ай бұрын
Oh my word, I hated that in Tales of Symphonia. I may be misremembering, or maybe it felt like it because each voiced line took ages, but I know your pain.
@maverick5169 Ай бұрын
Unskippable tutorials screen, and as someone who plays a lot of Koei Techmo games... Yeeeeeeah that's painful
@familiarnamemissing3382 Ай бұрын
The dialogue complaint makes me think of an idea I had for if I ever make a game, which is a button you can press during dialogue/cutscenes that makes the protagonist just tell whoever’s talking to shut up, and then the dialogue tree ends.
@isauldron4337 Ай бұрын
You could that in the biónico comando reboot and asura's wrath
@mattb6522 Ай бұрын
Good video! 7:31 I have to respect the Parodius Da! cemetery music! The Parodius games have some really catchy music tracks!
@jason4443 Ай бұрын
One I can recall right now is whenever the game just boots you back to the latest save after beating it intead of having a proper postgame.
@DanialTarki Ай бұрын
0:12 “Be specific, Bob.” The super slow text thing is 100% a valid complaint. 6:00 I love them for the most part. They make memorizing certain enemies far easier, as well as making lists for them. 7:40 I would make the tips more varied but appear less often.
@overlordcameron Ай бұрын
well, this may not be a pet peeve, but i love the introduction you gave this video with the furious typing, lol
@QuiltedDusknoir Ай бұрын
To add to the enemy encyclopedia point, in Pokémon Legends Arceus, the Pokédex is instead of being a simple informant tool, it's the Professor's notes and he even writes it in the first person which makes it rather interesting to read. My favourite is when he talks about Clefairies that look at the moon and it makes him think about his home, Galar. It's so sweet! And my pet peeve is when you fully upgrade a weapon you've used since the start of the game, it's pretty great but there's this more effective weapon but it lacks the upgrades so you have to downgrade for a bit till you have the means for a fantastic weapon. Happened to me with MGS5.
@ahmetfarukseker2005 Ай бұрын
So glad, I am not only one who is bothered with SMB water fall death despite being able to swim in underwater levels. Also, magma is not entirely pointless as it allows to Lava Bubbles jump out of it.
@likky1 Ай бұрын
i personally dislike when they put weak things past a point where you are already too strong or have better on you already more so annoying when you have weak things to collect when you have already beaten the game in the post game
@PingerSurprise Ай бұрын
My biggest pet peeve these days is games bloated with mechanics having even more bloated, poorly designed UI. Or interfaces that were specifically designed with consoles in mind, resulting with terrible UI on PC (looking at you Skyrim).
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
Malus points when the game ends up being easy enough that those UI-ruining bloated mechanics are unnecessary and just there to make it look like there's depth.
@handhelder823 Ай бұрын
God, i hated Gates to Infinity for those text boxes and will never touch it again for that reason
@abdulrahmanalajaji3277 Ай бұрын
The HD Versions of the ace attorney games can allow you to skip dialogue even if you seen it twice which is a huge improvement from the games Unfortunately you can’t skip that stupid concert music from turnabout serenade which is a pet peeve of it self
@OfcourseJimmy000 29 күн бұрын
One of my biggest pet peeves is when you can't restart the tutorial, so you have to MEMORIZE HOW TO DO THE GAME AND IT'S INPUTS. LIKE WHAT IF WE FORGET? unless it's in a simple game, but if it ain't on a simpler game... You know.
@Joe_334 Ай бұрын
Payne: OBJECTION!!!! WhoisthisGit: Sit Down! Payne: Owoah, okay!! 🫡 * sit's down
@SEVTu Ай бұрын
11:41 That actually happened to me dozens of time as a kid :(
@qu1253 Ай бұрын
This is maybe a weird one, but it drives me up a wall when character animations lack "urgency". When you get knocked off your horse in Elden Ring, your character does this super slow getting up animation that leaves them wide open to attack. Lots of grab attacks have super long recoveries where you just sort of faff about as if there isn't a group of horrible creatures about to murder you if you don't move your ass. Biggest offender, though, is Insurgency Sandstorm. Great game, and I understand it's a tactical shooter, but the reload animations look like you're just standing casually at a shooting range calmly reloading, as opposed to being in an active war zone where half a second of hesitation could get you or your squad mates killed. Squad has similarly slow reloads, but the animations at least have a degree of urgency, like your soldier is trying to reload as quickly as possible but also being careful to not screw it up.
@Jetterz1999 24 күн бұрын
3:16 This is why I'm happy I emulated the game, the text skip and 60 fps mods were great
@Mr.KokoPudgeFudge 22 күн бұрын
I have a pet peeve with Breath of Fire III. In that game, there's this thing where a character will sometimes have a little sweat droplet like in an anime or something. The problem is that this happens WAY too much. Like seriously, some scenes have multiple of them happening in a single minute, and it happens even when there's nothing for them to have any sort of reaction like that.
@ceoofpikmin4real Ай бұрын
It really bothers me personally when a game is so obsessed with immersion that it feels the need to add an entire animation of your character turning around in gameplay. Like sure it probably looks cleaner than just instantly whipping the character around to face a different direction but man is it a pace breaker.
@DoctorNovakaine Ай бұрын
The dialogue stuff doesn't bother me so much, but I'm the kind of person that goes out of his way to talk to everyone and examine everything, so clearly time spent reading is not an issue for me. I used to literally never release Pokémon. But now? I do so much catching and Wonder Trading that I pretty much have to release from time to time, or I'd completely run out of space. Also, Pokémon Legends: Arceus actually encouraged releasing Pokémon by rewarding you with stat-boosting items (and also having tasks which asked you to catch Pokémon over and over to give you something to release in the first place). So I'd rather have it in a convenient location.
@huevonesunltd 21 күн бұрын
i guess ace attorney has no replay value unless you manage to completely forget everything about the game
@The-Zer0th-Law Ай бұрын
Mine is seeing any sort of unlock gated over "being a pro" (that is: speedrunning the game, or doing a nodeath, or... Yeah, a lot of things)
@raziyatheseeker Ай бұрын
1:11 to 1:16 *spews her drink* 2:02 Oh my gosh, yes exactly. Certain battles in Final Fantasy Tactics are insufferable because of it. You have a long cutscene before the fight, and if you lose? You have to replay the whole cutscene, dialog boxes and all. Looking at you, Rafa...! 5:46 My problem with pasta, too. :x
@jvts8916 Ай бұрын
A very specific pet peeve I have (and thankfully far from common) is gachas giving no personality to low rarity units. Not getting the SSR you want sucks, but you usually can calm down because the more common characters might be charming or cool. Meanwhile, Xenoblade 2 is the first game with a gacha system I've played and it randomizes the appearance and voice clips of any Blade below 5 crowns. As a result, I find it to have a bad gacha system despite not actually having ways to spend money on it. Disgaea RPG is an example I tolerate far less because it *does* have an option to use real currency. If a character doesn't have 4 stars (the maximum they can be at the start) right after being pulled or is a 3 star you get from an event, they're a generic unit. Since this game doesn't have Xeno 2's mechanic on removing unique characters from the pool, this also means that 4 stars are overcrowded.
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
I agree. I remember some video where a guy acts surprised that people don't want to use XC2's generic Blades even if they apparently do have pros... "Take a wild guess. Could it be that they're generic?!"
@meeptablet_2012 Ай бұрын
Pet peeve of mine: Pokémon names, moves, and items used to be in all caps, as well as having improper punctuation. What infuriates me about this is that it remained this way for 13 years, and wasn’t updated until Black & White (localized in 2011).
@RainingMetal Ай бұрын
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's not a fan of slow text, and think anything below "fast" is a waste of time. I always put it at the highest speed possible if it's an option. Yet I understand the appeal of non-instant text, as it can help put emphasis on sentence structure when someone is speaking. It's a shame this style isn't put at fast by default if it's even an option though. So I often find myself pressing the "confirm" button slightly to skip the text animation but not the text itself so that I can read it quickly. From my experience with the Ace Attorney games, it's sometimes possible to fast forward unread text by pressing the "cancel" button, but just be careful not to skip the dialogue box entirely before you read it! Either that, or I just disable the "disable skip for unread text" option.
@t2id_not_ttyd 8 күн бұрын
As much I love TTYD remake, I do agree that the slow and unskippable texts are problematic. It makes the playthrough much more tedious and makes the game less replayable.
@sefieezephiel9851 Ай бұрын
The absolutely worst case of slow text I ever experienced was in Xcom2 The game had a bunch of neat lore texts you could read. I tend to love that sort of stuff, but they decided to make these entries an autoscroll. A FUCKING AUTOSCROLL! And we aren't talking about a reasonably fast autoscroll either. The thing moved abysmally slow. It put me off from reading these entries because sitting through them as words slowly appear on screen was genuine torture.
@kyuubinaruto17 Ай бұрын
I'm curious why you think Ace Attorney games only deserve to be played once. I've replayed them plenty of times. I just finished Apollo Justice after buying the Switch collections. Just because you know the killer or the mystery doesn't make the game that less fun on subsequent playthroughs. I mean, the Switch versions actually solve the issue by having options to make text operate like in the video, or being able to speed past it whenever you want. It also includes the great feature of a text log, which I'm assuming the lack of which is the main reason the game wouldn't let you do it on the earlier versions. If it's your first time playing and you accidentally hold the skip button too long you could miss a valuable piece of information that it only gives you once. So I don't think it's exactly a wrong thing to do since it's meant to be for a first time players benefit, though I do understand how it can get annoying if you just want to read the text instead of listening to characters reading it out or making voice grunts.
@whoisthisgit Ай бұрын
It's not fun to play a second time because I already know everything that's going to happen and how to solve every mystery and puzzle. Even when I've had to replay some of my favourite cases for videos, it just isn't the same as it was the first time. The only fun way to re-experience cases, in my opinion, is to watch other people play them, to see how they react to the big moments.
@isauldron4337 Ай бұрын
An annoying thing is new game + that while harder are just no fun at all Shovel knight looking at you
@isauldron4337 25 күн бұрын
I prefer valfaris ' new Game+
@TheLakabanzaichrg Ай бұрын
Games that don't autosave your items and option settings if you lose Lootcrates Shooter RPG's Shooter RPG's with numbers In game currencies Unnecesarily long cutscenes
@IamANOTHERperson417 Ай бұрын
Shooter RPGS with numbers?
@TheLakabanzaichrg Ай бұрын
@@IamANOTHERperson417 games like Resident Evil Revelations Raid mode
@IamANOTHERperson417 Ай бұрын
@@TheLakabanzaichrg ah, I see
@Caitemis 26 күн бұрын
Ace Attorney I can understand, since I know I’d accidentally mash past important lines if given instant text scroll, but for stuff like Paper Mario… yeah no excuse for that.
@maDriver_X Ай бұрын
Here's one of mine. AI that cheats to make beating them harder. You heard that Earl, Blacklist Number 9??? Or You Matt,with that stupid S2000???????
@RaceBandit Ай бұрын
In some cases, it's kind of necessary to balance out the options the player gets. Probably the most egregious example is Pokemon's underleveled evolutions. You generally have a better grasp on stat stages and disruption than the AI ever can, for example. And if you don't, you have a wider variety of items than the AI; they get status cures, HP recovery, and the occasional stat buff, while you can _time_ those and even out-right revive your Mons. I think I've even seen this buffing issue pop up in Super Mario RPG with foes firing off Shredder (dispels buffs) when I have no buffs to shred in the first place. IIRC I only used buffs against Culex 3D; other than that, Geno was in the back row in favor of Mallow and Peach. _(Keep the Booster rematch from whoisthisgit though.)_ Now i wonder if there's enough "Necessary Evil" game design for a whole video on it...
@kirby1781 Ай бұрын
Decided to for fun, react/put my own opinions on each thing you put - - 0:07 to 1:56 | This is just, odd. It does look different than the 3 example (as you implied, both are the All Stars collection version) but not sure why those first two games feel the need to basically stylize a few pits but not others. - 1:57 to 4:28 | As another fast reader, yes this can be PAINFUL. Especially if there is no voice acting so you can't even let the voices distract you. I will respect any game that has a text speed but also lets you just skip to the end of that dialogue box by pressing a button if they aren't going to have voice work. |The TTYD remake example seemed to go by fairly quick, but maybe you are even faster than me and either way, slightly odd they didn't add a text speed QOL since they added other QOL features, instead REMOVING it. Nearly feels like a mistake honestly. Also idk what game that last example was but WOW was that painful to look at with how slow the text was. - 4:33 to 5:53 | Ah the question of "does this give personality or is it just stupid?" Depending on the "personality", I can be for the former but the latter happens a ton. I started Mario Galaxy 2 a week ago and there were several bursts of opening dialogue options that were basically "Yes" and "Sure", why can't Mario just nod? As for the primary complaint, that is a weird wrench. It is annoying, but it would also feel odd for me if they were auto skipped. I know a few of those seemingly pointless dialogue trees in Persona can actually raise a social link if you pick the right one, so would they auto skip all & risk people missing those or all BUT those & tip people off from what I assume are meant to be hidden boost options? - 5:53 to 7:00 | I have two things to add here. One, shoutout to TTYD and Super Paper Mario where the former is a scrapbook with entries you missed being in a trashcan, thus part of the in-game universe while SPM goes a step further by making them literal trading cards in-game (plus there are more than just the enemies!), Origami King I think also has an in-game musuem but I haven't experienced much of it so I could be wrong. |On the other end, OH MY GOSH FILLING ONE UP CAN SUCK SOMETIMES. Miitopia has a medal for filling it...when at least 30 enemies are locked behind RNG, a majority being end of daily quest bosses where you can only get one or two a day. These quest rolls are also based off LEVEL so you might accidentally overlevel so you need to change the class of ALL your Miis since it runs off the level average of the Miis in your inn and it can get really annoying. There aren't even any descriptions or stats listed when you DO get an enemy put down, just how many you have beaten, being able to rotate the model/see animations and have a Mii pose with them. At least give a quirky description, the game is full of them otherwise. - 7:01 to 8:49 | Totally agree. I replayed a game recently with this "loading screen with tips" system and I just spaced out during it. Worst part? A quarter of the tips were for DLC content, which I hadn't bought. I WAS GETTING TIPS FOR SOMETHING I HAD NO ACCESS TO, MAKING IT COMPLETELY USELESS. Also yeah, Smash Bros is one of the best since there are not only so many, but some aren't gameplay tips but general information about the topic which can be neat. - 8:50 to 10:35 | Oh god it's a loop! To uh...teach about taxes or something idk what his thought process is there. But also yeah, Tom Nook is a good guy, adoptive single father of two and very patient. The only time he's really a jerk is the first game, where nearly EVERYONE is a jerk so I say it doesn't count. - 10:36 to 12:23 | Instantly see "you need to press an option" text and cringe because yeah that sounds rough. I know the Gens 1 & 2 PC systems had limited coding to the point you also needed to keep switching boxes or you couldn't catch anything but doesn't make it any less aggrivating. However I also agree that putting release so close to the "cancel" button is fairly evil and should be near the middle to avoid accidents, though these days there is the "are you sure?" prompt.
@pastarhythm2762 21 күн бұрын
Another thing while we're on the topic of Pokemon PC boxes, now that I'm twelve days late to the video: Why did the games have completely separate menus for withdrawal, deposit, and move? It's so inconvenient to have to swap between the withdraw and deposit menus while organizing your team. Except that never mattered because there's a Move menu that lets you withdraw and deposit at the same time! Why would you ever use Withdraw or Deposit when you can just use Move? Not really a per peeve, but that was always strange to me. I think they changed this in more recent games.
@phom975 Ай бұрын
wait, why is Lub Lub GOLDEN NOW???
@RaceBandit Ай бұрын
-adam caught a shiny and replaced the original-
@DoctorSpacebar Ай бұрын
RPG Maker MV/MZ (and I think VX/VX Ace?) projects have text display speed-up when holding the button as a default feature. And RPG Maker XP has instant text as the only option! (Unless you use scripts, of course.) I don't think I've ever hit Release by accident in my entire life, but it still makes me nervous. Maybe that's why it's never happened?
@ivanbluecool Ай бұрын
Selective voice acting. Some games are either fully voiced. Mute or one voice line to indicate who's talking. I hate when the games do all of these. Especially games I enjoy the story and it forces you to read it yourself If it's about money. Don't hire anyone and just make it mute for anyone defending this.
@Shyguymask Ай бұрын
Octopath Traveler (at least the first game) is pretty inconsistent when it comes to this and it's one of my nitpicks about the game.
@mateusgreenwood1096 Ай бұрын
Why is this a problem? Why care?
@ivanbluecool Ай бұрын
@@mateusgreenwood1096 read what I wrote before asking. Also it's inconsistent as well in the same formats they do VA work too
@mateusgreenwood1096 Ай бұрын
@@ivanbluecool I dunno, i rather have the most important parts of the game fully voiced and read some sections than firing everybody.
@VonFirflirch Ай бұрын
If you ever want to go nuts, try out the 3DS port of Radiant Historia. Basically, every character who had a portrait in the original is now fully-voiced. Anyone else only got little quips (in spite of having a dedicated voice actor). Cutscenes where both types interact are VERY awkward.
@joro8693 Ай бұрын
Persona 5s scheduling system made me hate the game, I was trying to max out social links for everyone in the first playthrough which is also pointless by the way, game is easy as hell even without the maxed out personas you get and there is no endgame outside of one fight that you can’t even access until new game +. No thanks. But back to scheduling, you need to plan an exact route of who you will talk to each week and while there is a cheat sheet schedule online, if you talk to someone at a certain time they won’t be available even though it says they would be on the schedule, so now you have to play through a week, waste time finding out where everyone shows up, then reload. Ugh I hated it so much. That game was all style and no substance, great character designs but gameplay was just a drag.
@spectrumbots4268 23 күн бұрын
I have a few: Annoying sound effects that play whenever text scrolls (Many Mario RPGs, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Undertale, Animal Crossing, many indie games, Mega Man Battle Network, etc.). I want to hear a REAL voice, not an obnoxious sound effect on repeat! Games that refuse to stick with one cohesive gameplay style and act like doing different genres simultaneously is good game design (Suda 51 games, Ratchet, Sly, Jak, Sonic). Follow-ups that don't need to exist (Meteos: Disney Magic, Axiom Verge 2, R-TYPE Final 2, Perfect Dark Zero, etc). Some games are fine as either a single entity or instead, have the series end on a high note. Games that DON'T put focus on the gameplay in any way.
@zeospark9715 Ай бұрын
Definitely one of mine is limited inventories in games mainly in RPGs. Like I feel like certain item should stack at least, but even in the remake of TTYD, items don't stack and you can run out of inventory space VERY quickly forcing you to use or discard an item that could've been useful at one point. The Super Mario RPG remake actually fixed this by having items stack (like instead of having five different spots for Mushrooms, they're all stored together like 5x and only took up one spot). The original Paper Mario was especially bad because at least TTYD has an item that can increase your inventory space (you have to get to the 50th floor of the Pit of 100 Trials but it's still an option).
@NisseDood 22 күн бұрын
While not limited the item box in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky same items not stacking so you will have pages upon pages of gummies and shit.
@RaceBandit Ай бұрын
1:00 | A little bit of consistency would've been nice. I don't even see a lot of NES Mario hacks where the non-water levels have non-swimmable water. Interestingly enough, though, the All-Stars version of 2j repaints some "drownable" water in [I think it was] 1-2 to instead be lava. 4:54 | That ... defeats the purpose of the fast-forward. Why not put in a default option for the flavor prompts instead of prompting the player? 6:43 | They probably should've hidden the monster count until you'd beaten the game. I think Pokemon did something similar, where the dex doesn't scroll past the last Mon you'd seen? Probably the most amusing example dates as far back as Red and Blue _(This doesn't work with Yellow since Toilet Rat is number 25 and Eevee is 133.),_ where if you didn't see any wilds before getting the Pokedex, the game wouldn't scroll past the rival's Charmander. _(Although this also doesn't work if you pick Squirtle instead of Bulbasaur...)_ 11:36 | Not helping things is that the option *NEVER* tells you that you won't see that Mon in the wild again like you could with the Mons N released in between B1W1 and B2W2. And yet, the security on the "Release" option is ... simply closing the door without locking it? Come on man. Pokemon GO adds a bit of protection, primarily you can't transfer favorited Pokemon. So if you accidentally mis-select that shiny Nidoqueen you favorited, it'll exclude that from the transfer list while you're dumping Paldean Woopers to fuel your Quagsire. _(I don't mean Clodsire because we_ kill _those.)_ Why doesn't the main line have more security?
@Redd7206 Ай бұрын
Mfs when the story driven game requires you to read:
@Lar_me Ай бұрын
We like reading, but we like reading at our own paces. Sometimes the game's pace is way slower than we can read, and that's just annoying.
@IamANOTHERperson417 Ай бұрын
@@Lar_meexactly. It’s not a turn off, but it does get on my nerves.
@acesamm 22 күн бұрын
7:35 as soon as I finish completing this game, I am never touching this game on 360 again in favor of PC. Game’s slow as is with mediocre performance, and these load times are a lot longer and yes, frequent than the original game somehow.
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