7 Biggest Home Gym Myths…DEBUNKED!

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Garage Gym Reviews

Garage Gym Reviews

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@rzc0624 Жыл бұрын
My biggest reason, by far, for wanting a home gym is because I cannot stand going to my local commercial gym (no matter what time) and having it be more crowded than a nightclub. Dozens and dozens of groups of 4-5 dudes all just chilling next to every single machine. Even when you manage to get on a machine, you have to deal with another person just hovering next to you, staring at you, waiting for their turn. I hate it.
@bmstylee Жыл бұрын
I'm just not into box gyms anymore due to general lack of quality equipment and sub par cleanliness.
@emanhero6311 Жыл бұрын
Same here unless you go to the expensive gyms. There are less people but you go broke.
@pwprochazka Жыл бұрын
7:00pm at the gym I used to use was like a night club. Everyone was 20 to 28 and all checking each other out. You couldn't work your way into a rack or machine unless you hovered and did nothing else. Even then, the cliques of people would just claim those spots for hours. Laughably, it was never the squat stations - and the guys clogging up the bench, fly, preacher pads, etc. all really should have been doing more leg days.
@mysticjedi6730 Жыл бұрын
Even if that wasn't the case , not everyone lives a 1 minute walk from a gym, and you have to keep paying for life. A set of dumbbells, mat and incline press gets you jacked and you own it for life. Your job, business, school, family, relationships, relaxing, travel, prepping, portfolio management.. etc. You want to get in full body workouts or Two day split workouts in fast and done. On top of that , hiking, biking, swimming, kayaking, etc.. I am already looking at minimum 5-10 hours per week of physical activity. That is the bare minimum. Even if you have membership you still want mini set up at home.. You skip workouts going to a gym.. when you have nice set up at home there is no excuses.. Start with gym mat and set of dumbbells, then incline bench.
@aynrandfan7454 Жыл бұрын
People filming themselves with tripods non stop in commercial gyms is the most annoying thing ever esp stupid kids who have no idea how to lift
@walterehmann8799 Жыл бұрын
Recently converted my garage into a home gym and the thing that’s struck me most is how it’s helped on those days where I only have the time and/or energy to hit 20-30 minutes worth of work. Aside from the time constraint, I think being reliant solely on a commercial gym can also create a feeling where you feel obligated to plan a certain minimum amount of workout to justify the trip which might not jive with how you’re feeling that day. Having a home gym had certainly help me get 20-30 minutes in on those days that would otherwise end up at 0 minutes if I only had the gym membership.
@michaelhalstead64 Жыл бұрын
I’ve always loved those few random days where I wanna get a workout in before normal gym hours. I’ve had 5am flights and was still able to get in a quick workout and get to the airport. It’s not often but it’s been amazing.
@Steve_E Жыл бұрын
The biggest perk to having my home gym is that my young kids see me train and sometimes they join me. Setting them down the path of fitness from a young age will set them up for future success.
@Irrational_Pie Жыл бұрын
One thousand times this. Growing up with a home gym made an insane difference for me. No need to arrange transportation to/from a gym if it’s at home, and easy to supervise for parents.
@jonnewbury3482 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! My son lives in the gym with me. He’s 5 and loves the rings and doing pull ups.
@devenmeyer8801 6 ай бұрын
My boys love working out with me. Makes it a lot of fun! Only 10 and 8 years old so hopefully they stick with it!
@alexreichanadter Жыл бұрын
I have my home gym for the time savings and as a plus, my wife joins me in the gym. Something she wouldn’t do at a commercial gym.
@richardmather1906 Жыл бұрын
It is so much better working out at home. You can go back and forth between equipment all you want, there is no body looking to jump on the equipment but you. Try new lifts without embarrassing yourself. No driving to the gym. No hassles with stuff not working. A power rack, high low pulley station, land mine, couple barbells, three pair of db handles and a pile of plates, and a Concept 2. Its heaven on earth.
@CH-iy4go Жыл бұрын
Great video. I am a 68 year old woman. I have been lifting weights and working out since I was 16, really since I first learned to ride a bike and dad took the training wheels off the family bike. At that moment, my fate was sealed. Most of my weight lifting time I was going to a commercial gym. Other than that I have been an avid cyclist and runner. As I got older and had more money, I had a commercial gym membership and a home gym. I’d go to the commercial gym during the week when I was working and use my home gym on weekends and during holidays when I did not want to drive to town. I moved to a small town in Texas built 216 square-foot spacious home and a 400 square-foot gym/hydroponic garden space (yes I grow my own vegetables). Being somewhat of a veteran in the commercial gym space and having the history to know that I would use a home gym, I have spent $6000+ (not including the building) building my own home gym exactly the way I wanted it. Here in town, we do have access to the high school gym but it smells like teenage sweat and it’s built more for brute strength. I can do anything I want in my gym I am not limited by time, equipment, or space. I never have to wait for equipment or wipe someone else’s sweat off equipment. I have several pieces of Concept2 equipment (for the days it is too hot to get my aerobic work done outside). I have a rogue squat rack, several rogue barbells and lots of weights plates to go with them, ironmaster and MX adjustable dumbbells, kettlebells, fitcord resistance bands, etc. even when I belonged to commercial gyms, I did not use the machines. Most are designed for men, and I believe they mask imbalances in strength, so I have always preferred free weights. I believe for a home gym to be an asset, the athlete must be honest with her/himself. I agree that too many people equate gym with socialization. I always found this bazaar. When at a commercial gym, I literally would have men standing around my workout station (a bit of a cocoon I would create around my space at the gym) watching my workout. They knew not to talk to me or interfere when I was in “the zone”. This is why I was confident that spending $6000+ on my home gym was a no brainer. The world recedes and there is only my breathing, my body awareness, and the pure joy of lifting weights.
@patticake5311 Жыл бұрын
Great topic, Coop! And let's not forget that working out at home means no moldy showers, no more waiting for a machine or leg press, no more trying to find parking. Plus no more waiting for guys holding court on a machine you're waiting for or having to find the dumbbells that someone has left all the way across the gym. And no more waiting and waiting for the only calf raise machine to get fixed only to have it broken again almost immediately. I LOVE working out at home!
@We.R.Comics Жыл бұрын
I remember after graduating high school I had wanted a Cap barbell that spun and thought how expensive it was (I think $150) and thought I would never get it. Took years but now I have a bedroom gym that I'm truly proud of.
@nathanielwiens Жыл бұрын
This isn't "myth" related, per se, but to anyone thinking about going the home-gym route and is worried about cost: scalability, scalability, scalability!! I started my home gym with a pair of powerblocks in a spare bedroom just to get relatively in shape after spending most of my 20's doing jack shit. Then got a pretty cheap CAP rack, bench, barbell and weight set. Then some horse stall mats. Then got a titan pulley tower. Then added some auxiliary pieces and attachments, kettlebells, etc. Rower is on its way as we speak. You don't need to go all out right away, my gym has been "under construction" for 5+ years. If you're thinking about the home gym life, start small and you'll fall in love with your new happy place. I honestly can't stress how much better even a cheap, under-equipped home gym is than a commercial gym (at least for people like me who aren't "trying to be seen").
@TorBoy9 Жыл бұрын
agreed, there are used home gyms that can do a lot for a little money
@christopherlowe5024 Жыл бұрын
100%.... I remember when my home gym was a single KB. Overtime, I have a collection and enough equipment to get a solid workout in every single day.
@SelfBuilt Жыл бұрын
I started my home gym journey when the gyms closed and I've never looked back. There are ups and downs but I absolutely love the convenience and having my own domain to train however I want!
@mikeinca3762 Жыл бұрын
After being a commercial gym rat for 25+ years at Golds, I built my own garage gym in 2007 and have enjoyed every minute of it! Best decision I made and would never go back to a commercial gym again.
@Dsquaredforever Жыл бұрын
Got my power rack from Titan scratch and dent, Titan axel bar, Rogue boneyard bar that's fantastic, built my own platform, bench, and weight holders, made weight plates from concrete and others from old brake discs, got a really nice power tower from Ollie's for 1/2 off retail, added some cheap turf, plus some other random stuff, and absolutely love my basement gym. No commute, can play with my dog during my workout, can train barefoot, blast whatever music, do laundry, check on what's in the oven or instant pot, it's made life so much more efficient and for a busy person it takes away a lot of the barriers that a commercial gym has. But I'm a simple guy and stay away from machines anyway. Getting creative with it is a lot of fun too.
@buckybryan550 Жыл бұрын
Myth 6 - You forgot to include that at home, you can workout in your underwear/ranger panties and not get called out. Squat day is frequently underwear, belt, and knee sleeves.
@kft4764 Жыл бұрын
But that's not a myth
@EF948 Жыл бұрын
So another thing to include in the costs of commerical gyms is if you have to drive. Fuel + wear and tear on the car adds up big time. If you take public transport that's less cost but then you are relying on set schedules and more time taken up travelling. Think I have spent about £5,000 since covid and in fuel costs alone I have nearly broke even. Add in wear and tear on the car being saved, gym membership and of course the amount of time I have saved travelling (plus having a gym during the holidays when everything closed), I'm well into a profit.
@PeacefulPenguinWasTaken Жыл бұрын
When you were adding up the cost of a commercial gym you can add in transportation. I did the math for me to go a planet fitness it would run me almsot 1000 a year with gas prices
@Goodchicken_lameducks Жыл бұрын
If anything I feel like my overall variety is better at my home gym. Because I'm working with less/limited equipment so I have to do different kinds of exercises I never thought of to make progressions. I have learned so much more on how to maximize the equipment that I have in order to get stronger. In a commercial gym I would get caught up using the same equipment all the time and doing the same exercises because of the machines. In my home gym I have to keep finding ways to make things more difficult whether it is changing angles, cutting out rest time, try to make light weight feel heavier etc.
@hhhgryphon Жыл бұрын
I love my home gym. Just recently I went to a commercial gym to show my 15 yr old what it was like. We had fun using the various machines... when they finally became available. We both preferred the fun of working out at home where we put on the shows we want, joke around and be loud, and can spend as much time as we want when we want doing the exercises we want. Even if my home gym does not have everything, it is where I prefer to train.
@ParaboxGFNR Жыл бұрын
Interesting thought about your kid growing up with a home gym. Good you brought them to a commercial gym so they could see what it was like. I have a 5 year old and soon to be new born, and plan on having a home gym. One thing I don't want them to get handicapped on is "needing" a home gym in order to be physically fit and healthy. I grew up with a pair of running shoes as my only "gym equipment" at times. Later on in school I'd have shared use the highschool gyms and lockers, college, etc. I know its based more on what you impart on them but interesting thought nonetheless.
@beautyofgrace3915 Жыл бұрын
I’ve had my home gym since the pandemic, I must say it felt different working out by myself, but I got use to it. I’m still adding equipment to my gym, but what I like the most, I don’t have to share equipment and whatever I buy I own it love it 🥰
@nyguy5370 Жыл бұрын
I love my home gym. Its my temple. I can do exercises there that I am too self-conscious to do in a public gym. In other words, I am comfortable experimenting and learning, and looking foolish. I have all the equipment that I need, and what I don’t have I can improvise. I do my program without waiting for equipment and without interruption from other gym goers. I can play my music at the volume that I want it at. I can set the lights as high or low as I want. I can workout any time of day or night, and I do not need to drive to get there. I can do curls in the squat rack, I can absolutely destroy myself to the point where I collapse on the floor and lay there for an hour and nobody will ask me if I am done with the rack. All the sweat that has dripped and dried on things is mine. My dog can be there with me. Thats probably enough for now.
@DongusKong Жыл бұрын
For me, building a home gym solved my issue of not going to the gym. PF was always a fight to use equipment, and id sometimes spend an hour just on the treadmill waiting to use a machine, so i stopped going and wasting money. Since i built a home gym, ive worked out damn near every single day
@Kevin-uz6sv Жыл бұрын
Home gym life taught me that I don't need an audience to workout, has increased my consistency and training days(while sick even), and I don't need a huge variety of equipment to get big and strong. Can't imagine going back to commercial gyms
@BasementBrandon Жыл бұрын
Myth #8: Garage Gyms are better than Basements... 🤪
@GarageGymReviews Жыл бұрын
LIES! - Coop
@ArmedBatman Жыл бұрын
Not everyone has garage height in their basement lol because of both of you I have one in my garage and basement now. Where can I make my next gym?
@bmstylee Жыл бұрын
Myth #9. No one like 35 lb plates. #allplatesmatter
@markhalstead2386 Жыл бұрын
Detached home gym is better than both basements and garage gyms. Just a short walk from the front door and I am in solitude.
@MrPanthers23 Жыл бұрын
Basement dwellers > garage gyms. Easily.
@jerrisongibson8823 Жыл бұрын
DO THE TRULAP ADJUSTABLE DUMBELLS !!!!! love the vids def want to see a trulap vs nuobells
@maggiekay7426 Жыл бұрын
Having a home gym is actually harder to “get up and go” because driving, you at least get a different scenery/a routine, where as a home gym is “at your hands” you can go whenever you want. My personal experience
@pwprochazka Жыл бұрын
I have a pretty nice home gym. Cost to date is over $9000 (steel plates and bumpers, rack, multiple bars, dumbbells, treadmill). I use it WAY more than my old gym membership. Like all gear, if you buy what interests you, you will use it more. finding ways to use this gear instead of machines is fun/interesting. The nice part is that my home gear is pretty decent - rogue, ivanko, eleiko, etc. and nobody is screwing it up. oh... and I put my plates away when I feel like it. :)
@NUMBER_74 Жыл бұрын
I'm always amazed how easy it is to talk myself out of taking the 15 to 20 steps to my garage gym to go workout. The struggle is real!
@GarageGymReviews Жыл бұрын
Do not go gentle into that good night - Coop
@tas1424 Жыл бұрын
@@GarageGymReviews *Dylan Thomas
@Graham_A Жыл бұрын
@tas1424 Жыл бұрын
@@Graham_A as someone from Swansea, Wales, I have to protect one of only two famous people actually from my city. 😂
@Graham_A Жыл бұрын
@@tas1424 huh
@calcifires Жыл бұрын
As someone who rents an apartment, my home gym cost less than $1800 and is crammed into a 10x10 room that doubles as my work office. Had to scour the used market and definitely don't have as much space as I want for certain things, but you can get sick gains on a budget, while renting, and without a huge amount of space
@rerrainey Жыл бұрын
Same boat! Awesome! Mine cost the same already had a ton of free weights tho.
@calcifires Жыл бұрын
@@rerrainey hell yeah! i got most of my stuff off the used market and snagged some pretty amazing deals
@SquatFull Жыл бұрын
I train in my home gym with the equipment I designed to add to my power cage, like a pivot leg press machine. Also designed cable systems for my power cage, such as crossover cages with adjustable heights, a cage system for seated leg extensions, and seated leg curls. I use cylindrical roller thrust bearings rather than bushing for rotating parts. The pulley cage systems are 2 to 1 leverage pulley systems. These two features make the equipment function smoothly.
@djgroovyslug Жыл бұрын
I built my gym in my garage after having my son. Getting out of the house for my workout got 4x harder after he arrived and having the gym there for when I can squeeze it in has been incredible. I'm very blessed we had the space and resources for it. And this channel has helped me make it an amazing place to workout!
@Fitforacting Жыл бұрын
Appreciate this channel so much. Thank you Coop and GGR team for consistently pumping out gems ❤
@TheShanehansel Жыл бұрын
Home gym is the way to go, I've spent about 2,200 or so on my setup over the past 3 years, which is more than a commercial gym would have cost over that same period, but I will continue to use those items for years to come, and the convenience factor cannot be overstated here, I get more workouts done knowing I can just go to my basement and smash out a quick workout than I ever would having to drive to a gym. The myth of space is defied at my place, I have about 300 square feet to work with at my place and I have everything that I need, and am able to have a pretty diverse selection of exercises.
@damianross5075 Жыл бұрын
Weights and cardio are the easy part, IT'S THE POOL that takes me to a commercial gym!
@amarh111 Жыл бұрын
Built my home gym for about £500 in 2017, paid itself again and again... When not injured, I'm in there 5-6 days a week and easily have time to spend with my wife, kids, friends and work. Commercial gym I could only do twice a week max... My home gym has been a god send, and it's normalising exercise for my kids - something I never had when I was a kid.
@jm32411 8 ай бұрын
I’ve used and liked both settings over the years. I’m really surprised, though, how hard it is to find a great deal on used equipment. I thought there would be tons of that stuff out there but not so much really.
@FitLabb Жыл бұрын
While I’m still a member at the local commercial gym, I love my home gym. I have all the equipment I need in about 800 sf, & the best part is that nobody will interrupt me there during a workout to ask me training tips or questions. 💪
@stevelufc64 Жыл бұрын
Trained in my front room for 15 years till last year when my wife relented and let me convert the garage ( previously a storage area) and I've never been more enthusiastic I use it 8 times a week religiously never been happier, not a very social person .
@laurence3796 Жыл бұрын
Ouch, the last myth hurt my brain. How is that even possible that people think you can't get big and strong in a home gym?
@frankjohnsen3198 Жыл бұрын
the music is way better in my home gym then any commercial gym 🎸🤘
@mariusbra5919 Жыл бұрын
More important - you don't have to share equipment and wait for it.
@TruthFLA Жыл бұрын
My home gym has helped me miss very few workouts. I'm never going back to the big box gyms.
@viTaDBaD 3 ай бұрын
I think whats made me really decide to start building a home gym is the cost analysis. Ill get my money back in about 3 to 5 years plus ill have the equipment still as well. Being able to do tiny things through the workday is great. The gym tik tok videos accusing men of doing wrong was also a factor.
@DrTopLiftDPT Жыл бұрын
Myth: you will be guaranteed to look like you lift if you get a decked out home gym. Getting 30$ gymnastics rings, a $200 power rack, barbell and plates plus training to failure or close to it plus calorie surplus then you will.
@juancontreras2010 Жыл бұрын
Pre-Pandemic I was going to OrangeTheory Fitness. When everything shutdown, I purchased a Bowflex Treadmill, NordicTrack S22i Bike, Ab dolley, Perfect Push-up, and this past Christmas I got the Bowflex 552 Dumbbells. I workout 3-4 times a week. Each workout avg 1100 calories burned. Since I am pre-diabetic, I changed diet and its working so far. It's all about dedication. Once I hop on the bike or treadmill, the mind power takes over. Then I do the Caroline Girvan KZbin workouts (Highly recommend for at home workouts).
@wh0sthatgirl 9 ай бұрын
The biggest upside to having a home gym for me is not needing to do my hair and makeup to go workout. I definitely work out more frequently due to being able to exercise in a less than socially acceptable state.
@thunderjeep08 Жыл бұрын
Just the shear fact that I cant just go in and do what I came to do makes it worth it. Also if you work from hom its great because I split up my workouts to get activity throughout the day.
@TruthFLA Жыл бұрын
Time travelling back and fourth to the gym is not added into your calculation of how much a gym costs. And it's also not subtracted out of the cost of a home gym. It is my view that the break-even point for a home gym is a lot earlier When you factor in the time savings. I'm traveling to the gym, Getting ready for the gym, waiting on equipment, and driving back from the gym. Also the gym I used to belong to was not a 24-hour gym I use my gym at 4:00 in the morning. That has to be factored in as well
@ParaboxGFNR Жыл бұрын
I think about all the travel and wait time at the commercial gym compared to the gains. It's almost as if I expect to get more from the commercial gym because I had to do so much to accomplish the workout. When if its done at home it feels like you cheated or got the workout on "sale"
@albertfischer8804 Жыл бұрын
I've been building my home gym for over 39 years now. Starting 30 years ago I started giving myself $500 a year to spend on gym equipment figuring that was how much I would be spending to belong to a "real" gym every year.
@markhalstead2386 Жыл бұрын
I built my home gym and use it 5 days a week. My neighbors thought my insulated, climate controlled Amish shed gym was a storage building.
@theshadow6273 Жыл бұрын
I just hate waiting for a squat rack to open up because some inconsiderate person has spent the last 45 minutes doing curls in it. Also at my local recreation center where I used to train they have really dumb rules about dead lifts; if you put the weight down too fast and it makes noise the grouchy receptionist will come give you shit. I built my home gym 4 years ago and haven't stepped foot in the local gym since. Considering the cost for membership fees that I would've been paying had I continued to train at my local gym, my home gym has paid for itself twice over.
@graham1034 Жыл бұрын
The main reason I want to build a home gym is to not have to wait for equipment to be available. At my big box gym we're lucky enough to have 8 power racks but during busy times its still often a 20+ minute wait to get on one of them. Same with getting a bench. Now if only I didn't live in a small apartment with a spouse that doesn't want large gym equipment taking up space. I have a fold-up bench and some dumbbells that allow me to do some work but I still go to the gym most of the time instead.
@James-mr5kb Жыл бұрын
And even if you do wait, supersets are out of the question since it's often impossible to reserve two setups at once.
@andre500o Жыл бұрын
My local Golds gym uses Rogue Ohio Powerbars for Barbells. They have 5 of these. Not all commercial gyms are equal
@Justsomedude64 Жыл бұрын
Just get a Powertec unit and be done with it, free weight lifting with no need for a spotter. I’ve had the Powertec Multi-System and a couple of other of their pieces for 25yrs and it all still looks and functions like new. Heavy duty stuff.
@Strongman_Gimli Жыл бұрын
Not to mention with a simple waiver you can charge family & friends to train with your equipment & it'll pay for itself then some.
@glenrobinson6846 Жыл бұрын
Power rack, barbell, bench , bumpers, pulley, done , dead on video, love my home setup 🙏🔥💪
@flexxgym350 Жыл бұрын
1-I work out 6 to 7 days a week 2- my one arsenal strength cost more then 3k(I have 37k so far in my gym) 3- 16x23 is my gym size. So yes ur right 4-no I have so much to pick from. 9 leg machines in my gym 5- my gym is better then my town commercial gym 6-75% no some days yes 7-lol
@jcoleman924 Жыл бұрын
I did a single month jump back to a box gym just to do some machines and within 2 experiences, I absolutely regretted my decision. The home gym has made working out so much easier. The convenience of not driving/walking and being able to split up workouts through the day... it's limitless how important a home gym can be to your overall health (physical and mental). I'm actually really happy I experienced this because it's been about 4 years since i've been in a box gym and I'm now even MORE grateful for the home gym community. Thank you Coop and so many others who have reviewed equipment and made this possible.
@barrettlamothe3376 Жыл бұрын
Amen brother, amen!
@homerjneil Жыл бұрын
We've always used an extra bedroom or game room for our home gym. I've had a home gym for over 30 years and haven't had a gym membership for 8 years. I'd rather use my setup than even the most extravagant gym. I rarely find people sitting on my bench checking their text messages. No gym has the Ironmaster dumbbell spotting stands that I use. I save tons of time and money.
@SethBeck Жыл бұрын
Number five gets to me. The local Crunch gym has some of the funkiest weight set ups from mismatched barbells and plates (kg for BB, lbs for plates) to racks that are bottom of the barrel useless in terms of j-cups and safety spotter arms. On the other hand, my gym has calibrated plates, IPF and USAPL sanctioned barbells, and a solid rack with over-engineered return rollers and beastly spotter arms. Blessed are the garage gyms.
@gregshock Жыл бұрын
If I remember correctly, Frank Zane trained for the ‘79 Olympia in his home gym, because he liked the solitude and peace of it. Just him and the equipment.
@jae42619 Жыл бұрын
Having to drive to a gym kills my excitement so I could never keep a regular plan. The closest gym to me is also Planet Fitness, which isn't a good gym. At the beginning of last year I decided to use my finished basement to build a gym figuring I could add as I go. I have not missed a workout since. I have a bench, squat rack, tons of plates, dumbells, bars, kettlebells, door pullup bar, a bike and punching bag. I am set for now. My first room is now full and I will expand into the 2nd room down in my basement if I want more stuff later on. It did cost more to get all this stuff, but it is not so bad adding over time. The motivation I have to workout now was worth the price.
@cowboy21745 Жыл бұрын
I have body solid 3,000 and 350 lbs of olympic weight plates and dumbbells from 15 to 50 but I do have Kensui dumbbells thanks to coop and have been working out for about 7 years
@Toogoodtobetrue458 Жыл бұрын
You’re right just because you spent a load of dough on a home gym doesn’t mean you’re gonna use it. How many expensive coat hangers have been purchased every new year.
@dylanowens3173 Жыл бұрын
#1 myth that you need to listen to a youtuber who gets paid to push products #2 that you need buy new, that old products are junk #3 that you need a squat rack system #4- refuse to look at powertec.
@richardjennings4685 Жыл бұрын
I am a personal trainer at my local ymca and I have convinced them to order a rogue Ohio bar and Ohio power bar as well as an elitefts power bar. They also ordered an SS Yoke bar and a reverse hyper.
@godsgaming5318 Жыл бұрын
Looking big lately👍
@Chuy95jesus Жыл бұрын
Having my garage gym is nice but I much prefer to go to my commercial gym. I like the social aspect of it and it’s not necessarily to talk to other people or be looked at, more so just being in that environment of like minded people
@kft4764 Жыл бұрын
I totally get the environment being a factor in how I'm working out. When at the commercial gym I'm more cognizant of executing my reps with consistent high effort and not resting too long between sets so I don't hog the equipment. It's the social pressure, which isn't there at home. At home I can take as long as I want and no need to worry about looking lazy. Doesn't work out well if I can't find the self motivation on any given day. I still take home gym 100% over commercial gym though. I only still use a commercial gym because I rock climb and there is an attached gym there.
@apuz13 11 ай бұрын
Where I live in Vegas commercial gyms are way too overcrowded. Depending on what time you go obviously but for the most part just too crowded. I would love to have an awesome home gym. Right now. It is not feasible though. I do have a couple of things That are helping me get back into shape though. I have a cheap power tower and an old Total Gym. Was thinking about getting a functional trainer but wife said no.
@sourcefresh8455 Жыл бұрын
Planning to make a home gym in my garage very soon can't wait
@sengaleng88 Жыл бұрын
After I built my home gym I could never go back to commercial. Maybe to a power lifting gym only for the environment.
@g_run_rock5983 Жыл бұрын
Great video on home gyms! Love it!
@matthiassventoest6800 Жыл бұрын
I am 330a/4a guy at my local gym.., and I like it.., but once my kids get older, I will probably build a home gym for them
@alternatephysique9940 Жыл бұрын
Best gains I've ever made have been made in my home gym by myself 90% of the time.
@OptimalTraining Жыл бұрын
Awesome video, Coop!
@Sleeper250 Жыл бұрын
all you need is body weight and 15 and 25 bound dumbbells'
@paepketaylor 10 ай бұрын
How do you keep your garage gym dust free over time? I’m thinking about adding a gym to my garage but I am worried about the dust being in a garage. Thoughts?
@ppx4243 Жыл бұрын
Always use my home gym, tried a commercial gym for a month and hated it, much prefer to workout at home, have been using the same bench for the past 25 years and added more weights as I needed them, made my own trap bar and pulley system for free.
@StonedRambo01 Жыл бұрын
lol @8:33 don't fool yourself Coop. Little granny next door can out flex you on her worst day. She'll hit the back double bicep on her way out after dropping off the homemade chicken noodle soup
@crazeeaz 5 ай бұрын
If you want to train with other people around, just have kids. They're always interested in my progress, they're very encouraging, and I'm always the biggest guy in my gym (for at least the next 10 years anyway).
@GarageGymReviews 5 ай бұрын
Amen. - Coop
@Ericwseed Жыл бұрын
Can anyone help me out with what was that setup at 6:25? Landmine attachment with what pad?
@planetgeo6524 Жыл бұрын
Hey can you do a MAJOR LUTIE review please?
@gregpeterburs4155 8 ай бұрын
Weight training should be like your bodily functions, eating , sleeping , elimination. To me its like being addicted to drugs after 60 years of training
@BeeeHonest Жыл бұрын
I'm waiting for your "stack" to come alive at any moment now!
@scottmiller1446 Жыл бұрын
I love my home gym
@rxonmymind8362 Жыл бұрын
Myth #8 Gym people smell. True. Some have on atomic cologne and you can smell them before seeing them. Fly-bys are the worst causing near cardiac heart failure anyone near Vince the cologne shop. Then you have Suzie armpit with her bottle of underarm deodorant getting on the treadmill four stations away and she's wetter than a janitors mop. She clears out a room. Then there is Sally oil spill swimming laps and you can literally see the oil leaving her body like a wake behind her. I stopped after running into these people and got into home gyms. Life saver. Stay healthy folks. Peace ✌️.
@dustinl7291 Жыл бұрын
If you are ever looking for new friends to help you get rid of your old equipment... I know a guy!!!!
@mizjimenez9764 Жыл бұрын
Where can I find the Olympic bar storage at 1:50 on the rep rack?
@randyweaver6911 Жыл бұрын
Maybe I’m in the minority, but I don’t agree with the first point. I just could not get myself to go to the gym but as soon as I started to build my home gym over a year ago, I’ve used it almost every day. I took about a week off when I went out of town on vacation, I took less than a week off when I tweaked my back, and I took about 4 days off when I moved.
@NoFate247 Жыл бұрын
Home Gyms will run your bank account down FAST! Addiction is a terrible thing :)
@michaelderenne9838 6 ай бұрын
If you have a home gym and enjoy working out youll use it but if you build a gym thinking that will be your solution to being lazy and not going to the gym it won't work and wont be used at least not long after the investment
@ErikBlekeberg Жыл бұрын
$650 seems about right for a membership on the average. The travel and time expense is really big though. Hopefully you find a place that's on the way to work or close to home so you don't have to travel super far. Having a home gym frees up so much extra time. It's the same concept as working remote from home. When you remove a commute you now have hours of additional time and you can break up your workouts in a way you couldn't before. Maybe wake up in the morning do some squats and then in the evening you do a circuit and some cardio or something like that. Total freedom. That's something that's harder to factor into the cost.
@grantt1836 Жыл бұрын
If you think about gas and wear and tear on your vehicle from back and forth to gym on top of membership. The cost of a home gym is worth it. And time of your life just spent in the car.
@vdub1955 7 ай бұрын
= 💯💯 Love my home gym❗ Thank Coop❗
@Exodus26.13Pi Жыл бұрын
"Going to the gym" now seems archaic.
@danielwatkins877 Жыл бұрын
Five years my a#%. I have a great home gym (nice floor, 3 cardio machines, and enough weights to win Mr. Olympia) and haven't spent $1000.
@joshuamartin5095 Жыл бұрын
What is the first piece of gym equipment that you purchased? I’ll go first. Kettlebell
@pwprochazka Жыл бұрын
@istovall2624 Жыл бұрын
Just can't come up with 3/4 acre and 300k$ for an Olympic size pool.
@cw9515 Жыл бұрын
My home gym cost me well over 10 grand and my gym membership has cost me 1/2 that amount in the last 10 years combined 😂
@cw9515 Жыл бұрын
🙋🏽‍♂️ second that 😂 and I still do both
@ejesoriginal Жыл бұрын
You don't have to mess with unwelcome attention, being accused of unwelcome attention, waiting for equipment, dirty sweaty equipment, influencers and their cameras, etc.
@DNL82 Жыл бұрын
I am wondering where I can get one of those chairs. 😂😁
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