Hi Andy, just to say that I've had a few similar occasions when starting an open water swim, fortunately not in an event. I've started doing a warm-up run of a km or so at steady pace before I put my wetsuit on. If the water is a bit on chilly side I'll always try and wet my face & head & get used to the temperature as I think it's connected to that initial shock on your face/head & maybe going off a bit too quickly. In Vichy I leant over the pontoon to wet my face before they had us jump in the water. It wouldn't be a bad idea even going down by the water & doing that before going in the penned area. Just a few thoughts that might help in future. I definitely think the warm-up helps prepare my body for the race, even though I'm having to do it a fair bit before the race start. Great podcast & I wish you well in events this year. Hopefully, I'll see you in Pontevedra 👍