1] get 65 asap .. 2] max faction rank after that .. 3] buy the golden key and then a 710 weapon from the well. You are set until you can assemble the rest of your build for raids.
@Vxerses21 сағат бұрын
Facts easy af
@aParanormalEventКүн бұрын
Honestly just faction armor. It's only 675 but it's bis and will be fine for M2s and under. After that, do daily dungeons a few days and continue your story for heart rune. Brimstone questline has some weapons with runeglass. Getting faction to max is essential for the chromatic seals. Son you might as well focus that and use the armor
@deejay554Күн бұрын
It's absolutelly NOT the best way to get gear. It's pure BS and a trap, it's rng and you will NOT get a good perk from this well. Remember perks > gear score. The BEST way is to get some 675+ GS gear from market with good perks (enchanted ward on armor is a must) and then target SPECIFIC gear and farm it. Do raids. Stop wasting your time on dublons farm, bs well rng and clickbait youtubers like this one.
@dblok_Күн бұрын
Do raid... that's the problem, it's so hard to get in
@deejay554Күн бұрын
@@dblok_ no it's not. Watch any video, learn about the gear that is used there. Build it with use of AH or farm it. You do not need BIS, just make sure you have 5x enchanted ward and a weapon with at least 2 dps perks. There are plenty of guides. Do not expect anyone to allow you into their raid when you can't be bothered with doing some research and preparation. And once again, 725 means shit without good perks.
@jameliofulКүн бұрын
I’ll say that the epic crate is very good to get everyday. I’ll gotten a lot of 700+ that I do use… sometimes you get good stuff and sometimes you get trash… opr crates are very good for gear up to 700 plus the weekly opr with a chance for 725… also m1 and m2 muts… takes time but it does pay off
@martinhidalgo73442 сағат бұрын
yeah its rng but gorgon is so boring, at least gettin it through doubloons makes it more enjoyable and kind of a chase, its not always about getting there fast, pve is boring
@bryon29able23 сағат бұрын
No well of Fortune for me I care nothing about PVP
@ParfaxGaming23 сағат бұрын
@@bryon29able it is good for pve gear as well
@bryon29able22 сағат бұрын
@ParfaxGaming really I never went to Cutlass keys because I thought that was just a PVP area