Well in Mualani's defense Furina IS still recognized as the Former Hydro Archon by a majority of the world, sooo it makes sense Furina would be more attuned with Water than anybody else aside from Little Big Brother Neuvillette (keep in mind it was Furina who found Neuvillette not the other way around, so she's technically older than him.Also Furina maybe Mortal now but that doesn't mean she'll age remember she's a human/oceanid construct aka a Humonculus created by Focalors, NOT the original Hydro Archon, so she'll out live everyone around her the curse she had only made it so she had an immunity to illnesses that mortals normally face and prevent her from aging naturally after all Oceanids live UP too 300-500yrs within that time she'd eventually start looking older..Right now she looks like a young girl but who's to say 280-500yrs from now?)