Georges Brassens - Mourir Pour Des Idées - REACTION

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@lucienderubempre6477 4 ай бұрын
Pas évident de suivre toutes les allusions, même pour certains Français. Quelques exemples : "La camarde" = la mort. "Saint Jean Bouche d'or" = Le prédicateur "Saint Jean Chrysostome" "Les dieux ont toujours soif" = Référence au roman d'Anatole France "Les dieux ont soif" "La mort, la mort toujours recommencée" = Référence au poème de Paul Valéry "Le cimetière marin" : "La mer, la mer, toujours recommencée" etc etc.
@andreannegarant6346 3 ай бұрын
Merci, je ne connaissais pas saint jean bouche d'or. Ma culture chrétienne laisse à désirer. l'éducation athéiste est à la fois une bonne et une mauvaise chose, j'imagine...
@lucienderubempre6477 3 ай бұрын
@@andreannegarant6346 L'essentiel est sans aucun doute d'avoir une curiosité et une ouverture d'esprit toujours vives. Et il semble que ce soit votre cas. Ce qui est tout à votre honneur ;)
@sandre_sandre 2 ай бұрын
@@andreannegarant6346 Pas de panique. Il y a plein d'athées qui connaissent bien mieux la mythologie chrétienne (et autres religions) que bien des croyants.
@franciscouderq1100 Ай бұрын
@@sandre_sandrec’est assez vrai
@jeanmichelmoulin7532 Ай бұрын
Une chanson d'une grande intelligence. Ne mourrons pas comme des moutons emmenés à l'abbatoir par des bergers mégalomane, mais vivons pleinement et mourrons vivant. Merci D.
@benoitl9164 2 ай бұрын
Merci beaucoup re découvre ma culture grâce à toi ❤ It s a real pleasure to watch your react. Thanks a lot 👍
@glambertini4709 4 ай бұрын
Brassens was a Humanist, he lived through the Second World War. What he means is that human interest and discussion should always be prioritized over weapons and death. He's not stupid, he knows that there are things you have to fight for, but... Let's not be too eager to die or kill, most wars are caused by leaders who tell us what and how to think, who send us to die and who will live very, very old. That's what he's saying, in essence.
@natgus1 4 ай бұрын
Hello, I tried my hand at a little translation in English as it is one of my favourite Georges Brassens songs and I think this message is very important as well as being quite ironic. Apologies in advance, it's not word to word translation. To die for ideas, excellent idea, for my part, I almost died for not having it. Because all the ones who believed that, screaming blue murder started attacking me. They knew how to convince me (smirk) and my insolent muse, renouncing her past errors agrees now with them, but with a touch of reserve. To die for ideas, of course, but slowly. Judging that there is no rush, let’s go to the other world taking our time. Because if one hurries, one might die for ideas not valid the following day. And if there is a bitter, desolate thing in this world, is giving back your soul to God and realising that you took the wrong way, got the wrong idea. Let’s die for ideas, of course, but slowly. Actually, the people with golden tongues, preaching martyrdom most of the time prefer to stay alive. To die for ideas, you can say it’s their reason for living, and living they do ! In almost every walk of life (religion, country) you can see some of them getting older than Methusalem. I guess they must think about themselves. Let’s die for ideas, of course, but slowly. Ideas asking of you the supreme sacrifice, all kinds of sects offer you a wide choice. And the question is for the would be victim: to die for ideas, all right, but which ones ? And as they look very much like each other, when seeing them arriving with their blares, the wise man ponders and walks around the grave. Let’s die for ideas of course, but slowly. If a few massacres were enough to change finally everything we would be already in the paradise on earth with all the many heads that have fallen in all this time. But the Golden Age is always postponed. Gods are always thirsty (for blood) and never satisfied. And it’s always death, death, always starting again. Let’s die for ideas, of course, but slowly. Oh you the warmongers, the good apostles, die first and we will follow you. But please let the others live as their life is more or less the only luxury they have in this world. Death is awake enough and don’t need help to handle the scythe. No more macabre dances around the scaffolds. Let’s die for ideas, of course, but slowly.
@pierre.from.france 4 ай бұрын
@pascalschark7875 4 ай бұрын
You can listen the cover in English of Pierre de Gaillande with the band Bad Reputation or the cover of Joe Flood. Brassens have a special rythm for the words which may be cut on the first syllable or the last to give a force to the word or suggest an idea. For instance :"j'ai l'honneur de (Deux) ne pas te de(Deux) mander ta main..." where the sound verse after verse suggest you the idea of a couple In a song that explain us that the couple is killed by wedding. So hard job for traductors how do that in an other language ?
@pascalschark7875 2 ай бұрын
@@natgus1 👍but how it sounds with music ? Have you sing it ?
@ac8907 Ай бұрын
He sings poetry 💮
@galier2 4 ай бұрын
Brassens with sounding S at the end. He is from the south of France where the ends of words are not silent.
@krankarvolund7771 17 күн бұрын
When you say he's a poet rather than a singer, his nickname was "The poet of the song" Le Poète de la Chanson... So yeah, a lot of people recognized that ^^
@cat-zp1hp 4 ай бұрын
pour moi l essentiel de cette chanson c'est ce qu'il dit sur le fait que ceux qui envoient les autres mourir pour leurs propres idées devraient passer en premier mais souvent ceux là vivent très vieux comme mathusalem
@Zyryad 3 ай бұрын
Si tu as des idées qui se rapprochent à Dieu et que tu penses être le seul... les autres sont comment ? Ils ont toujours soif de connerie. Avoir raison c'est donner tord à qq'un. S'en foutre c'est respecter.
@cynthiagauthier8897 4 ай бұрын
From what I do understand Brassens, in this song, is against wars. But not against defending some ideas. " Mourons pour les idées, bien sûr, mais lentement. " = " Let’s die for ideas, of course, but slowly. " You have to live to defend some ideas all our life, because we all are mortals. That is why life is luxury.
@farquetflavien8077 Ай бұрын
Thanks to share this french artist to american people and english speakers. That's great to make know such lyrics to other cultures 🙂. You should add the translate subtitles to you videos. I like your react video about humorist too 😄
@andreannegarant6346 3 ай бұрын
The thing is, he's talking to every team. He's telling all the young people that if old people think their ideas are worth to die for, then they're the ones who should go dying. And by the way, nobody ever dies for freedom. People die so arms dealers can make more money. And he's not saying "don't complain because you are blessed with the luxury of life". He sais to the power full ones who want people to die for their so called ideas, that "life is the ONLY luxury poor people have in this world so PLEASE don't rip them of it". I think you should listen to it again with subtitles.
@krankarvolund7771 17 күн бұрын
That song is about war, but also all ideologies. Brassens was an anarchist, in the sense that he didn't believed in any political ideologies, he thought everyone should just live and let live. As you say, it's really good, until the others start to stop letting you live ^^
@podcasthastings9501 4 ай бұрын
Since there are no subtitles with the translation, those watching your video in the US probably don't understand anything. Especially since the lyrics are complex, subtle, and tragic. The melody is harmless, but the lyrics are harsh. It's a desperate song against all wars and all human stupidities. (Hello from France !!) 🙂
@sandre_sandre 3 ай бұрын
Against religions and other sacred ideologies too.
@podcasthastings9501 3 ай бұрын
@@sandre_sandre Absolutely. And even though the song is old, it remains relevant and topical today. You only have to look at the ravages of Islamist ideology everywhere.
@sandre_sandre 3 ай бұрын
@@podcasthastings9501 Damn relevant!!! As a French, knowing and loving Brassens since I was a child, I tell you that horrors that were made here in the name of religion (Charlie Hebdo, murdered teachers, ...) broke my (our) heart(s). Not only for the victims, but also for all the french muslims that are insulted / humiliated, as human beings, by these murders commited in their names. And this song was screaming in my head. Same when I see what's happening in the "holy land" (oh the irony) for thousands of years, about stupid religious "ideas".
@podcasthastings9501 3 ай бұрын
@@sandre_sandre Most "ordinary" Americans don't know much about Europe, and often nothing at all. I suppose it's sometimes hard for them to really grasp what's going on here, how serious the situation is, and how dangerous the veritable spider's web that Islamists are weaving in our countries is.
@pierre.from.france 4 ай бұрын
Indeed, this song has been criticized for the individualism it advocates. I think that we should not take it too literally, that Brassens is simply saying that if no one wanted to impose their ideologies, everyone would be at peace.
@naama4 Ай бұрын
Vous avez bien deviné, ici idée est dans le sens idéologie, selon Brassens aucune idéologie ne méritent qu'on en meurt. Personnellement je le rejoins, une fois mort, même en martyre, on ne peut plus se battre.
@victorhorta4399 Ай бұрын
Idea come and go but life is unique.
@valaquenta220 2 ай бұрын
Hi man, a small explanation of what this song is about : Brassens is calling out political and religious leaders in general, from the very beginning of our history as a species to today : they're always the ones telling the normal people to go and die for an idea...but are also the least likely ones to do that at the end of the day. Hence the "Let's die for ideologies, sure !!!...But let's take our time (mort lente)". At the end of song, he goes (I'm quoting him) : Ô vous, les boutefeux Ô vous les bons apôtres Mourez donc les premiers, nous vous cédons le pas Mais de grâce, morbleu Laissez vivre les autres La vie est à peu près leur seul luxe ici-bas Which basically means "you the powerful, the political/religious leaders, go ahead and die first if you want to, we'll stay behind...but by god, please, let people live in peace : life is basically the only luxury of the common man".
@victorhorta4399 Ай бұрын
For most people, life is their only luxury.
@andreannegarant6346 3 ай бұрын
OH he's a full on poet, no discution here!
@JeanSarfati Ай бұрын
Dying for ideas, the idea is excellent(...) Dying for ideas, okay... But by slow death along the days, okay... But by slow death along the days!😊 Its written in a tremendously beautyful french language, poetically at the point, kind of gentelness coming from the ages.
@JVFNAF 3 ай бұрын
C'est la 1ère fois que j'écoute cette chanson. Et wow. *ÇA* c'est du parolier!!
@audrikchevalier456 Ай бұрын
’Mourir pour des idees, d’accord, mais de mort lente” , would be ”to die for ideas, ok, but slow death =which mean to die old. Good analyse
@MawattWillis 3 ай бұрын
C'est dur Brassens pour les étrangers (même pour les français), le gars est patient.
@stuarttusspot4769 4 ай бұрын
Brassens was a libertarian/anarchist, so you're right, he was very much against any kind of authority that would force him to fight in a war he didn't believe in.
@crepinhauser5274 3 ай бұрын
left wing libertarian, because in the USA, libertarian is usually more used for the free market advocates.
@stuarttusspot4769 3 ай бұрын
@@crepinhauser5274 Good point, I hadn't thought about it because I was describing his views on things from a French standpoint.
@brunomathon2279 Ай бұрын
"La vie est à peu près leur seul luxe ici bas"
@pastix51 2 ай бұрын
And during WWII Brassens (who was quite young) did not enter the Resistance but he refused to go to Germany for S.T.O. and he had to hide for a long time. He stayed true to himself.
@willybauer5496 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@pictorelle 3 ай бұрын
Hey mec ! Tu nous fait réécouter Brassens ! Je profite de cette occasion pour tenter de corriger ta prononciation. Ce n'est pas Brassin mais Brassenss. Understood ! ;-)
@fabrice9252 7 күн бұрын
Of course my friend, we shall agree that the song can always be taken the opposite way. Brassens is not naive though; he knows that his song is idealistic because he knows that man is not wise and probably not about to become so, judging by the state of the world even today in the 21st century and after all the most horrific conflicts that have punctuated history and continue to do so with death, death always started anew. He knows only too well the greedy, avaricious, even violent and vengeful nature of man. Dying for one's ideas can probably be commendable in certain circumstances, particularly in defensive wars. However, he's right to do this song, in which he invites each of us to reflect, in which he imagines that each of us, each man would be wise enough to take ownership of the message, refuse to follow the master, the tyrant, the executioner, the aggressor, the dictator and refuse to take the weapons. Let's die for our ideas, yes, but preferably with a slow death, that is to say, basically, by favoring as much as possible the combat of ideas rather than physical violence, by favoring as much as possible exchange, dialogue, negotiation and diplomacy, in short by appealing to our intelligence and our heart. In the end, idealistic, yes but nevertheless a deep and great song giving food for thought in the hope, let us dream, that, one day, man shall get better and wiser.
@samhall5212 4 ай бұрын
Hello, that sure is a difficult text. Here is a translation attempt, with some explanations on the allusions : Dying for ideas, the idea is excellent I almost died for not having had it Because all those who had it - Overwhelming multitude - fell upon me screaming to death They knew how to convince me, and my insolent muse Abjuring her errors rallies to their conviction With a hint of reservation, however : Let us die for ideas, agreed, but a slow death Judging that there is no danger in delay Let us go to the other world strolling along the way Because, by forcing the pace, it happens that we die For ideas no longer current the next day Now, if there is one thing bitter and distressing when giving up the soul to God, it is to realize That we have taken the wrong path, that we have got the wrong idea Let us die for ideas, agreed, but a death slow The Saint Johns with golden lips [= a very eloquent preacher] who preach martyrdom Moreover, most often, linger here below Dying for ideas - That's the way to put it - is their reason for living, they don't deprive themselves of it In almost every camps, we see some who will soon supplant Methuselah in longevity I conclude that they must say to themselves aside : "let's die for ideas, okay, but a slow death" These ideas demanding the famous sacrifice, all kind of sects offer lot of thems And the question arises to novice victims : Dying for ideas is all well and good, but which ones? And since they are all alike, when he sees them coming with their big flags [pun on the expression : "je le vois venir avec ses gros sabots" ("I see him with big clogs" = I see him coming a mile away). "Sabots" sound like "drapeau" (flag) that is to say "I see them coming a mile away with their party/country flag"] The wise man, hesitating, turns around the tomb, [another pun on "tourner autour du pot" = "beat around the bush", so "the hesitating man beats around the tomb"] "let's die for ideas, okay, but a slow death Okay, but a slow death" If only a few hecatombs were enough ["hecatomb" is used in both senses of the word : a sacrifice to the gods and a massacre] So that everything would finally change, that everything would finally be sorted out For so many "Grands soirs" ("great evening" : an expression in French meaning the start of a socialist revolution), that so many heads have fallen We would already have paradise on earth. But the Golden Age is constantly postponed [In Greek methology, the Golden Age is the equivalent of the paradise on earth ; "remis au calendes" (postpone to the [Greek ] calends) is another allusion to the Antiquity, the term "Greek Calends" meaning a never-coming date] The Gods are always thirsty [for blood], never have enough ["The Gods Are Thirsty" is a historic novel by Anatole France about the Reign of Terror during The French Revolution] And it's death, death, always starting again, [pun on a verse of a famous poem by Paul Valéry, an author born in Sete, the same city as Brassens : "la mer, la mer, toujours recommencée"] let's die for ideas, okay, but a slow death Oh you, the firebrands ; Oh you, the good apostles ["good apostle" is an ironic expression for someone hypocritically sanctimonious] Please die first : we give way to you [allusion to a historic saying adressed by a French general to English troops at the battle of Fontenoy (1745) : "English gentlemen, please shoot first".] But, for Goodness' sake, let others live Life is pretty much their only luxury here below Because, finally, the Grim Reaper is quite vigilant She doesn't need anyone to hold the scythe for her [pun on the expression "lui tenir la main" ("hold one's hand ") :" To carefully guide one through something"] No more dance of death around the scaffolds Let's die for ideas, okay, but a slow death [You can see that Brassens paints himself as skeptical of any ideologie, whether religious, nationalistic or political]
@cboisvert2 Ай бұрын
You guys who mishears this for "don't fight", get a translation. Google will give you a good enough one (missing out poetry). Bear in mind he writes in a country that has seen half a dozen revolutions, after a war that resulted in a genocide -to get an ideology to triumph - and in loss bringing - another idea to the triumph -. I give you the end: "Oh you the firebrands, oh you the great apostles, die ahead of us, we let you lead our step. But for pity's sake, let the others live, life is just about their only luxury down here. Because the grim reaper is vigilant enough, she doesn't need someone to hold her scythe for her: no more macabre dances around the scaffold! Let's die for our ideas, all right, but of old age, in bed." *No more macabre dances around the scaffold*
@jean-noelthomas 4 ай бұрын
This level of french is not easy to understand .. You need to have a perfect knowledge of pure french.
@mistikdebreizhzion7049 3 ай бұрын
tu pourrais écouter sa aussi : La P'tite Fumée & Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs - Thunderbreizh [Official Video]
@meursault74 7 күн бұрын
Ho man ! Try to get the great George without English subtitles is brave… even if you’re French, you really have to concentrate or listen a couple of times to get it right…
@louisa1253 3 ай бұрын
La complainte des filles de joie, l'auvergnat bro
@feralmario310 4 ай бұрын
Mais de grâce morbleu laissez vivre les autres la vie est leur seul luxe ici bas !
@youtradvostraductions3082 Ай бұрын
I'd like to believe he mostly criticize powerful opinion leaders or ppl in charge telling other to die for their own ideas, than criticizing ppl who decide by themselves whether to give their own life for let's say freedom, country, or other causes.. but your point stands, it sure is ambivalent
@federalisteconstitutionnel 4 ай бұрын
Et oui ! D'accord avec vous ! ... Peut être faut il de bonnes et vrais idées (malgré ce qu'il dit) pour éviter cela ! .... Et les défendre ! ... en responsabilité et toute humilité ... (sans tricher !) Idées fondamentales et/ou sacrés , .... et non idéologiques et/ou opportunistes ! ...
@federalisteconstitutionnel 4 ай бұрын
@@tontonblindlemon merci pour cette belle et profonde réflexion (je m'abonne à votre chaine)
@castorpollux1491 4 ай бұрын
Please listen " la ballade des gens qui sont nés quelque part " A real anarchist song !
@patrice59thomas 3 ай бұрын
Hello ! Your explanation of this song is wrong : a country is not an idea, to fight to defend his country is not fighting for an idea. In this song, I guess Brassens (you can pronounce the final S) was thinking about some crowd-leaders that encourage other people to start conflicts (and then to risk their own live, and lives of any other people) and it may lead to murders. Why do some leaders invite people to die for ideas ? Because they want those same people to kill for ideas. Anyway, I like your videos. Go on this way 👍
@franciscouderq1100 Ай бұрын
Geeez D , elle est sans doute difficile celle là . Lisez le texte cela vous aidera
@yannickgrandjacques6827 20 күн бұрын
Usa on dit bras seins sssss
@krankarvolund7771 17 күн бұрын
Tu dois avouer, c'est déroutant y'a des fois on dit pas le s, y'a des fois on le dit XD
@zorbeclegras5708 4 ай бұрын
The history don't give choice to many poeples. Thinking like this could be also luxury.
@crowblank1 4 ай бұрын
Il y a beaucoup de mots qui ont disparu du language courant ou qui ne sont plus usités... pardon... utilisés😆et je constate, sur son visage, la soufrance de D en essayant tant bien que mal de les décrypter😅. Arrêtez de martyriser ce pauvre homme quoi; soyez humains ! Proposez-lui, je sais pas moi, heuu🤔... "le zizi" de Pierre Perret tiens😆.
@eliseprevost2233 4 ай бұрын
le" zizi" de Pierre Perret est une brillante idée j'y avait déjà pensé et d'ailleurs le répertoire de Mr Perret lui serait bénéfique aussi 🤣😂
@pierre.from.france 4 ай бұрын
En plus il y en a des Brassens sous-titrés, j'en ai quelques-uns en stock...😏
@marjofrance83 4 ай бұрын
@@pierre.from.france Propose !!!! Le Testament , si tu l'as , devrait lui plaire
@pierre.from.france 4 ай бұрын
Oh t'inquiète je n'arrête pas de proposer, c'est moi qui ai lancé la série Brel et Brassens 🙂 Pour l'instant j'ai soumis Le gorille et Bancs publics, il y en a d'autres à venir. Le testament j'aime beaucoup mais pas vu en sous-titré...
@marjofrance83 4 ай бұрын
@@pierre.from.france Il devrait comprendre , en tant que Sétoise ; j"ai un faible pour La Supplique et Les Copains d'abord; ce dernier existe en sous titré. sinon Crowblank peut s"en charger, dés qu"il a fini de traduire Sardou et que la saison des apéros tardifs sera passée !! Crow, si tu me lis , je te propose de traduire, un de ces jours, Monsieur Le Président de France; il pourrait appré écouter Les Ricains dans la foulée.... 🥰
@henrybrouwer88 4 ай бұрын
decibel outdoor 2024👊
@sarkopek9138 4 ай бұрын
Oh papi Mougeot, c'est la chaîne des vieux ringards ici, qui demande ça? Il a le même âge que son chanteur, non? 🤣😂
@pierre.from.france 4 ай бұрын
Une ancienne antienne vaut un son neuf dans son œuf.
@ambrenuance462 4 ай бұрын
Encore de la vieillerie de grands-parents qu'il se farcit le pauvre!
@castorpollux1491 4 ай бұрын
Tu préférerais Jul qui n'a rien a dire ? Oui ç'est vieux mais ça reste un monument de la chanson française avec du sens.
@ambrenuance462 4 ай бұрын
@@castorpollux1491 Oui c'est VIEUX et reste un VIEUX toi aussi comme ta bande de vieillards de maison de retraite! Il en rien à fiche vous l'ennuyeux avec vos vieilleries! eh non je n'écoute pas JUL, changez de disque un peu dans vos réponses!
@morphilou 4 ай бұрын
brasseNS est un vrAI genie terme tres souvent galvaudé auJ personne je dis personne ne vaut 10% de george
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