Thank YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR YOUR MIGHTY WORD YOU give us through Yoni. No weapon that is formed against Yoni and your family shall prosper, IN JESUS CHRIST's HOLY NAME. I PRAY AMEN.
Ye hulume Kristine teyake New Ye zegeye melse hieowtene yazelale!! Ene zyalhu engdehe be ergina zemene kale beka mtrbeke New mene amarache ale ke geta wechi??
Hallelujah, thank you Jesus. Yes this is my life what I am passing through right now..glory to be God what ever is happen its happened for reason hallelujah. God time is the best for the best time thank you Jesus. God bless you more with his wisdom and understanding of God heart in Jesus Mighty name Amen. I love you with all my heart I can see you are really anointed I will see you soon.. You are planted in my father house in the Lord. I love you Lord for this your amazing wisdom and grace that you give him ...I connected too in Jesus Mighty name Amen
@tamibekel70282 жыл бұрын
D። ጵ. Cጽ። ዝ። c። v. c. ዥ። c። ዥ። ዥ። ጭ c። c ጭ v. C. C. hc ጵ። ጭ። v. ዝ ዝ. V h c. C. C. H. ዝ። ጭ። ጵ። ጵ። ጵ። cጵ. ዝ። vጭ። ዝ። ዝ። c. C. V. H. C c. V b c. C. C. ዝ. ዝ። ጵ። cc b። ጵ። cc. Cc. ጵ። ch. V. H. C c። vc. C. V. Vh. C ዝ ጭ። ዝዝ። ዝ። c. ጭ ጭ። cc. C h ጭ ዝ ዝ ዝ ዥዝ ዥ። ዝ። ጭ። ጵ። ዥ ዝ። ccc h vv. Vh ዥ። ጵ። ዝ ዝ። ዝ ጭ። ጵ። ጵ። c hh. C. V. V. Cዝ። ዝ። c ዥ ዥ። vv። h. H. ዥ። ዝዝ c። c. H. ጵ c h ዝ። ጵ c b. C። ዝዝዝዝ። ዝ ዥ h ጭ። ዝ። c። c h. H ዥ ዝ. C h ዝ hዥ። ጵ ጽ h ዝዥ. ዥv። h። h. H ዝ c c. ዝ cvc ዝዝ h h. ዝ። chv። ዥ cc
Oh LORD I can't thank you enough!! how great, Merciful, and kind you are!!! thank you for speaking to me through this blessed men!!!
@EmuG-u8g2 ай бұрын
Praise to God all his program is happening by him in to my life, am complain instead am praise to him, praise praise praise to God that all I have, God bless all nations
Ayzoh white, enem endeanchi eyalku new, yemiyalfibet yiredal. segan betirs nelsen ye Getan fit mefelegun Andrew, ke ersu west enhedalen hulu le bego new, Geta tsegawn yabzalish.