My Dude, I appreciate your thoughts and viewpoints, thanks for the video! Rivers of Gold is a great game, absolute beautiful and some really good, fast paced game play, I honestly am looking forward to play it more. Arcs is still a favorite of mine, but I completely feel your criticisms are justified. I agree in disliking the actions per player turn being so limited because of the suit and pips system on the action cards; I also think that the initiative system is not great, especially since only one person can basically take initiative per turn, making it become a runaway for one player after enough tilting of the balance. I have yet to do a proper 4 player game with the leaders and lore cards, and there are suggestion from the designers for competitive rule changes, i.e. having 2 separate discard for face up and face down cards, so that any players ability for card counting is lessened. Looking forward to more reviews, man.