I miss Sonny and Jason & their relationship always having each other's backs
@MitsukiSakura14 жыл бұрын
i love what Jason said about Sam :)
@Leshysing0914 жыл бұрын
I love what Jason said about his and Sam's relationship! And I'm glad that Sonny told Jason that as soon as the danger is over he will take Brenda out of the penthouse!! That would be an GREAT idea because then Jason and Sam can have some time to themselves!!! And I love the advice that Sam gave to Patrick because him and Robin just need to let it go and move on with their lives!! Leave Lisa in the past!!!!
@mimiJasamLover14 жыл бұрын
LOL at the black stockings over Jason's chimney. Those must be Jasam's. haha Loved Jason talking about Sam with Sonny. Thanks for posting so quickly.
@MitsukiSakura14 жыл бұрын
jason is so sweet. great jasam scenes today:)
@thinkingless14 жыл бұрын
Jason talking to Sonny about Sam - Nice! Loved Sam's jacket and that she was not in all black. She looked very pretty. Must be unseasonably warm in upstate NY because some folks are walking around in lightweight jackets. And Jason of course never gets cold, except when he's injured. LOL. I don't know about Sam and Patrick being friends but I would like him or Robin to hire Jackal & McCall to investigate Lisa.
@shelbysebold70295 жыл бұрын
Jason was lucky to get second chance with sam there mint to be to together
@dontworrybehappy4414 жыл бұрын
I am the only one who wants Sam and Patrick to be friends??? I really like the idea of that, just sayin lol
@bettyboop905 жыл бұрын
They became much more than that, they fell in love & almost got married.
@vanessasonson3866 жыл бұрын
Anyone realize that breanda called jason baby lol baby did you see my cell
@bettyboop906 жыл бұрын
Yes I thought that's what she said then I was like nah why would she be calling Jason baby, mistake ??? Huh lol
@mfatimazora14 жыл бұрын
Sam looks like she is pregnant in real life. She has been looking really radiant lately. I think that is why they may be writing a baby for Sam in the story line. If you notice, Sam has been wearing a scarf and loose blouses. After they started to hide her pregnancy, I was able to pin point why she has been looking so radiant . This is the first time I was able to guess if a woman was pregnant just by looking at her face.
@bettyboop904 жыл бұрын
Kelly is small but I think she always had a little bit of a stomach. She said she was pregnant once but lost the baby I think that was before she came on GH.
@mfatimazora4 жыл бұрын
@@bettyboop90 Thank you for you input.
@JadeRabbitPoundingElixir14 жыл бұрын
okay im on my phone right now as i write sp may be wrong, but as in real life second chances happens. liason wants to belive tat when a person does something wrong to another person child their not susposed to be forgiven. Sam yea did something wrong but as my motto go even though what she did.was wrong, I cant say it wasnt right either. Jason and Liz both acted like selfish gradeschool kids fighting for the last gram cracker when all jason had to do was follow his heart.
@ezshorty14 жыл бұрын
@stones14 Because she's doing a Hallmark movie.
@tamilmahal114 жыл бұрын
@dontworrybehappy44 i meant to click thumbs up...sorry!
@ezshorty14 жыл бұрын
@dontworrybehappy44 The only problem with that is, She's HOT, and Patrick has a tendency to "stray" as he put it. I don't trust him with any women, left-alone an incredible hot, capable, armed and extremely dangerous one. JMO.
@ezshorty14 жыл бұрын
@tenpointoh1 I couldn't agree with you more. She grosses me out no matter who she's with.