GH 9/18/2023 | Esme & Greggory

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@BSMART18 Жыл бұрын
I really wish GH would stop trying to make viewers feel compassion for a sex offender. Amnesia doesn’t absolve Esme of her crimes. Her “redemption” isn’t earned.
@amusicfan25a21 Жыл бұрын
I think that the powers that be gave up on Esme and her character development months ago because otherwise she wouldn't have to bring up being Ace's Mom in every conversation that she has with everyone that she talks to.
@blee5669 Жыл бұрын
I think they did something similar with Nelle prior to her demise. Also I'm 99.9% sure this girl is faking her amnesia. They're just trying to get people comfortable around her before she starts reeking havoc again.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
Amen, I agree with you. Tired of her and so many are complaining about her to GH. She needs to go.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
@@amusicfan25a21 Write her a story away from Trina & Spencer. GH thought we would feel sorry for her, no way, she is still the same Esme, (evil and a bad seed). She is slamming that folder on the desk. She is pissed at Spencer and found out that they are not the happy little family she thought they were. Esme had Spencer, she dumped him and went to bed with his daddy and had Ace. Now she wants him back, he hates her and do not trust her at all.
@amusicfan25a21 Жыл бұрын
@marshagreen9759 Esme is a young woman who isn't really given much to do or much direction in her life, being Ace's Mom has become Esme's whole life in my opinion. Esme has no friends and doesn't even have much interaction with people who aren't part of the Cassadine family and so in my opinion Esme has been written into a corner with no way out and has been isolated for months.
@jf-ic9tz Жыл бұрын
“so much for family” girl you screwed his dad because your daddy asked you to
@loulou-fx9fu Жыл бұрын
@blee5669 Жыл бұрын
And she wanted to hurt Spencer because of his feelings for Trina. She doesn't know how to handle rejection.
@nfgc86 Жыл бұрын
This is where other soaps would shine. Bc a character like Esme would’ve been told about herself on Days of our lives. But gh wants to treat her like she didn’t intentionally get pregnant by his father…choices.
@blee5669 Жыл бұрын
The girl is delusional.
@goodmusiq3539 Жыл бұрын
@@nfgc86I’ve always said Days of Our Lives is better when it comes to storytelling, character development, and holding the audience’s attention. Esme could be such a great villain with a complex background if GH would write her better.
@ariajohnson4665 Жыл бұрын
Girl ace is the only family u need.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
She wants Spencer and his body and money. Trina just wants Spencer and not asking for anything but his love.
@keepitreal3479 Жыл бұрын
She's still the same person at the core. I don't like how she says Trina's name. She still eavesdrops on conversations, snoops around, has an issue with Spencer's relationship with Trina. Why is she so concerned about Spencer. He's been with Trina the whole time she's had amnesia. He doesn't make it a secret. She sees that he's all about Trina. Just because he's helping her out with his brother and being cordial to her doesn't mean all is forgiven or forgotten. Did Spencer ever tell her these things? That he saw her as family. No, her delusional behind just started making it up in her head and deem it to be true. Dismissing the fact that he has a girlfriend because it's all about what she wants and how she feels. I really don't believe this is a legit redemption arc for her but they need to get to it already because this amnesia version of Esme is not it. The actress is good but her portrayal of "good" Esme has been boring. They need to move forward with showing her true evil colors and enough with this whiny, annoying, poor little me nonsense they got her doing
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
@keepitreal3479, go back and look at the old videos, with Esme, Spencer, and Trina, she says Trina's name the same way. She is back and never lost her memory. Esme is sly like a fox and slick like Rick, Esme does not like how Spencer treats Trina compared to when she was his girlfriend. Spencer never told Esme that they were a family, he treated her with respect and that is all. When he is around Esme, he acts like Dam, another day being around her, it shows all over his face. When he is around Trina away from Laura's place, he is so free and smiles the whole time she is in his presence. The redemption arc for Esme is a train wreck, it is not working, and GH knows it. Fans have complained and the other networks are wondering when this couple will have a date. This actress is good at her job but to me, she is the bad seed, movie back in the 1950s, please check it out. One thing Esme never loved Spencer, but she saw he had fallen deep in love with Trina, it pissed her off, and why? She told Ryan, that she had Spencer just where she wanted him. She also said in the lovemaking dept he was more of a boy than a man, not like his dad. Now she wants him, she hates Trina, and she will do anything to keep him away from her. Good Esme is cracking, and it shows all over her face, she has been acting like she has forgotten, to stay out of jail. When is GH going to get it? Ratings have dropped since Esme is in Spencer & Trina's orbit and when they are on, they go back up. GH brings Esme in to help her get ratings and use SPRINA, shame on you GH.
@a.m.lindsay2900 Жыл бұрын
@@marshagreen9759 I saw the movie "The Bad Seed" you are so right that Esme is a bad seed, in fact the bad seed reincarnated, I never saw another character on a soap so evil until Esme came along (forgot about Uncle Victor) like the way and agree with your entire explanation also liked that you gave Esme props as an actress because she plays her part, but I am so tired of this storyline, it is getting boring but most of all annoying
@yayadolmo Жыл бұрын
They keep saying and trying to push that she is Family. Ace is the family not her. Yessss, she is the go to to Ace until Ace can reach out to fam himself but the "relationship" is just to "drop" off Ace. Get it together GH
@nfgc86 Жыл бұрын
“I was finding more work to do bc I didn’t want to go home yet”…ma’am, you were snooping through Alexis’s office again, but ok… She knows what she did to Spencer and his loved ones…And what’s disturbing is I believe the show thinks they’re doing a good job of showing her as some “new esme”. But she’s unapologetic and entitled. They write her as someone who blames her victims and weaponizes their emotions against them to gain sympathy from outside parties. And lastly, I don’t care how many times gh wants to use Ace as some through line to calling Esme family, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Does the show understand they wrote her as an abuser to Spencer? I need them to go back and watch the scenes they did where Spencer accuses her of making of the tape when he’s in spring ridge. Her reaction is straight out an abusers handbook, but they want the audience to buy into this faux family bs. Gtfoh….
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
Red flag #2 Esme is lying, she was lurking around like she did when she was dating Spencer. Red flag #1 was she got caught by Spencer & Alexis when she dropped those papers. She had a guilty look that smelled like poop and Spencer's look said it.
@user-dx6qu5gr3f Жыл бұрын
Yes the fans hasn't forgotten how horrid this character Esme is !!! Writers go back and freshen your memory bank she's the most vile disgusting sneaky slithering snake character that you've created to
@user-dx6qu5gr3f Жыл бұрын
To finish writers you've created that disgusting character to destroy people the Cassadine's other people along the way to get to Ava , Joss ,Cameron , Trina ,the guy that sold her the burner phone ! Esme has been rewarded good for her evil deeds not fair ! Sure there are some that need to pay for the wrong they've done, but she's pure EVIL !!!!
@nfgc86 Жыл бұрын
@@user-dx6qu5gr3f Thank you. They created this character to be pure evil. Arson, revenge porn, attempted murder (Oz), gleefully hateful/drugging(Trina)…and gave her not one, but two serial killer bio parents…They should’ve just embraced her being a psychopath and let that ride out. I’ll say it for the 1000th time, amnesia and a baby do not make everything ok. No matter what Laura and Alexis say. Because I’ve known some monsters in real life and many have had children 🤷🏾‍♀️
@goodmusiq3539 Жыл бұрын
It’s crazy how Esme is talking about “so much for family” when her deranged family literally instructed her on how to infiltrate the Cassadine family unit and wreak havoc in Port Charles.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
@goodmusiq3539, plus Esme didn't think about how Sasha felt when she lost her son. Esme locked her and Gladys up in the dressing room thinking it was Trina & Joss. Sasha was pregnant with Brando's son, and he found them. Sasha was almost due, and she freaked out and went into labor and later lost the baby. No one knows about this, but GH and the fans. She was sent to destroy the Cassadine family and make sure Ryan would get Ava back. She even said Spencer was more a boy than a man in the love-making department. Why does she want him back? No redemption for her in my book. She must repent and she has not done that.
@goodmusiq3539 Жыл бұрын
@@marshagreen9759 exactly ! They want Esme to be absolved of her crimes just because she has amnesia but her crimes are very much real whether she can remember them or not. She never really showed contrition or took accountability. She uses Ace as an excuse for why she shouldn’t go to jail. And she continues to separate herself from her past actions. Anytime someone holds her to task she brushes it off like her victims should just move on.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
@@goodmusiq3539 That's the word (accountability), she told Portia she was sorry for what she did to Trina. Her crimes were very serious, but Laura, Kristina, Alexis, and Gregory were trying to comfort her. It makes Esme think, I am a good mom and why can't the others accept it. I do not like that she is using Ace to make people feel sorry for her. Trina is nervous around her; you see it in her body. GH should never have put her back into Trina's & Joss's orbit, they were victims.
@goodmusiq3539 Жыл бұрын
@@marshagreen9759 I don’t remember her explicitly telling Trina “I’m sorry for what I did”. She likes to put that on the old Esme but that’s you not some split personality. It’s weird that people stay capping for her. Is she a good mom? Yes. But is she a horrible human being? Yes. Gregory, Alexis, and Laura expect people to take it easy on her but how are her victims supposed to feel? They never got closure, she never went to prison, she’s walking around free as a bird being catered to …using that baby as a shield for why she can’t face punishment. Even with the whole amnesia thing she still don’t like Trina. She always awkward or eavesdropping anytime they in the same room. I just want her to move around already :/
@lexi6797 Жыл бұрын
How can Gregory see her for what she is now, when he didn’t know her beforehand? 😂 I like the actors, though
@nfgc86 Жыл бұрын
Right? 😂. Like, why is this girl looking for absolution from someone who had no clue who you were when you were lighting cars on fire and drugging ppl? And even now, he’s run into you a few times at your job…gh really grasping at straws with this.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
@@nfgc86 Esme also sent that information on Anna earlier on the first day of work that got her fired. Gregory had to clean that up but it was too late.
@nfgc86 Жыл бұрын
@@marshagreen9759 See. Alexis keeps saying she a good worker. Where? Lol. Because even in the previous scenes about the payroll, the only reason she has to rush it to accounting is bc she forgot…I’m convinced they have no clue what to do with her if she not lurking behind a rock or hurting ppl.
@yassinkoumaneh8288 6 ай бұрын
Uh ever heard of the media?😂
@darkcrazybeautiful89 Жыл бұрын
…..Sorry am I supposed to feel sorry for this chick cause that’s never happening.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
Never, never ever will feel sorry for her, she does not think she is wrong. She did wrong also to Sasha and her losing her baby.
@kisewa Жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting Esme’s scenes. I just love this actress and hope they do more with her character and not waste her talent.
@amusicfan25a21 Жыл бұрын
I think that the powers that be gave up on Esme and her character development months ago. Avery is talented and should have no problem finding work on another soap opera where she won't be just a one-note character.
@sammac3508 Жыл бұрын
Esme and Gregory have longer scenes than Spencer and Trina...SMH... All this support they're giving Esme is driving me crazy.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
GH is trying to convince us fans that Esme has really changed and she has not.
@LeanneChristian-ob2pb Жыл бұрын
I think esme thinks because spencer went to parenting classes with her and has helped out so much with ace that somehow he would leave Trina and be a happy little family with her. However that is not happening and esme needed a wake up call that Although she thought there would be a her spencer and ace there is not. Spencer and esme would never work out as a couple for one they both have psycho in both of their families. Two esme has been with Spencer’s father and claims the baby is his I don’t see how these two could ever have a normal functional relationship with these bizarre circumstances they both have.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
@LeanneChristian-ob2pb, Spencer has convinced Esme so much that he is a family man for Ace and her. He has done everything for Ace, but she was included because she stuck to him like Elmer's glue. If Spencer was dumb enough to go back with her, all he would see was his dad on top of her or her on top of him. Esme also thought since they took family photos of the three, they were an instant family. That look that Spencer gave her was beyond chilling, it was cold. Trina keeps Spencer grounded and gets on him, but he said that he likes that about her.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
Question? Why does Esme think that Spencer should see her and Ace as his family? One thing if he is Ace's big brother, Ace would be his family and not his Ex-Esme. Spencer told Esme a few weeks ago he is worried about Trina and what is going on with her family, maybe she didn't get the hint. Spencer is Trina's boyfriend, and Trina is his girlfriend. Everyone recalls what you did and that is dam hard to forget, you were evil, mean, and cruel and you didn't try to make friends, only harm them. You never said you were sorry to Trina after you gave her 2 of those dangerous drug pills and giggled about it. I would not trust you with a long-handled spoon and do not feel sorry because you are a mom.
@a.m.lindsay2900 Жыл бұрын
Esme keeps saying how no one will forgive her for the way she was before her fake amnesia, I always thought the offender apologized to their victims, then move forward trying to be a better person, I never saw her apologize to Trina yet, my gosh she tried to have her sent to jail, then exposed Cam and Joss's most private moments together, not to mention what she did to Haggerty, and the list goes on, by the time Esme finishes with her apologies, Ace will be in Per-K (school)
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
@a.m.lindsay2900, you are 100% correct. Esme apologized to Portia but not to Trina. She is playing everyone to stay out of jail. She also caused Sasha to go into labor and lose her baby. Esme thought she was locking up Trina & Joss and it was Sasha & Gladys. Brandon found them and Sasha was freaking out and went into labor. Nobody knows she did that, not Trina, Joss, and the other ladies that were there. She also set Ava's car on fire, drugged her foster parents, and caused them to get killed in a car accident, something to do with her inheritance. I know she is a good actress but GH dropped the ball on her with that drugging of Trina and Oz.
@a.m.lindsay2900 Жыл бұрын
It seems as though the old Esme is trying to break out of that fake person she is pretending to be
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
She broke out when she slammed that folder on the desk and dropped those pages. Spencer knew it.
@marissalangelo Жыл бұрын
#LMNN Esme was nice to Gregory I'm glad tht he was giving her advice
@shanaimarkland7517 Жыл бұрын
Ew😂 lavender ice cream yuck 🤮
@girliusmaximus Жыл бұрын
LMAO I said the same thing!
@phillippacooper2051 11 ай бұрын
I hope Esme would genuine apologize to her victims. Then continue on her journey to become a better person and a great mother. I wish they would help her build a good friendship with someone that understands her
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