DA:I Mosaics {Lore/Theory - Spoilers All}

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Ghil Dirthalen

Ghil Dirthalen

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@LenaVoices 2 жыл бұрын
Every friend group has one, which are you? - Eyeball - Ballgown - Big Staff™ - Trident - F E E T - Two guys in the air
@dpme3fan193 2 жыл бұрын
Had a thought. Corypheus tells a qunari inquisitor that their race was a mistake. Now here's where it gets a tinfoil hat worthy. In inquisition after you kill your first high dragon, Iron Bull mentions that he felt a primal or instinctive connection to the high dragon. That he felt its raw power. In the same conversation, he also mention that the qunari were originally desended from the kossuth. And that they have changed alot since then. Here where it gets interesting. Iron Bull states that there's a rumor that the qunari as they exist now have dragon blood in their veins. I always play en elf mage so I didn't know about corypheus comments to the qunari inquisitor. What if the ancient magisters experimented on the ancient kossuth & infused them with dragon blood? Maybe they thought the qunari would make better sacrifices that way? Also, the qunari seem very focused on destroying teventer. What if the invasion was the qunari coming to get revenge on tevinter for abducting experimenting on the qunari? Also, a side note, Cassandra mentions that some dragon hunters in family's past drank dragons blood to give them an edge against dragons and that it caused their tempers to go outta control & that in some cases extreme mutations to the point that they were barely recognizable as having been human. I believe in the lore, that until the qunari philosopher koslun created the qun, the qunari had a similar problem with their emotional control. Which could link back to having dragon blood in their veins.
@wouter2750 2 жыл бұрын
I like your theory. While watching this video and seeing them in the slave ships I also remembered that they have pointy ears just like the elves. So maybe the first qunari are enslaved elves which were forced to drink a bunch of dragon blood to become strong brutes which weren't meant to get smart. (that's why they were rowing the boats) But they did get smart somehow and revolted against their masters, therefore Corypheus saying that their race is a mistake. Another one of my theories is that they are linked to Mythal. Since Flemeth's hairpiece in DA2 and Inquisition very much resembles the qunari horns like the Arishok has in Dragon Age 2. So what if.... this goes back even further to the old elven gods which turned elves into qunari. Maybe Mythal or Solas freed them from their chaotic nature and made them smart. The process of turning beings into mindless slaves also reminds me of what Corypheus does with the red lyrium. I also think that Corypheus and his magister buddies are linked to the old elven gods. Maybe the spirits of the elven gods that were locked in the fade managed to posses the magisters when they entered the fade. Since the magisters already heard the whispers of "the old gods" from the fade before they entered the fade/golden city. And that's why the magisters turned truly evil. That's how Solas underestimated Corypheus and didn't know he unlocked the secret of immortality and that's why the qunari have a major grudge towards Tevinter. (mice drop)
@jowikari5555 Жыл бұрын
I'm going into little spoilering of Tevinter's Night, so *SPOILERS AHEAD* in Horror of Hormak there is pond made of some silver substance which is capable of making hybrids from whatever it touches. Like the giant centipede and human beings. Also there are paintings telling the story of terrible fate of elven slaves, who most probably belonged to Ghilan'nan, and were brought to thaig with magic pond. Since Evanuris kind of destroyed its own kind way before Tevinter's magisters and there is the story of how Ghilan'nan's gained her goddess status (by erasing or banishing monsters she created because they were too untamed even for other gods) it may be the root of "invention" of Qunaris as an another of Ghilan'nan's experiments.
@WinteringHeart 2 жыл бұрын
It was only when you started coloring in the figures depicted in Invasion that I noticed something. “Ballgown” has a headdress that looks VERY similar to the weird winged statues we see as far back as Origins. I think they’re supposed to be Mythal, maybe? Also “Feets” looks like he’s wearing a peculiar headdress. And both of them remind me of the “sun” and “moon” figure from the Dragon Age 4 mural. Weird.
@codsamanta 2 жыл бұрын
I think the fact that they are so vaguely carved and we get so little information about them is what makes them absolutely brilliant. Think about the real life. If archaeologists discover some ancient murals in a tomb for example, experts would analyze them logically as much as possible and after that they would begin to speculate and come up with all sorts of theories, but with no way of knowing the truth. It makes them seem like more than just a collectible in a videogame. That's some incredible world-building.
@maxiumg4542 2 жыл бұрын
"Eyeball" is High Priest of Lusacan (Moon-head) - "The Watchman of Night" . "Ballgown" is High Priest of Razikale (Beetle - actually a Qunari Sacrifice) - "The Augur of Mystery". "Feet" is High Priest "Architect of the Works of Beauty". I was almost certain that you would recognize the Architect by the robe and narrow horns on his hat.
@Felsenkeks 2 жыл бұрын
Shouldn't that be the other way around? Moonhead is the female shaped one in the DA4 promo.
@Sk8erGal55 2 жыл бұрын
first of all: love this video. love your youtube channel. my go to for all my nerdy dragon age needs :) hope ur doing well. second of all: not sure if this is useful or completely irrelevant but for the invasion mosaic, concerning the “eyeball” dude, the codex entry for “constellation: visus” found in the jaws of hakkon dlc talks a little bit about the origin and symbolism of the eyeball and the sword we now associate with the inquisition/chantry/seekers. according to the codex the ciriane and alamarri peoples associated it with the eye of the lady of the skies and was later adopted to represent the maker’s eye when andraste did her thing. since you noted that these moasics are older than previous inquisition maybe the eye has connections to pre-andrastian symbolism?? maybe you can connect the dots if there’s something there, because my brain kinda went uhhh… when thinking about how the lady of skies had anything to do tevinter history.
@damvid21 2 жыл бұрын
Considering Andraste was born the same year Dumat died, maybe they are connected and that symbol was actually Dumat's first. Perhaps Andraste carried the soul of Dumat and he concocted "the Maker" to promote his own agenda. Perhaps Dumat passed to Hessarion when he killed Andraste, and that was why he suddenly became a follower of the Maker. If that is the case, then who carries Dumat now? Perhaps Dumat = Mythal, and Flemeth was the most recent vessel for him/her/it. Perhaps all kinds of shit!
@sveipr 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this Caitie! Even after 7 years (dear god....) of playing Inquisition and collecting these mosiacs, I could never make out what the actual mosiacs are depicting cause they're so hard to see in game lol
@elenadambrauskaite6656 2 жыл бұрын
So basically the 7 figures is a repetitive pattern here. In at least 3 of the mosaics (freed are the slaves, the archdemon, invasion). Aaaaah, I want to know the backstory! 😁
@jess-es9rq 2 жыл бұрын
is it just me or in the invasion mural, does feets look suspiciously like moonhead from the da4 concept art? it looks like that figure has some horns and similar legs shapes down the torso 👀
@Avenray19 2 жыл бұрын
I thought the same thing!
@BenkaiDebussy 27 күн бұрын
I think it's important to keep in mind that Gatsi is making his own assumptions here about a lot of things. Like he thinks the artist added the Elven bits, but what if they were there all around? IMO that mural is basically evidence that the "Golden City" is Arlathan in the Fade - that's why it has Elven characteristics (and a lot of stuff associated with Tevinter is probably derived from Elven architecture itself, since the Tevinters basically scavenged the remains of Elven civilization).
@HannahLLeonard 2 жыл бұрын
If the theory that the qunari have dragon blood is true and Corypheus was true about them being a mistake and if Kirkwall really was where everything with the magisters went down, maybe it’s connected somehow?
@HannahLLeonard 2 жыл бұрын
Like if the ritual the magisters used needed however many countless eleven slaves to be sacrificed in order to fuel the magic needed to cross into the fade, maybe the spell could have worked like an atom bomb punching through the veil. It could be that in aftermath of a spell like combined with residual fade energy acted almost like radioactive fallout, mutating living things around the blast radius. Because isn’t it a thing around areas of heavy radioactive fallout in our own world that plants and animals begin to change in response like really quickly and/or abnormally?
@demonking-zm3rs 2 жыл бұрын
Could be connected to that theory of Qunari being Elves given Dragon's Blood. Considering how many Elves were sacrificed they may have failed the first few time. Maybe in the first few attempts they used Human and Elves and thought Dragons Blood would be enough to fuel the spell (may have also been a ritualistic)
@Just_a-guy 2 жыл бұрын
@@demonking-zm3rs ​ @Hannah Leonard Please no. Dont make it into everything is or was elvish. Maybe Tevinter could fck up some of their slaves trying to make army, but they rebel like geth against their creators
@mysticonthehill 2 жыл бұрын
I believe this is something that is going to have relevance in DA4. Time is limited and I suspect the next game is going to impart significant information on the Qunari. Perhaps the reason for their protracted war with Tiventer isn't just geography? That some crime in the depths of time provides the animus? What we do know is the Qunari are very tight lipped about anything that it isn't someone's role to know. Just how many secrets is Tevinter sitting on? I really hope the Magisters Sidereal continue to be a significant element going forward. That sect's flaws, motives and personalities remain very intriguing to me.
@BelieveIt1051 2 жыл бұрын
I think the mosaic is hinting at one of the Magisters Sidereal being female. This is likely how the darkspawn came to exist. This female Magister probably became tainted, then eventually transformed into a broodmother. If I had to guess, I would say this was Razikale's Magister. As I replied in your previous videos, the carving in the Western Approach depicts a female holding a horned skull. The text that goes with it refers to Razikale. So I think that carving depicts Razikale's priestess. This is also why I made that reply about Razikale perhaps not being female, but rather male, and that the Frostback Basin quotes referring to "her" were actually because the voice those worshipers were hearing was Razikale's priestess, not Razikale directly. So I think Razikale was mistaken for female due to Razikale having a female Magister. I theorize this will be revealed in DA4. Razikale is male, had a female Magister who got tainted, and she became the first broodmother.
@christineherrmann205 2 жыл бұрын
I admit that I think they add a lot to Skyhold's decor, but they are such a PITA to fetch. Thanks for the cleaned-up images; so much better! The Vanquished, with Tevinter looking over the Qunari, was one of the things that made me wonder about Tevinter being the ones who might have made the Qunari.
@Makkovar 2 жыл бұрын
Love it when you go in-depth about these minute topics
@phoenixwolf6779 2 жыл бұрын
This month actually marks the 4 yr anniversary of being subscribed to you!
@astyandelacroix8001 Жыл бұрын
Hmm. Pretty sure that someone would have mentioned it by now, but the chipped mozaic with seven figures may well represent the Magisters piercing the veil. Kind of fits with the number of people. Seven High Priests, going up into the sky (And Inquisition shows that the Breach occurs, well, in the skies). The dalling buildings may be the result of the Magister's Breach (much like Temple was in Inquisition). Interestingly, that would mean mosaics were made by someone who was at least knowledgeble of how it all went down - if not by witnessing it, then by being close enough time-wise where it would still be "hot news"
@AulisVaara 7 ай бұрын
I hope Ghil Dirthalen sees this. If you can bring this to her attention, please do so. --- A couple years late, but "Sacrifice" is about killing Mythal. There's seven people apart from the "sacrifice" and the sacrifice used to have horns, maybe like Flemeth had horns. There's no story about the magisters that has a single iconic murder, but there is for the Evanuris. We can make the same obvious extrapolation about "the archdemon". There are seven crowned figures killing a dragon god, and if you interpret that as seven magisters killing a dragon god, that's just not an event in Thedosian history. We do however know of seven Evanuris killing a dragon goddess. That's two of the murals that could easily be about Mythal, so that raises the question whether the others are. If the dragon horned people stand symbol for Mythal's people (or did Mythal create the ancestors of the Qunari?), then Freed Are Slaves is about the subjugation of Mythal's people by the other Evanuris (clearly they didn't get all of them, Mythal's temple in DAI was still standing). I'm not sure what to make of the seven being replaced by the three (I figured it out while writing this comment, see below). Very curious detail, which I think is intentionally meaningful. Just not sure what the meaning is. Then we still have Invasion, which does seem to be about ascending to the Golden City, but since the Black City does seem to be related to the ancient Elves as well, which we learned in Tevinter Nights, it may very well be that it is the Evanuris going to find Fen'Harel's weapon. The fall, finally, is about the consequence of Fen'Harel erecting the veil. In the best image I can find, there seems to be elven architecture in the background, and the reason Gatsi can't make sense of the physics is because the physics were supported by the fade before that was taken away. --- In the correct order, the mosaics tell the story of Mythal's murder: The Archdemon -> The Sacrifice -> Freed Are Slaves -> Invasion -> The Fall The story goes like this: The Evanuris slay "the Archdemon," that eighth archdemon represented by the constellation Draconis. That makes Mythal vulnerable in the same way that killing his faux archdemon makes Corypheus vulnerable, so they go to kill Mythal. "Qunari" skulls are there to make that clear (I'll explain some details later). So, having "sacrificed" Mythal the seven Evanuris enslave her people, who are then rescued by the Forgotten Ones, hence why the seven "magisters" (really Evanuris) are replaced by the three (i.e. the number of forgotten ones). Fen'Harel gets pissed and tells the Evanuris there's a big bad weapon in the heavens, which they invade, and then he erects the Veil and the world of the elves comes tumbling down. --- So, some more details: why the qunari skulls and why did Mythal lose her horns? So this is part in lore symbolism and part evolution of stylistic choice. Mythal's people are basically the people of the dragon, since she's THE dragon goddess. Depicting them with horns shows you which people they are actually subjugating. Mythal lost her horn for two main reasons: because they decided not to depict the ancient elves with horns, and they want you to not get too hung up on people having real horns or not while interpreting these mosaics. Second, because without the archdemon, Mythal's dragon goddess immortality powers were interrupted, so she figuratively lost her horns for a bit. Further, in "The Sacrifice" the people who make the Sacrifice have clearly elven noses (iconographically, at the very least - see elven archer statues for an example). And in The Fall, we find the same "The Scream" iconography that we find many times throughout Inquisition. I recall it being related to the elves, but it's been so long since I've done any serious investigation that I'm not entirely certain. There are also details in the explanation of The Archdemon that tell us that someone only pretended to strike at the archdemon, but in reality didn't. How, what, or why is a mystery to me, for now. --- And finally,yes, unfortunately this means that once again everything is about the elves. I don't like it either.
@robbynito 2 жыл бұрын
Okay I know this video is 2 months old, but I just thought of this, but I think that Eyeball is either the Augur of Mystery or the Watchman of Night, Augur being Razikale's and Watchman being Lusacan's. Honestly don't really have much to go on, but considering the imagery of an eye I think it makes more sense than the Forgewright of Fire, or Corypheus. Also considering that augury is somewhat associated with eyes, it kinda makes sense? And Watchman...my train of thought for this one was fairly obvious I'd say Plus considering that Razikale and Lusacan are the only old gods left, I could definitely see Bioware trying to tease that. I love and hate how mysterious the lore is in this series
@ZehnWaters 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, my first thought when you brought up the Qunari is "what are they doing in an ancient Tevinter scene?"
@ConnorLonergan 2 жыл бұрын
I think the Mosaics are meant to talk about Tevinter History Pre-Divine; however, due to time (and maybe the artists and writers assigned to create these wanting to sound vague and mystic), the final result we get is stuff that makes no sense
@xhosagibran370 2 жыл бұрын
I feel as though the qunari are a mix of kossith, elf and or human and dragon blood and were probably meant to be a more subservient slave gone amuck.
@TheLisaBronstein Жыл бұрын
First of all, thanks for your hard work! I've never seen those mosaics more detailed other than in this video. Those details that you point are mindblowing. The Sacrifice and the Invasion are really interesting to examine. Secondly, about the female priest - for now the high priest of the Old Gods we've seen are male (Corypheus and the Architect), as are Dumat and Urthemiel. And Razikale is female, so I assume her high priest - the Augur of Mystery - was a woman. Finally, the "feet" magister killed me😄 I have headcanoned that the Architect actually was barefoot during the ritual, and since someone in the comments deduced that the barefoot magister on the mosaic was the Architect, I consider this proof of my theory🤣 Thanks for the video and the channel! Wish you all the best!
@faeriefountain 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a ballgown stan
@nathanburns5553 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic vid, always love seeing the bits of bioware lore where a writer has gotten really into a specific neiche like masonry or biology
@gabilouw8218 2 жыл бұрын
12:18 is it just me or does that tevinter mage have more than one set of arms? When i originally saw this mosiac i thought it was like spirits/ demons that we saw and the one with the eyeball was part of the chantry but that could be really wrong
@oldmangimp2468 2 жыл бұрын
A thought about "Sactifice". Could the hornless Qunari be a Serebas?
@nieldoenn711 2 жыл бұрын
could this be the sory of how the magisters opened the veil and what came after? like elf blood alone was not powerful enough so they created a race with dragon blood (they vanquished the elves and made them drink dragon blood) and used their blood to create a breach. people from outside could have seen them go up and go mad(transforming) people from outside closing the breach or it closing itself (maybe they used the globes Solas made us turn on?) and after that the first blight started and they killed the archdemon multiple times until they created the gray wardens(we still don't really know what really happen with the soul when they are slained)
@naamtar22 2 жыл бұрын
Ball-gown is similar to Moon-head and "Feet" looks like Beetle.
@Ariarth Жыл бұрын
Oh the symbol on his back is the triad!! Like from the tambourine and the urthemiel statue
@BabyBishRemy 2 жыл бұрын
I played Inquisition three times and was never able to finish one of the murals because one peace spawned at the top of a tower but the game never spawned the ladder.
@missmek1314 2 жыл бұрын
okay, honest question…did she not go over all 5 mosaics? Specifically the mosaic labeled “aw fuck” at 11:43 ? or am I just blind and deaf and somehow missed that segment completely?
@Achy_Bones 2 жыл бұрын
Sacrifice could depict Qunari because of their dragon blood/heritage? Or maybe Qunari were created by tiventer mages in a similar way to Wardens but with Dragon blood instead of blight? The Archdemon mural reminds me of the Staff of Violation/Corruption, which i think had ties to tiventer? could be a reach
@keata1315 2 жыл бұрын
I had a theory spun from what corypheus said about qunari. What if the ancient tevinters did make the qunari by forcing elvin slaves to drink dragon blood? The magisters wanted a stronger race of slaves and did a magical experiment. The tevinters love their dragons so why not use dragon blood? Maybe that's why the qunari just "suddenly appeared" in thedas and hate the vints. They rebelled and started a war, thus why the qunari are a mistake. The lore of some of these mosaics kinda support that theory....I honestly never finished the mosaics because, as you said, it's tedious and there's no real reward and I'm playing on ps4 so I can't even see the completed mosaics. Neat to see I'm not crazy with my idea and it might actually be cannon.
@msp4r 2 жыл бұрын
Bro. Them ppl is burning alive on the mural. Solas did say they when he tears the veil down, the world was finna burn or actually it could be a mural of when he put the veil UP bc in trespasser there where already s bodies of the burned and toppled city scape.
@Zither_Bard 2 жыл бұрын
This was a fantastic and informative video! Thank you so much for the work you put into it :)
@danielunderwood3198 3 ай бұрын
Given what we just saw in veil guard game play tell me that isn’t beetle in the middle down to the pointy ears.
@LadyCrazyMonkeyPants 2 жыл бұрын
The Ball Gown figure in Invasion may not be female. Both the Corypheus and the Architect both wear something akin to long floor length skirts and the Architect’s even flair out around the mid thighs creating a rounded shape in contrast to Corypheus’ more a-line fashion. But I’m also not saying it isn’t a female because it’s a little suspicious that two figures were removed and we have met two people who broke down the door to the Golden City. It could be the weirdest check list of who we have met.
@mike7652 5 ай бұрын
I'm more confused about mosaic pieces now than I was before watching 😂 Still gonna keep grabbing them when I see them though!
@misterlemons111 2 жыл бұрын
I have few thoughts about this. The qunari could be the kossith of the first blight, the dates sort of matchup, they were in ferelden but the imperium expanded all the way to Ostagar, so maybe the Magister found them or created them there, and used them as slaves. It's said that the qunari lived across the sea so why of all thedas they made a colony in the korcari wilds, where the imperium had probably more than one settlement, it could make sense.
@blueorchid1313 2 ай бұрын
Could it be that "Freed are Slaves" could be a metaphorical depiction of the Qunari as slaves to the three leaders of the Qun?
@AndyJP 2 жыл бұрын
what's with the skulls in "sacrifice"? What kind of skulls are those? It looks like they have extra eye sockets or tusks or something.
@Avenray19 2 жыл бұрын
They look like Ocularum or whatever. If tranquil skulls found hidden mosiac pieces, I wonder what qunari tranquil skulls would find?
@StormSeek3r 2 жыл бұрын
I think the mosaics were made some time after the 25th year of the towers due to the archdemon mosaic having 3 dragons instead of 7 and the third blight ended that year.
@WanderL1ght 2 жыл бұрын
didn't one of the elven gods create creatures? there were dragons back then right? since iron bull says something about mixing dragon blood. what if the elven god created the qunari cuz of the wars or something, like a super slave/warrior?
@siennahartle9069 2 жыл бұрын
Could the dragon one be connected to the blight somehow? Like marking when they happened or warning of them or something?
@GhilDirthalen 2 жыл бұрын
A good idea- but I couldn’t make it make sense with the photo. If the magisters represent ages, it doesn’t work (first blight was before the ages began!) and if the magisters represents the blights, I’m not sure what the spears represent. If a warning, it’s not a good one lol.
@siennahartle9069 2 жыл бұрын
@@GhilDirthalen My thought was that each head represented a blight that was previously defeated and that the one that missed was either a warning for the future or was depicting the current blight. I thought the people might represent the centuries/ages when each took place but they don’t seem to be lined up in a way that matches the timeline. The name archdemon certainly suggests it’s connected to the blight and/or old gods somehow but then again we already know Tevinter is connected to the blight because of the old gods.
@mysticonthehill 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if this event the three heads relate to the form of staff we see throughout the games and the statues in origins?
@deansheets 2 жыл бұрын
Love your videos
@Hypegreene05 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this because I was noyes going to collect all of the pieces.
@theunfamousone2818 2 жыл бұрын
coryphus architect Possibly woman Possibly elf Unknown Unknown Unknown Well those either told us what to look for or nothing at all
@clindsell6111 2 жыл бұрын
6:32 couple things I want to point out 1.the magister second from the right appears to be one of the characters from he dragon age 4 mosaic 2. the magister second from the left appears to have a qunari symbol on his back
@TheRooster04 2 жыл бұрын
I haven’t played DA2 in years but is there anything specific that points to the ritual to enter the Fade happening in Kirkwall? I suppose it could’ve happened anywhere in the old empire and Kirkwall is mentioned to have a weak veil because of all the sacrifices over the years (I also remember something about a codex entry implying that the streets of Kirkwall were designed to make blood magic easier somehow?). I’m willing to believe that it was the spot but I’d also like some more concrete evidence.
@GhilDirthalen 2 жыл бұрын
The main evidence is actually that codex you casually mention! It’s part of a series of entries that says a lot of odd things. It’s hard to summarize in a short comment, but basically seekers were wondering why is Kirkwall so weird, and that’s why they think it’s weird. The magisters warped the veil so bad. So, it could totally end up that these seekers were wrong, but at this moment we haven’t been given another option other than ‘somewhere in Tevinter’.
@C-Lamb 2 жыл бұрын
There is also the fact that the city is built on/near a mountain called Sundermount. To sunder is to tear apart, or break. To me, this has actually always been the biggest hint that Kirkwall was where it happened. Between that and the proximity of the Bone Pit, and the runic shape of the streets...taken together it paints a pretty clear picture.
@JoshSenju 2 жыл бұрын
I dont like being read to or anything like that but God I could listen to you talk for hours great voice and great videos look forward to even more when DA4 hits 😁👍
@Elneco1 2 жыл бұрын
Invasion.. is it skyhold?
@Neko141212 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding the 'magister' with the eyeball. Yeah, it looks like the Inquisistion symbol. And yes, the Inquisition appeared much later ....... but where did they get their symbol from? Could they have taken - or just been inspired - by another symbol that was much older than themselves?
@PrettyPinkPersephone 4 ай бұрын
I wonder if the 3 headed dragon is meant to be Dumat?
@gutza1782 2 жыл бұрын
I will point out that the kossith were known to be present on Thedas in the Ancient Age. It's stated in WoT that there was an ancient colony of kossith in the Korcari Wilds, and that's where Ogres come from. So the question is, what if those Qunari slaves in the murals aren't proper modern Qunari, but descendants of the ancient kossith colony that were enslaved by Tevinter and used in blood rituals for some reason? Yeah I guess this is just my personal bias because I don't like the idea that the kossith or Qunari were specifically created by the elves or Tevinters or what have you because it makes the entire world revolve around Thedas. The kossith being their own people with their own homeland and history who just happened to cross paths with Thedosians makes the world feel much larger and more alive.
@RionCousland 2 жыл бұрын
I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you plan on making any more videos about the characters?, varric specifically
@siobhanhenry9094 Жыл бұрын
Horns Beatle and moon head?
@ListenToTheLand 2 жыл бұрын
The devs know how their players are and were even back in 2014. Of all of Inquisition's endless annoying fetch quest, this is the only one that doesn't pay off with ANYTHING in game. No weapons/armor, no stat boosts, nothing. What's the ONE THING that Dragon Age fans love more than anything? LORE. And the more challenging, and the more questions the answers create, the better. In the games, almost nothing is said of the Qunari being involved in the breach of the black city or in ancient tevinter history, but the two earliest mosaics are CLEARLY heavily Qunari related, and a third has at least the strong possibility of a connection if the Age connected alluded to is on the spot - and that one deliberately missing, enraging the dragon, could easily be Tevinter denialism at their role in early Qunari history. The Qunari come for revenge on the Tevinter - and Tevinter playing dumb (missing the target on purpose) likely would have only enraged them further. And Coryfish CLEARLY knows bigtime info on the Qunari - and even Kieran gets in on it ("your blood isn't your own"). We also see a repeated theme of the Tevinter repurposing or building on elvhen foundations even when they don't have the power/knowledge to do it right...and we know from Tevinter Nights and some codex entries that Andruil was heavily involved in creature creation/mutation and messing around with nature. And that the Tevinter have spent a lot of focus on blood, on the elves, and on dragons. Qunari = Kossith + Dragon Blood + Elf Blood. Also explanes why the Qun go in hard on restraining Saarebaas if you're talking elven magical talent + dragon blood. Tevinter enslave the Kossith. Experiment on them. Creation is a success at first but in the aftermath of the breach and blight bail for a few centuries - those who survived, anyway. At least one female Magister Sidereal is very interesting and potentially horrifying as well - the Dwarven story that alludes to three of them only reports the demise of one (male), and we've only SEEN two others (Corypheus, Architect). There are four others (the two survivors of the dwarven story, two unseen) completely unknown. Thedas is a world that has definite matriarchal structures so at least one of the seven being a woman wouldn't be the slightest of a surprise - and it's also just sexist enough that if they were using aliases or info was lost to time, that it could be presumed guys (especially after the rise of the very *patriarchal* Imperial Chantry. Because of the potentiality of women becoming broodmothers as we've seen at least twice, that also raises some major, major nightmare fuel-inducing questions about her fate. (How are broodmothers created? Feeding of tainted blood and flesh. What happens to one of the magisters sidereal? Eaten.) Lastly, there's Gatsi himself. He seems to have an awfully strong familiarity with the creator to be able to reason out her identity and motivations and work through the layers to tell you the real meaning. What else does he know?
@thefrogattack549 2 жыл бұрын
it looks like theres another figure in the upper right corner of the magisters mosaic. did i just miss you talking about it?
@altonisika1023 2 жыл бұрын
Skyrim looks a bit different...
@menarg1549 2 жыл бұрын
wow this is confusing
@alyssa.jay. 2 ай бұрын
@ freed are slaves: hiiii elgar'nan
@hoelynecujoh 2 жыл бұрын
@JapaniKatti 2 жыл бұрын
hmm.. youtube seems to think this game is the elder scrolls v: skyrim :P
@mairaineplayzgames2205 2 жыл бұрын
i am never abel to complete all of these stupid things! i may have finished one or 2 in all my playhtroughs! they dont even have anything interresting, as far as i know since i havent been able to find all of these stupid thigns
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