一部爱与救赎的故事,经典。小时候看这部剧,不喜欢。但2024的最后几天看,非常强烈地感受到一个字---“美”!人性的美,场景的美,亲情、友情、爱情,爱的美,和一切的美! 人生的苦无人可以幸免,但乐梅的话很对,起轩是何等幸运,周围充满了爱与怜悯。不幸之中,最大的安慰乃是爱从不曾离开。我随着人生的阅历渐长,更加明白“在世上有苦难”这句话。但,“爱,众水不能熄灭,大水不能淹没”,那股巨大的力量,能冲破一切的枷锁和压制,带给人盼望,使人重新站立,得着新生! 事实上,我们每个人或多或少都有恐惧和逃避,如起轩宁愿活在黑暗里受苦受捆绑。唯有爱,给了他面对的勇气,重新站在阳光下。当人真正去面对苦难的时候,如同狮子般咆哮的黑暗,竟然就失去了它的威力和对人的钳制,枷锁便脱落。我越来越相信the power of love! 看完的时候仍旧想重温,忽然有个想法。把这个故事的时间顺序倒过来:起轩原本是戴着面具活在黑暗绝望中,然而当他经历到爱,便脱下面具活出一个阳光开朗充满信心与盼望的鲜活生命!成为一个祝福~ 人的美可以不在外表的英俊,而在眼里的光芒,和身上的朝气,以及灿烂的笑容和充满希望的热情。是一个活的人,活的生命!使人情不自禁想要大声歌唱,迎风飞翔,不住赞美~ 唯有爱,能存到永远!唯有爱,使人看见一切的美好~
Happy Birthday to Yue Ling. She is the most amazing and talented actress ever. Her portrayal as Le Mei is perfection and make me feel every bit of the emotions through her acting. Stay healthy always.
Beautiful drama that i love so dearly and the one that turned me into learning Mandarin so I can understand this story better. Yue Ling was absolutely memerising in this role and her acting was so on point. I have not seen any acting that came close to such realistic emotions that it look so real. She was a talented actress. If i want to become an actress, her type of performance is that one that I want to deliver on screen. Happy to see many positive comments on this drama here.
@LucasChiang2 жыл бұрын
@Scarlett20062 жыл бұрын
@@LucasChiang No. I am just a fan of this talented actress and admire her acting skill.
@neutralname4043 ай бұрын
You have very good taste to find this series to motivate you to learn mandarin
Anda menonton bahasa Indonesia....? Dimana bisa mendapatkan dubbing Bahasa Indonesia atau subtitel nya..? Saya menonton nya saat pendidikan dokter th 1993
@mamaVania_diJerman2 жыл бұрын
@@drsusilo_pradyarto76 seingat saya di salah satu tv swasta Indonesia. Dubbing bahasa Indonesia. Sekarang bisa nonton lg dg bhs asli karena saya kuliah di Jerman dan Taiwan jurusan bhs dan budaya Tionghoa.
@mamaVania_diJerman2 жыл бұрын
@@drsusilo_pradyarto76 mohon maaf saya kurang tau dimana bisa mendapatkan versi Indonesia nya.