Рет қаралды 42,750
それは1889年 牛群れを他の地に運ぶ、ごく普通の秋の日 - 天候は不向きで、カウボーイ達は疲れ果て、牛群れは常に落ち着きがない。
夜遅く 一隊が水際の坂を登り始めると 嵐が吹き始めた。親方のソーヤーは 周囲を見回しインディアンを探そうと前に出た時 驚いた。丘の上に新しく農村ができているのだ。何百回も通り抜けた道が、農村に塞がれ 群れが通れない。回避には数時間かかる。
ソーヤーは激怒し叫び・呪い・毛布を空中に振った。神経が高ぶった牛群れは散った。乗り手がいる馬と力尽き走れない馬がいる。部下は従い後を追った。ソーヤーが 動物を鞭打ち叫んでいると 稲妻が空を照らし始めた。
パニックに陥った動物は農家を駆け抜け、そこの全ての人と物を押し潰した。動物が立てる猛音に、罪無き人々の悲鳴は聞こえなかった。雷の爆音と暗い空に 群れは恐怖に慄き走り続けた… 死に場となる崖っぷち迄… カウボーイの手が握る数馬はその後に続く。
明け方 ソーヤーは自分が起こした被害を調べた。メサの下で 息絶えた700頭程の雄子牛と死んだカウボーイ達と馬が散らばる。彼は悔いもぜず、残った雇人に残った牛300頭を集めさせ、進めと命じた。
次の季節、別の親方が部下と 同じメサ上に群れを寝させた。空はすっきりしていた。早朝 理由なく群れが突撃した。殆どの家畜と馬に乗っていた4人のカウボーイが 崖から墜落死した。この親方は罪悪と悲しみに胸を痛めたが、彼も酒に向かい、彼について聞くことはなくなった。
その後 別の隊が 何度か試みたが、結果は毎回同じ。話は広がり、あの上には悪魔がいると皆が信じた。以降 テキサスの牛運搬業者はそこを避けた。
空に浮かぶ幽霊のようなライダーは、ぞっとする叫び声と 幻の長角牛の怒りの蹄の音と共に目撃されている。テキサスの空のその域には 今日も出没する、と人々は誓って話す。
ゴーストライダー達は 死後 地獄に落ちたカウボーイ。彼らの地獄は、悪魔の牛群れを追い続ける絶望的な永遠。彼らは生あるカウボーイに警告する「やり方を変え、正しく生き始めないと、この地獄の域で俺たちに加わり、一緒に乗ることになる」と。
☆ イッピー アイ オゥー、イッピー アイ ヤェイ:カウボーイの牛追いかけ声
☆ 作詞 (1948年):スタン・ジョーンズ - 歌詞はアリゾナ州の老カウボーイが語った物語に基づく
☆ 作曲: ”ジョニーが凱旋する時”というアイルランドの古い曲がベース
☆ アーティスト:ジョニー・キャッシュ
Many people feel that they’ve heard this song somewhere.The haunting legend of ‘Ghost Riders in the Sky’ is based on a true story. This tale is by far the saddest in the country. A ghoulish tragedy happened in Crosby County, Texas in Stampede Mesa.
It all began like any other cattle drive should have back in the fall of 1889. The weather had been less than cooperative; the cowboys were worn out and the herd had been restless. Late one night as they began climbing the slope to the top of the range near some water, a storm began brewing.
Sawyer, the trail boss rode ahead to check out the surroundings and look out for Indians. He was shocked to see a new homestead perched on top of the hill. He’d taken this route hundreds of times, but now this was blocking his herd from crossing. It would take hours to go around it. Sawyer became infuriated. He shouted, cursed, waved a blanket high into the air to create a stampede. The nervous cattle scattered. Horses, some with riders, some without began running with all their might. His men obediently followed behind. Sawyer was screaming, whipping at the animals, as lightning bolts began flashing through the sky.
The panicked livestock hurled straight through the farmhouse crushing everyone & everything in its path. The screams of the innocent couldn't be heard as the animals raged through. Loud thunder & dark skies made the terrified herd keep running until they ran off of nearby cliffs to their death. Horses holding the cowhands followed behind.
Near dawn, Sawyer checked the damage he’d caused. Below the mesa were nearly 700 dead steer. Lifeless cowpokes and their horses scattered around them. With no remorse, he ordered what was left of his hired help to round up the remaining 300 cattle and hit the trail.
When the drive ended, it’s said he never worked again. No one would work for him, not a soul would hire him. Folks in that area turned their backs on him, and he took comfort in liquor. He was never seen again
The next season, another trail boss and his men bedded down their herd on top of that same mesa. The skies were perfectly clear. In the early hours of the morning, for no apparent reason, the herd charged. Again, most of them and four other cowboys riding horses fell off the cliffs to their deaths. Unlike Sawyer, this trail boss was overcome with guilt and grief. He, too, turned to the bottle and was never heard from again.
Several more attempts by other outfits which baulked at the previous stories ended with the same results. Word spread, everyone believed evil was perched on top of Stampede Mesa.
All cattle drives from then on avoided that part of Texas. Stories of ghostly counterparts up in the sky have been witnessed along with claims of blood-curdling screams and sounds of angry hooves of phantom longhorns. People still swear today to the haunting in that part of the Texas sky.
The ghost riders are cowboys who have died and gone to hell. Their hell is to chase the devil's heard of cows for eternity that is a hopeless task. They warn to the living cowboy to change your way and start living right or you will join our hell riding on our range.
This Texas legend has spread throughout the world through music. Even if you’ve never heard the spooky legend of this evil, most likely you’ve heard the song.
It’s the most-recorded composed western song of all time. In 1969, Johnny Cash performed it, it topped the charts for months.
☆ “Yippie yi ohh, Yippie yi yay……” an old American cowboy expression chasing cows
☆ Written in 1948 by Stan Jones - The song is based on a story told by an old cowboy in Arizona
☆ Melody is base on an old Irish song: “Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye”
☆ Artist : Johnny Cash