WRONG ANSWER FOR SALVATION: because i went to church, got baptized, tried really hard to stop sinning, prayed, read my bible, gave to the poor, looked and acted like a Christian, performed spiritual things in jesus name, preached, casted out demons, did many wonderful works etc. etc. etc.... BIBLICAL ANSWER FOR SALVATION: Because I realized that I was a sinner before God and that i need a savior! I am imperfect and there is nothing I can do to earn my way to heaven and so my only hope to be saved is to put all of my faith and trust in the person and finished work of Jesus Christ on my behalf. BIBLICAL ANSWER FOR SERVICE: Whatever works I may do, whatever spiritual maturity I may reach, whatever sins I may get victory over, whatever fruit i may bear, whatever service i may serve unto the Lord, and how much i may love others cannot save my soul!! These things should come from the desire of the Holy Spirit and God's grace working in you, on you, and through you, as you yield to Him in faith. No matter how little or how much one produces in these areas it cannot save them!! These things should be cultivated in the life of a born again believer because they are desired by God, profitable eternally for the believer, and profitable physically for others here and now.
@PatrickAntongiovanni4 жыл бұрын
Amen.) 🙏🙏🙏
@BrotherDave804 жыл бұрын
@David John Rest in the person and finished works of Jesus through faith! Allow His Grace to cover you, guide you, and grow you brother! One day at a time in FAITH! Our greatest reward is JESUS and eternity with Him! Other crowns and rewards can be earned yes! but they will be casted back at His feet. Call upon the Lord for His help and grace and He will show you victory in your life despite the many failures along the way!
@MarcG77783 жыл бұрын
Amen!!! Praise Jesus!!! 👑✝️👑
@HerbieJames Жыл бұрын
Feeling the Love... Of The Holy Spirit all perfectly timed in Harmony.. Effortless Awesomeness❤️
@johncarroll31884 жыл бұрын
Loved, that is a great song to lift you up, Brother Dave.
@BrotherDave804 жыл бұрын
@cheriecorbello10064 жыл бұрын
*_She's Awesome David!_* Thank You for this encouraging video. 🙌❤ Is this your church brotha?
@BrotherDave804 жыл бұрын
Amen! this isn't my local church but i do visit this church on occasion as it is one of several local to me.