Since we purchased VoluMill is has paid for itself within the 1st month. We've been able to reduce the price on components we have made for several years. My customers and I are both Happy !
@jasondk51279 жыл бұрын
There was a statement below about having enough power and spindle speed. The tool path created by Volumill will use less HP than traditional pocket milling and probabaly use max RPM on your machine depending on your cutter dia and material your machining.
@FructusDataAB11 жыл бұрын
Spindle load will typically vary a lot in "traditional milling". This is because the "surrounding material angle" varies a lot, upto 180 degrees. In real life this means that one has to avoid the loadpeaks by lowering the feedrate, which means less optimal conditions for the tool. The VoluMill technology will not produce large "surrounding angles" and it will vary feedrates dynamically as the load changes. So the answer is that VoluMill toolpaths produce a lower and much more equal spindleload.
@trippedbreaker11 жыл бұрын
Any estimate on the spindle horsepower difference between the first cut and the second? That's something that a lot of HSM marketing seems to gloss over -- HSM toolpaths may be substantially faster, but only if you have the power and spindle speed to support that much cutter engagement...
@meocats11 жыл бұрын
Any option to cut on the return stroke too? My rapids aren't very high, do you have a demonstration for that?
@bendapliyan31388 жыл бұрын
Did anyone compare the Volumill to other High Speed Tool path machining like MasterCam's Dynamic Milling?