It sounds as if you were talking in the context of Covid and not so pro vaccine :) But your words can speak the same of any struggle, and would be even applicable to someone who has exactly the opposite opinions of yours. As for me, when my work place left me a difficult option if I chose not to vaccinate, I immediately saw the dark places it took me to, and decided that the grudge I would hold would do more damage to my body than the vaccine (I could be wrong, we never know as you said). Also, I read some Christian mystics who talk about this "hard struggle of compassion" and give instructions to fellow monks "do not hate the lord's commandments to love". Those sayings reflect some of your words. I also very much agree with the thought that wisdom from the past cannot be enough. "Intelligence is your crown. Only gems drawn from the depths of you cam adorn this crown. Gather them." Rumi