Glenn Beck on John Wayne's harsh, 40-years-old comments about liberals

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From the Friday, October 18, 2013 edition of "The Glenn Beck Program"

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@garyroberts8742 4 жыл бұрын
John Wayne was an American hero period. He had every right to say whatever he felt. The Constitution gives him that right .many Americans died to give us the right to express our feelings.the horrid media mock and swear at our president and these protectors hurt and do evil acts and no one fusses about this horrid crap. God bless John Wayne and his family
@steveriddle313 7 жыл бұрын
John Wayne Clint Eastwood we love you
@kidpresentable6004 3 жыл бұрын
If we ever need a john wayne it's now , god bless from Dublin Ireland 🇮🇪🇺🇸🇮🇪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇮🇪
@edwardwerick2420 4 жыл бұрын
Now here it is 2020 and his timeless words still ring true. I believe they always will.
@TheDanno248 7 жыл бұрын
I wont hit ya, I wont hit ya, the hell I wont! Does it hurt when you move it? Then don't move it! John Wayne had a million of 'em.
@gmonkey808 8 жыл бұрын
A liberal will always try and tell you what you think. John Wayne is 100% correct.
@gmonkey808 8 жыл бұрын
Is Elvis on USA stamps? hahaha
@Averyofthemain 8 жыл бұрын
I'd keep one John Wayne over ten million Chuck D's.
@teamstersmusicunion 8 жыл бұрын
That's because he was one of the Liberals telling people what to think, thank God he got old and died before he could infect the rest of the good wife people with his bullshit!!
@teamstersmusicunion 8 жыл бұрын
+Averyofthemain yeah I can see why you would pick John Wayne over Chuck because if you started hanging around Chuck your mind would explode from the knowledge that he would give you John Wayne made a living pretending to be someone that he actually wasn't he pretended to be a sheriff in movies he pretended to be a cowboy he pretended to be a leader he pretended to be educated but in real life had a fourth grade education Chuck is a real leader by default
@Averyofthemain 8 жыл бұрын
Jeffery Miller Well, Chuck pretended to be straight, so...
@chris7231000 10 жыл бұрын
Wayne was a complicated with both a lot of excellent ideas and bad ones. But he was honest to a fault; looked out for others and was the quintessential American!
@tackssherbo7104 8 жыл бұрын
+Christopher Tyler He was a quintessential coward!! He did everything he could and pulled all the strings he could in Hollywood and elsewhere to keep his ass from serving in WWII. He never fired a shot in defense of his country, except BLANKS in his war movies. Yet, he was the first one in line to cram his carcass into a uniform when the cameras were rolling. He was not fit to lick the boots of people like Jimmy Stewart, Lee Marvin, Audie Murphy, or even Martha Raye.
@mcgarrett1000 8 жыл бұрын
+Tacks Sherbo Is it really fair to compare anyone to Audie Murphy? He was one of the most decorated soldiers of all time. In fact, Murphy BECAME a celebrity and an actor BECAUSE of his service. He didn't leave an acting career behind to enlist. So it's a bad comparison all around. John Wayne hurt his knee playing football at USC and was 4F. He was also 34 when Pearl Harbor was bombed (granted Stewart was around the same age), married, with 4 kids. How could he have possibly done more for the war effort with a rifle in Europe than he did on the homefront selling war bonds and raising morale? Also, was everyone who didn't serve in WWII a coward in your eyes, or just John Wayne?
@tackssherbo7104 8 жыл бұрын
+Thomas Gould John Wayne was just beginning his career and was worried that if he served in the war, people would :"forget" him. He involved his studio to keep him out of serving. A 4F classification doesn't mean much in a WORLD war if you WANT to serve and soldiers are necessary.. Four of our uncles signed up. One of them had a partially ruptured ear drum, signed up and was accepted. Another had only half vision in one eye, signed up and was taken. And I know that Murphy's acting career sprang from his being a hero. When Murphy went to sign up with the Marine Corps, they didn't want him because he was too short and small in stature. He went to more than one Marines recruiting station. Then he went to the Army and they didn't hesitate accepting him. My own father went to sign up. He already had two kids, and was a farmer. He worked his farm alone. Three recruiting stations turned him away because he was a farmer and producing food, plus he was the only surviving son. They told him no way---soldiers have to eat and his service in the field was just as important. He then signed up with Civil Defense and spent five nights a week not only learning about chemical warfare and defense tactics, but standing watch over an electric power complex outdoors in the dead of winter five nights a week. I guess something like that Wayne just didn't have precious time for. Sorry, but in my opinion, doing a couple of Hollywood photo op spots selling war bonds doesn't quite cut it for being classified as a respected "famous" patriot.
@mcgarrett1000 8 жыл бұрын
+Tacks Sherbo Sounds like your family sure did its share. Please accept my gratitude for your family's service. And maybe you're right. Maybe he could have pulled strings to get into the armed services rather than out. However, I don't think it's fair to call a man a coward because he wasn't required to serve and didn't. And I do think he loved this country whether he wore a real uniform or not. Nevertheless, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Thanks for keeping it civil, and my respects to your family for its service and sacrifice.
@tackssherbo7104 8 жыл бұрын
Thomas Gould Many have done their share without expecting gratitude. Neither my family nor I ever expected anything except to come home alive when we finished our service, which we did, with a couple of us being left with lifetime reminders. My "fury," so to speak, is directed at a man who treated "common" people he encountered as lowly and beneath him, all the while acting as if he were a hero. I know people who have been victims of his insults and disdain when he took his yacht up north and stopped at a very tiny port up north years ago. They were basically thrilled to have the "Duke" visit their tiny neighborhood. Let's say he didn't leave the area with the same fan base. No need for me to repeat what they called him. As to that "knee injury," funny that it wasn't evident in any way in any of his films. And he certainly didn't have any difficulty jamming his feet into stirrups and vaulting his hefty carcass unto a horse without any grimace, then galloping like the wind, then leaping off the beast with not a speck of a limp. A British actor, David Niven, was in the Royal Service before the war broke out. He was somewhat of a hellion. Well, he got the Hollywood bug and resigned his commission by letter as he was on his way to Hollywood. Then, when England declared war on Germany in 1939, he went back and was re commissioned and eventually served in combat. Winston Churchill made a comment to him in 1940 ----.“Young man, you did a fine thing to give up your film career to fight for your country. Mark you, had you not done so − it would have been despicable.” There were a significant number of entertainers who had a different perspective about what should be valued above all.
@irenegriego2446 3 жыл бұрын
Love john wayne for ever,he was on point.truth
@ronaldmcreynolds7345 7 жыл бұрын
People like to create a long list of those actors and others who were enlisted in the armed services of the US during WWII as a justification and example of John Wayne being a dodger or coward. Such commenters and people never met or talked to John Wayne or heard what he had to say in person. The long lists include people like Lee Marvin, Jimmy Stewart, Clark Gable, etc. You know what you will never find? You will never find those three people criticizing John Wayne. You will not find any actor, like Audie Murphy the most decorated WWII veteran disrespecting John Wayne. Why, those actors knew John and knew what the deal was. But you people judging John don't see that hypocrisy do you? Unlike today's indoctrinated youth and to a lesser extent the older and still unwise adults who insult John, these actors and basically all the rest admired John Wayne. They new him personally, knew exactly what was going on and they were all his friends and proud to be his friends. They would not appreciate the ignorance being demonstrated or the insults at John. They would and did stand up for him. When John got his one an only Oscar, Jimmy Steward congratulated him with love for the man. Lee Marvin was one of Johns longest and best friends. He never criticized John Wayne for not serving. Neither did Medal of Honor winner and most decorated WWII vet Audie Murphy or any other combat vet. John knew thousands in Hollywood, but can you find them criticizing John for being a coward? But you who never met or talked to John over half a century later despise him. What a lesson you are in hypocrisy and ignoring facts that don't fit your agenda of liberal, socialist hate. Judge a person you don't know, but you would hate it if the same thing was happening to you. The uniformity of respect Johns' fellow veteran actors had for him is factual and there is nothing in print or interview to suggest anything but admiration of him as a man by Hollywood vets who actually knew John Wayne. Point your finger at John for not being in combat or serving the military, but neither do have most of you served or admitted your own shortcomings and hypocrisy. You are like the men facing Mary Magdalene, ready to stone the adulterer, but not admit to being the other adulterer. You are like men in the Middle East stoning women or dominating them while yelling your righteousness, but you hide behind them in battle and execute your captives. You hate John, you insult him, you judge him, you commit sin against him, but you didn't know him. You are worms digging up bones.
@XxpauldadudexX 7 жыл бұрын
John Ford used to mock him for not serving. Was he a worm?
@babygretz5 6 жыл бұрын
XxpauldadudexX ....they were drinking & poker playing buddies not to mention working together on a number of great films... in short they were friends ....
@beguileme 6 жыл бұрын
Great response pal! Thanx..MAY NOT CONVERT the ignorant mob, but still honors Duke by speaking your mind, straight & strongly....that exactly what he’s demonstrating right here! Good job....the doomed are literally incapable of understanding any of this...Screw ‘em... Thanx.
@H43339 5 жыл бұрын
Ronald, That's pretty Dam Good
@H43339 5 жыл бұрын
@@XxpauldadudexX your an idiot they were good friends, Drinking and fishing Buddies, you people just talk out of your Ass !!!
@chris7231000 10 жыл бұрын
John Wayne grew up in poverty and was a self-made man!
@garykirby697 8 жыл бұрын
+Christopher Tyler He made it as an actor when most of the great actors went to war.
@chris7231000 8 жыл бұрын
Gary Kirby And the point is?
@chris7231000 8 жыл бұрын
Gary Kirby Allow me to set the record straight on this for you Gary. Upon graduating from Glendale High School in 1925, Wayne applied to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, hoping to live out his dream of being a career Naval officer. He came close, but was instead chosen the first alternate candidate. By the start of World War II Wayne had also been suffering for years from a badly torn shoulder muscle incurred in a body surfing accident that cost him his football scholarship at USC in 1927. He also had a bad back from performing his own stunts during ten years acting in “B” Westerns. Moreover, he suffered from a chronic ear infection, resulting from hours of underwater filming on Cecil B. De Mille’s 'Reap the Wild Wind' in 1941. Also, as a married but separated father of four and thirty-four years old in 1942 Wayne was classified by the Selective Service as 3-A (deferred for family dependency). And in 1944 as the U.S. Military feared a manpower shortage he was reclassified 1-A (draft eligible). And, he never disputed this reclassification but his employer, Republic Studios did and requested he be given a 2-A classification, which meant to be deferred in the national interest. (Raising money for war bonds, etc., while his age was a big factor too) Moreover, because Wayne was Republic's biggest star, there is a letter on file where they would have sued him for 'breach of contract,' had he entered the military on his own and been accepted. (highly unlikely given his age; number of kids to support and health issues) That not withstanding, in 1943 John Wayne tried to get a commission in the Marine Corps and get attached to Ford’s O.S.S. (the forerunner of the C.I.A.) Field Photographic Unit. In Pappy; the Life of John Ford, Dan Ford says emphatically “…that the billets were frozen in 1943. John (Ford) couldn’t get Wayne in as an enlisted man, much less an officer.” Also, there is this: .... a letter from Wayne to Ford in May of 1942 in the John Ford Papers at Indiana State University in which Wayne practically begs his mentor to find a way for him to join up: “Have you any suggestions on how I should get in? Can you get me assigned to your outfit, and if you could, would you want me? How about the Marines? You have Army and Navy men under you. Have you any Marines or how about a Seabee or what would you suggest or would you? No I’m not drunk. I just hate to ask for favors, but for Christ sake you can suggest can’t you?" HARDLY THE WORDS OF A MAN SEEKING TO SHIRK DUTY LIKE MR. CLINTON. Ford’s Field Photo Unit was no rear echelon cakewalk either, composed mainly of cameramen, sound men and editors with Ford as the boss. They were often right in the thick of things as they were on June 4, 1942 at the decisive naval battle at Midway where Ford himself was wounded by shrapnel. Two of Ford’s cameramen were killed during the war, Junius Stout and Arthur Meehan, both sons of well-known Hollywood cinematographers. Then in 2003 the above document surfaced in a National Archives traveling exhibit that at the time stirred no great interest - John Wayne’s application to the O.S.S. On page twenty-three in a Los Angeles Times Magazine article dated September 21, 2003 Coming Soon: Living History On Exhibit are photos of two pages of at least twelve of Wayne’s August 2, 1943 application SA-1, page eleven marked in red pencil at the top “22087.” There is no doubt it is Wayne, he uses his birth name of Marion Robert Morrison, his middle name being changed to Mitchell after the birth of his younger brother Robert and his next of kin is listed as his then estranged wife Josephine Morrison with Mrs. John Wayne in parenthesis. Here for the first time is the first hard evidence that Wayne volunteered for potentially dangerous service with the equivalent of today’s C.I.A., and the papers are not out of someone’s attic, but official government documents.
@chris7231000 8 жыл бұрын
Christopher TylerApr 19, 2016 1 Edit +Gary Kirby And the point is? Christopher Tyler6:29 AM +Gary Kirby Allow me to set the record straight on this for you Gary. Upon graduating from Glendale High School in 1925, Wayne applied to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, hoping to live out his dream of being a career Naval officer. He came close, but was instead chosen the first alternate candidate. By the start of World War II Wayne had also been suffering for years from a badly torn shoulder muscle incurred in a body surfing accident that cost him his football scholarship at USC in 1927. He also had a bad back from performing his own stunts during ten years acting in “B” Westerns. Moreover, he suffered from a chronic ear infection, resulting from hours of underwater filming on Cecil B. De Mille’s 'Reap the Wild Wind' in 1941. Also, as a married but separated father of four and thirty-four years old in 1942 Wayne was classified by the Selective Service as 3-A (deferred for family dependency). And in 1944 as the U.S. Military feared a manpower shortage he was reclassified 1-A (draft eligible). And, he never disputed this reclassification but his employer, Republic Studios did and requested he be given a 2-A classification, which meant to be deferred in the national interest. (Raising money for war bonds, etc., while his age was a big factor too) Moreover, because Wayne was Republic's biggest star, there is a letter on file where they would have sued him for 'breach of contract,' had he entered the military on his own and been accepted. (highly unlikely given his age; number of kids to support and health issues) That not withstanding, in 1943 John Wayne tried to get a commission in the Marine Corps and get attached to Ford’s O.S.S. (the forerunner of the C.I.A.) Field Photographic Unit. In Pappy; the Life of John Ford, Dan Ford says emphatically “…that the billets were frozen in 1943. John (Ford) couldn’t get Wayne in as an enlisted man, much less an officer.” Also, there is this: .... a letter from Wayne to Ford in May of 1942 in the John Ford Papers at Indiana State University in which Wayne practically begs his mentor to find a way for him to join up: “Have you any suggestions on how I should get in? Can you get me assigned to your outfit, and if you could, would you want me? How about the Marines? You have Army and Navy men under you. Have you any Marines or how about a Seabee or what would you suggest or would you? No I’m not drunk. I just hate to ask for favors, but for Christ sake you can suggest can’t you?" HARDLY THE WORDS OF A MAN SEEKING TO SHIRK DUTY LIKE MR. CLINTON. Ford’s Field Photo Unit was no rear echelon cakewalk either, composed mainly of cameramen, sound men and editors with Ford as the boss. They were often right in the thick of things as they were on June 4, 1942 at the decisive naval battle at Midway where Ford himself was wounded by shrapnel. Two of Ford’s cameramen were killed during the war, Junius Stout and Arthur Meehan, both sons of well-known Hollywood cinematographers. Then in 2003 the above document surfaced in a National Archives traveling exhibit that at the time stirred no great interest - John Wayne’s application to the O.S.S. On page twenty-three in a Los Angeles Times Magazine article dated September 21, 2003 Coming Soon: Living History On Exhibit are photos of two pages of at least twelve of Wayne’s August 2, 1943 application SA-1, page eleven marked in red pencil at the top “22087.” There is no doubt it is Wayne, he uses his birth name of Marion Robert Morrison, his middle name being changed to Mitchell after the birth of his younger brother Robert and his next of kin is listed as his then estranged wife Josephine Morrison with Mrs. John Wayne in parenthesis. Here for the first time is the first hard evidence that Wayne volunteered for potentially dangerous service with the equivalent of today’s C.I.A., and the papers are not out of someone’s attic, but official government documents.
@Melinda8162 7 жыл бұрын
Christopher Tyler BS!! THAT whole 'embellished story' was made up by the studio to save his coward ass. BECAUSE there were other big AND bigger stars that enlisted, they all could have used that same line of BS, BUT didn't. There is a recent bio out him, just last year. The author researched him extensively .. and proved he could have served. The most he finally reacted was to say he felt guilty. Lots of stars were older and had studio contracts, Wayne just took advantage is the main difference!!! AND THAT IS THE FACT(S)!!! Sorry you don't like it.
@f.puttroff4470 3 жыл бұрын
I am 1000% behind John Wayne!
@billhuber2964 4 жыл бұрын
Katherine Hepburn assessment of the Duke " what a man !!!"
@drwho-mt5vd 6 жыл бұрын
@Nebulasmoke 7 жыл бұрын
John Wayne was 100% correct!!!!👍
@Guvrunner 7 жыл бұрын
John Wayne was great in so many different ways. A very smart & insightful man who could read people to the core! A TRUE AMERICAN HERO WHO LOVED HIS COUNTRY WITH ALL OF HIS HEART! He treated people with respect no matter race, religion or creed.....he just didn't like assholes!
@Guvrunner 7 жыл бұрын
What does that have to him feeling guilty for not serving? It's not like he didn't want to! Typical liberal democRAT.....opinionated & ignorant, bad mixture! Than, you call me a name.....yep, that's what liberals do! Your attitude is why TRUMP won & democRATS continue to sink lower & lower in public opinion...I hope you keep it up! I won't lower my self & call you a name's beneath me & I respect your right to have that opinion, whether I agree with it or not!
@MJLeger-yj1ww 6 жыл бұрын
You are 100% right, "guvlud20_ -- Wayne wouldn't even make a movie that disagreed with his morality, though he was offered many roles dealing in liberal issues. He was American all the way from the top of his head down 6'4" to the soles of his boots! A very honorable man, who wouldn't trade his values for all the money in the world!
@giovannisocci8793 8 жыл бұрын
How much I miss Mr Cpt America John Wayne.
@chrisbarras3908 3 жыл бұрын
Harsh???? Truthful!!!!!
@TheDanno248 7 жыл бұрын
I miss you Duke
@flybob63 10 жыл бұрын
John Wayne was so damned smart
@Melinda8162 7 жыл бұрын
Robert Worcester He was a draft dodger and and ho chaser. Why didn't he serve in WWII like many of the actors of his time?? He let the studios bail his coward ass out. Then goes and makes war movies 'playing' heroes. WHAT A DOUCHE!!!
@cecilbennett5403 7 жыл бұрын
Robert Worcester and you are a prime example of a sow's ass.
@garykirby697 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry but he only fooled the little girly men that needed to believe in the hero they were not.
@4redniwediS 7 жыл бұрын
Sinjin Smyth you haven't a clue about what your talking about! You are singling out this man and call him a phony?!? Every actor in Hollywood is in part a phony, but today's liberal actors are phone as well as being a hypocrite!
@H43339 5 жыл бұрын
@Sinjin Smyth Go to Hell
@magoo9767 8 жыл бұрын
@garykirby697 7 жыл бұрын
Perfect avatar, blind and stupid.
@spasjt 6 жыл бұрын
Like yourself Kirby?
@H43339 5 жыл бұрын
@@garykirby697 get a life Gary
@paulorlando5877 5 жыл бұрын
Clints another american icon probably the last of them
@H43339 5 жыл бұрын
Pretty much the same as Duke
@cyclopsstaxx2849 5 жыл бұрын
The last great American Hero!!!!
@sheepdog1102 4 жыл бұрын
If you can read while exercising you ain’t exercising, your reading!
@chrisbelt9033 6 жыл бұрын
John Wayne's comments about liberals is spot on;his conversation,recorded in 1974 are as releveant today as they were then!
@fabianf1115 6 жыл бұрын
He had to had have a crystal ball, Damn
@MJLeger-yj1ww 6 жыл бұрын
What a lot of people do NOT realize, because they don't take the time to research it, was that John Wayne applied to the U.S. Naval Academy but was not accepted. He tried to enlist in WWII, but college football and other injuries (shoulder and fractured collarbone) kept him out. He made up for it in his representation of America in a number of war movies, but always regretted that he could not have been in the military. He was very smart, and studied many things, and generally knew what he was talking about when he commented on an issue. We do not know who Glenn Beck is, but everyone knows who John Wayne is/was!
@Hiraghm 4 жыл бұрын
The person who will have the 18 dollars a year later isn't the greedy one. He's got the 18 dollars because the other 19 people in the room are fools. Not his fault.
@paulorlando5877 5 жыл бұрын
All we got today is pop stars and reality shows these r the idols of today
@phillipkrikorian761 6 жыл бұрын
JOHN WAYNE is AMERICA.....then and always !
@jonmati778 8 жыл бұрын
the best man ever live d
@jimlobley8675 2 жыл бұрын
John wayne was great but there was a lot more great actors to and they will never be replaced thank God for the good old days worst part of the good old days was when all the great actors country western singers were now we got no one
@Elijah-ki8vo 4 жыл бұрын
In heavens there's John Wayne, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Waylon Jennings.
@JoeSmith-dr5gm 3 жыл бұрын
Charlie Daniels
@jerrywoods4066 3 жыл бұрын
Jim hendrix
@rileyhoughton3106 7 жыл бұрын
we need to learn from this and I have I am very grateful I am a free Mason amen!!
@steveriddle313 7 жыл бұрын
John Wayne and his Six-Gun rule the roost
@frankandstern8803 6 жыл бұрын
@woodyandstormiewright1674 5 жыл бұрын
I heard this on a Donahue interview.
@stevekelley3445 11 жыл бұрын
right on the money
@jerrywoods4066 3 жыл бұрын
The tea party are the smartest that's a lie glen
@Theskybluelake 11 жыл бұрын
Marion Morrison was right on...
@olegrayheadedfart 4 жыл бұрын
He was dead on!!!
@paulorlando5877 5 жыл бұрын
Weres our great heroes today not many ill tell ya
@gregdavis19 6 жыл бұрын
Duke, was ahead of his time.
@keepingupwiththecichlids 7 жыл бұрын
Nothing but generalizations.
@patrickscranton3296 10 жыл бұрын
John Wayne was an actor. Who cares what his political views are. Even his hero John Ford had total different beliefs.
@Hard_Boiled_Entertainment 9 жыл бұрын
+Patrick Scranton We need to care, because pop culture has a MAJOR bearing on the POV of the general populace.
@MJLeger-yj1ww 6 жыл бұрын
John Ford was his friend, but Wayne totally disagreed with his beliefs and some of his ways, but Ford was a brilliant director.
@freespeechsmuggler7274 8 жыл бұрын
Actors Lee Marvin, James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Paul Newman, Kirk Douglas, Don Adams, Gene Autry , James Arness, Richard Boone,Ernest Borgnine,Tony Curtis, Jackie Coogan, Mel Brooks,Charles Durning, Ossie Davis,Glenn Ford,Sterling Hayden, William Holden,Werner Klemperer, Bob Keeshan,Brian Keith,Burgess Meredith,Caroll O’Connor, Audie Murphy, Jack Palance, Rod Serling,Rod Stieger, Jason Robards Jr, Don Rickles,Tyrone Power, Dale Robertson and Eddie Albert. They all signed up and served in WW2 while JW DID NOT. WTF is his opinion worth? CUT THE BS FOLKS!
@ronaldmcreynolds7345 8 жыл бұрын
+FreeSpeech Smuggler So, you'd feel better about John Wayne if he'd been in the army or service? I suppose you'd feel even better if the government put him in a combat infantry position, maybe a rifleman? Then I suppose you'd be very happy if he got injured, maimed or killed? Personally, I'm pretty happy the government had the sense to not let John Wayne go into combat and get killed. That would have been a real propaganda point for Germany or Japan if they kill the typical, stereotypical cowboy, good guy American. But you aren't happy? Who cares?
@garykirby697 8 жыл бұрын
+Ronald McReynolds He was too chicken to go, the government never stopped him he avoided it.
@garykirby697 8 жыл бұрын
+FreeSpeech Smuggler not to mention the great Jimmy Stewart.
@ronaldmcreynolds7345 8 жыл бұрын
Gary Kirby That is so beyond ridiculous to not even warrant a real response.
@garykirby697 8 жыл бұрын
+Ronald McReynolds three deferments the truth hurts huh.
@carlfogle1550 5 жыл бұрын
A great American, we need him again for the new un American activities committee,, the Duke had it spot on
@degsbabe 5 жыл бұрын
Wow the Duke really knocked a lot of movies. But the one I know he wish he hadn't made was 'The Conqueror' (1956 film). One because the movie totally flopped and two it was made right next to a nuclear test site. Over the years cancer related illness accounted for most of the cast and crew. Probably sowed the seeds of Dukes own later health problems. Still, left a helluva legacy.
@donaldmcauliffe7653 6 жыл бұрын
During world war two john wayne sold over ten million dollars in war bonds he john wayne made a deal to aell war bonds during world war two
@targetfootball7807 5 жыл бұрын
That's not a valid argument for free market capitalism. If you give everyone in the room a dollar that means they go out of the room and spend it. If we assume everyone in the room is locked inside, then what use is money there? Maybe they bring food in from outside. But if they bring food in from the outside then for what use is money? Are all the other prisoners dead? Is that why one guy took it all? You know what Johnny, we don't live in rooms of ten. We don't live in rooms of ten Johnny.
@FoylesWart 7 жыл бұрын
[about the death of James Stewart's son, who was killed in Vietnam] "Jesus, that was a terrible thing about Gloria and Jimmy Stewart's kid getting killed over there. It makes you want to cry. At least Jimmy was over there to see the kid a few months ago. That's something. But it makes you want to cry." Wayne had two sons who were of Draft age during the Veitnam war. Patrick and Michael. Can you guess how many served? Hey but he made the Green Berets in 1968.
@safenabors3006 7 жыл бұрын
Glenn you weren't worthy to sniff the Duke's jock strap.
@dfaircloth30 5 жыл бұрын
What Wayne says here has a gritty realist view of the real world and of modern liberalism. I don’t think he was a right winger as much as he believed in realpolitik
@paulorlando5877 5 жыл бұрын
John wayne was too old anyway in 1942 to join i believe he was 34
@JB-uv4hm 6 жыл бұрын
Wayne was a massive hypocrite. He got everything wrong about Vietnam but was more than willing to see someone else’s kids go.
@jamesd.wheeler6190 7 жыл бұрын
Its nice to know that republicans are 100% correct! We'll see how that Trump thing go's for you!
@emmaverhey8352 2 жыл бұрын
It went great by the way.
@jamesd.wheeler6190 2 жыл бұрын
@@emmaverhey8352 coming from a Clueless Trump moron I'm not surprised
@lizab4208 7 жыл бұрын
mcarthyism is back
@GETMONEYJONES2304 5 жыл бұрын
You left out the fact he is Racist
@dragons8822 4 жыл бұрын
John Wayne wasn't a racist ! He treated all people fairly, Oh, by the way, learn how to spell.....
@garykirby697 8 жыл бұрын
John was not interested in fighting in WWII and instead stayed at home to make films and money. Yep, a real right winger.
@garykirby697 8 жыл бұрын
John Wayne was a minor star when the war started. With most of the big stars joining in, Wayne became a big star. He never applied to enlist. Check your facts fool!
@lorrainewallace3563 8 жыл бұрын
+Gary Kirby Check your facts - Idiot!! He couldn't enlist because of injuries!! Please stop talking now!!
@garykirby697 8 жыл бұрын
+Lorraine Wallace That injury didn't stop him from doing most of his stunts you naive, imbecile . The truth is not hard to find ,you just have to want to.
@lorrainewallace3563 8 жыл бұрын
LMAO!! Little men will always find a reason to hate real men (even if their "facts" are false).
@garykirby697 8 жыл бұрын
+Lorraine Wallace Real men ! His name John Wayne is not even real. He ducked out on WW 2 and then worked to expose so called communist who actually fought in the war for America. Marion Morrison a true phony and coward ! Those are the facts !
@SweetLittleSoul 8 жыл бұрын
His racial views were shocking, even for then.
@rorygibbons3310 8 жыл бұрын
@theredbaronlives9889 7 жыл бұрын
Lawrence D. Elliott the only thing shocking was he had the balls to say it publicly.everything he said about Hollywood then and what he feared it was becoming has become a reality. John wayne was no racist either.the left always tries and control the narrative on everything because when they don't they and Their fucked up ideas are proven to be the real BS.
@steveriddle313 7 жыл бұрын
Lawrence D. Elliott a pot calling the kettle black how intelligent do you bend over for soap I'll bet you do
@anbergquist 6 жыл бұрын
Were sorry we ruined your black panther party go lmao
@drwho-mt5vd 6 жыл бұрын
Grow up kid .
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