GNU & Linux Past - Part 1

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DJ Ware

DJ Ware

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@cleightthejw2202 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe the 'killer app' for Linux is simply the fact that it isn't Windows :)
@KuleRucket 2 жыл бұрын
Proton probably has a fair change of becoming the killer app. After 25 years of dual booting this is the first time my Windows partition hasn't been needed,
@butmunchass Жыл бұрын
The problem is that Microsoft's gamepass is a killer app for Windows and I don't think you can use gamepass on linux with proton.
@andrewpalm2103 2 жыл бұрын
During most of the 1980's I was working as an applied mathematician in a polypropylene film factory just north of Terre Haute, Indiana. Although I had a Perkin Elmer minicomputer available to me, plus SAS on the corporate mainframe, what really grabbed my imagination was Lotus 1-2-3 (on a Radio Shack "laptop"!). It allowed me to automate exploratory and routine mathematical and statistical calculations and plots. This included solving differential equations, matrix operations, and so on. Even though the spreadsheet software didn't include most statisticial distributions, one could use time-honored approximations from Abramowitz and Stegun that worked just fine. The quick turnabound for results and the plotting capability allowed for short iteration loops when developing solutions. Later in another job I could send clients calculation solutions that worked on their own PCs on Lotus. It truly was a killer app for me.
@satnififu 2 жыл бұрын
I see a lot of people citing Proton as Linux's killer app, however I argue that Linux has had a killer app for decades now: development. If you want to write any sort of code there's no better platform than Linux
@robbin_goat 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks alot! All your videos have full of information. feel nostalgia since all of these people created all these great open source softwares and we just happen to be there to experience and use them and follow the trend and we don't feel a great deal out of it.
@CyberGizmo 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you ph_robbin and glad you enjoyed the video
@lolvivo8783 2 жыл бұрын
Frankly gnu/linux lacks the polish in gui but it is versatile at scripting, is auditable and has great tools for network administration, supports IDE environments, excellent for learning. Plus if tried hard enough it generally does the job u normally do in other OSs. If desktop publishing and CAD design tools and support get on par with others on Gnu linux its hard to see why anyone would say no to it.
@adjusted-bunny 2 жыл бұрын
Another great video.
@fossmanmedia 2 жыл бұрын
Great content as always. Thank you for all your hard work.
@leibaleibovich5806 2 жыл бұрын
An off-topic comment, if I may: Thank you very much for answering my comment regarding semi-conductor shortages during a live-stream! Your take is appreciated. I followed on your answer and got myself a low-end "reComputer" (by seeed). Essentially, it is a more expensive substitute for JetsonNano developer kits, which are impossible to get. Now I am thinking whether I should buy "reComputer" with Xavier NX board (if I have some extra cash). Don't need it now, but when I do, it might be gone, as Raspberry Pi's and Jetsons.
@fraternitas5117 Ай бұрын
7:34 casually says, "a lot of people could come and take advantage of your work and I decided,what the hell." Legend!
@stellarorbit1341 2 жыл бұрын
I love this video. I am a major history buff and this video is perfect!
@cameronmonks1561 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like there are a few almost killer apps for Linux. I would go with either Wine + proton as it works best on Linux. Docker also runs better on Linux so that may be it. It’s definitely missing one or a few killer application that only runs in Linux that would be great for companies, governments and schools to use. Maybe one day. Looks like there are not any killer apps for any os today. Most are just there cause they had that killer app at one point and the users continue to use it even though there are alternatives out there that are almost just as good if not better.
@rcdenis1 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure what the next killer app will be but it will most likely dumb the typical user down even more.
@charlinhow2286 2 жыл бұрын
A a sysadmin, the killer app for Linux is obv having access to the same tools I would use in a server. Plus, Docker and virtualization are much more performant due Docker being Linux Native and KVM.
@Kwales66 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting. Thanks.
@bradm1507 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. The "killer app" question is one of the biggest challenges with Linux on the desktop. Most of the GUI apps people highlight as alternatives to proprietary software are available for Windows and/or Mac. So, that's not a differentiated benefit for Linux. When people claim, "If Linux could run the Adobe suite, AutoCad, MS Office, etc., more people would use Linux," I want to ask them what they think the goal is for the Linux desktop. If people can't switch to Linux unless it runs certain proprietary software, then is the goal to just be an alternative to Windows? There already is one: Mac OS. "But Mac OS is a walled garden." OK, then use PC/Windows. "But Windows sucks!" Well, maybe try Chrome OS since that is maturing rapidly. "But Google is anti-privacy." Computer enthusiasts care about operating systems. The average user? Not so much. People like choice, but markets generally coalesce around 2 or 3 major platform ecosystems. No platform is perfect, but most users will be content enough with one of the major options. Really, they're more concerned with apps. This is why I sometimes think desktop Linux and open source go hand-in-hand. If you want to switch to Linux, it's not enough to just want an alternative operating system. Rather, you have to be open to switching your workflow to one based on open source software. But, is there any workflow based on Linux + open source software that is *better* than the proprietary alternative? "Almost as good as" or "enough for most users" isn't really a compelling value proposition...again for most average users. :)
@vetrixfx9264 2 жыл бұрын
I'd argue that there are probably actually better alternatives, but the problem is people are used to the old method. Most of the people (especially in business) "can't afford" to switch (takes time, time is money etc.; huge effort is needed to instruct employees into new system...).
@bradm1507 2 жыл бұрын
@@vetrixfx9264 Very true. This is why "almost as good as" or "good enough" aren't compelling reasons to switch. Something must be better than the status quo to warrant the switching costs.
@folksurvival 2 жыл бұрын
"But, is there any workflow based on Linux + open source software that is better than the proprietary alternative?" Yes.
@folksurvival 2 жыл бұрын
@@bradm1507 "Something must be better than the status quo to warrant the switching costs." That's true in theory, but in reality people often still won't spend the money to change to something that is actually better, or that might save them money in the long-term.
@bradm1507 2 жыл бұрын
@@folksurvival Such as? Not saying there aren’t any, but it’s not common knowledge. And developer workflows don’t count.
@bertnijhof5413 2 жыл бұрын
For me the killer Linux stuff has been Virtualbox (2009 no more dual booting) and ZFS On Linux/OpenZFS (end 2017/begin 2018, snapshots; raid; backups; default lz4 compression). I appreciate and use Firefox; LibreOffice; Evolution; Openshot; Lollypop (music player); Quod Libet (music player); Ex Falso (audio tag editor) and SoundKonverter (running one audio file conversion per CPU core). In the past Windows Media PLayer, the only reasons why I still run Windows XP in a VM playing wma copies of my LPs and CDs. And around 1988 Girotel a MS-DOS banking application from the Dutch state owned Postbank :) Girotel used a 2400bps modem to connect to the Postbank and to exchange the off line prepared new transactions and centrally executed old transactions. Girotel was the main reason, why I bought my first PC, a 2nd hand Philips P3105 (XT clone; 768KB and 20MB disc) originally running MS-DOS 3.30.
@pctlc 2 жыл бұрын
G'day DJ, I did a video a while ago looking at apps that are cross platform for Linux, Windows and Mac and there are many, so I think you're right there is probably no killer app for Linux? great video with some very good info, thanks for sharing mate!!
@CyberGizmo 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Colin, and thank you :)
@JD-im4wu 2 жыл бұрын
Great stuff! I especially liked your conclusions at the end. Very true we geeks want a minimal open system without all the background stuff going on in our OS's. I personally found that combination using Debian (would love Slackware but I think in 2022+ it keeps getting less practical when red hat (now IBM) automation / complexity dominating linux is the innovator). Debian is the safest and sanest combination to be in Linux for me personally. OTher than that I have a mac for all the commercial things to run. Other than that there is BSD... But I personally don't have much experience with using them for myself and since the majority of the packages / development targets LInux over BSD its just more practical to continue on Linux (and just deal with the messy code / packages and hassles that come with it for now). Will there be a time where BSD is a better option for me in the future? WIth the way LInux Land is going perhaps... That being said, BSD Land may have a more promising future ahead to remedy the problems of Linux Land! hmmm... incredible how my own comment opened my mind a bit to think about all this stuff. Gotta love KZbin!
@CyberGizmo 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You, J D, and agree you tube does that to me many times :)
@wilsongo6133 2 жыл бұрын
Well, sir really made me think to why i use linux and give me the answer to why general people does not use linux. Thanks,
@exotericidymnic3530 4 ай бұрын
I would argue that the only general purpose consumer electronic device that still has a killer app is the iphone with imessage. Every other major app is either multi-platform or has an equivalent on a competitor. The closest you get otherwise is PC games on Windows, but even the major games that don't work on Linux are usually on Xbox, Playstation, or Switch (some are even on iphone and android), so that Windows only has a marginally better experience (or even a worse experience sometimes).
@sonicsaviouryouwillnotgetm6678 Жыл бұрын
True that apps make a marketshare. For creative people, everybody is using Mac because of the software for audio, video, animation etc. And that's exactly an era where Linux is always lacking. If specific hardware is involved (audio interfaces, electronic instruments, photo cameras/RAW files, etc) you can run out of luck pretty quickly. At the least, you have to spend a lot of time to make it work and that takes away from the actual creative work, that you want to do and instead you frustrate yourself hacking. In the Windows World it is how the Office apps integrate with one another and with MS's Cloudservices (Sharepoints, DevOps etc.). For academic/scientific work (papers, numerics, data analysis, plotting etc), or programming oriented work, however, I would say GNU/Linux is far superior. The Foss aps and desktops have come a long way and many are really well done nowadays and work well. The linux desktop comes from an academic background and its users have been developing killer tools for that application, ignoring business applications as well as multimedia oriented „normal“ users. All the problematic data gathering aside, one big plus for me is that Linux does not feel comercial. You don't run into „you need to pay extra for this feature or buy this additional software to be able to do whatever like in windows“
@biehdc 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion the killer apps could be anything emulation, be it wine/proton, xemu, xenia,... whatever. One of the first major additions for the steam deck for example was an application that organises your games and emulators and added it to the interface so you can seamlessly launch anything from gamescope. Generally the hack-ability of linux is what makes such projects possible in the first place. Try micro-optimising windows for one of these Handheld consoles, while the community on linux creates the next better fan curve and kernel parameters to get just a little more out. Full disclosure, i have a steam deck.
@Adiusza Жыл бұрын
Great video
@noam65 2 жыл бұрын
All my computers run Linux. The killer app for me is whatever I happen to need and use now. Mostly Firefox, Libre Office, and Okular ebook reader for me.
@guilherme5094 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion the Killer-App for Linux today is Proton.
@eugrus Жыл бұрын
If it was supposed to be a retelling of the Revolution OS movie, that's cool, but if you've independently identified all the same milestones, that's even cooler 😄
@khfamdfbjds 2 жыл бұрын
@errorsofmodernism9715 2 жыл бұрын
The killer app or compelling reason for Linux desktop is not a positive material app, it is the expression of negative and positive liberties, it is the negative liberty of removing the pain, obstacles and constraints of Microsoft (and to a lesser extent Apple) and the positive liberty of the freedom or exercising ones free will with software
@rabidmoose01 2 жыл бұрын
Linux doesnt have a "killer app" per se, its draw is the control it gives users. Mac is great for creatives, Windows draw is its market dominance meaning just about all software is compatible with it, Linux wins in productivity (allowing you to fit it to your workflow), control, and how easy it makes learning (dont have to worry about getting sued if you accidentally touch the wrong thing).
@echoptic775 2 жыл бұрын
Linux killer app was apache or another web server back in the day i think. And today the killer app is the kernel itself. Highly customizable, great software and hardware availability, great developer experience, and also being free so u can use it as much as u want and need
@rabidmoose01 2 жыл бұрын
@@echoptic775 The kernel isn't an application.
@echoptic775 2 жыл бұрын
@@rabidmoose01 u are very smart and not take every thing literaly....
@rashie 2 жыл бұрын
@tmendoza6 2 жыл бұрын
Killer app for me was the terminal (bash , sed, awk)
@CyberGizmo 2 жыл бұрын
those are some pretty killer apps
@lucius1976 2 жыл бұрын
18:37 Well, i will propably be stoned to death for that but the Killer Apps on Linux for me are: Remmina, OpenVPN, Microsoft Teams and Visual Studio Code. Reason is simple, because of those programs for my work i can RDP on Windows Desktops of my clients where i can administer + develop for Microsoft Business Central. No need for me have Windows anymore. Maybe Wine for the odd Windows program i have to start once or twice a year to do some tax reporting. Privately the Killer Apps on the Linux Desktop for me are: Steam, Wine + Proton for the Linux Gaming experience.
@CyberGizmo 2 жыл бұрын
I wont throw stones, and thanks for sharing your thoughts, @lucius1976
@an1rb Жыл бұрын
RMS should have started by calling it Freedom Software, would have saved a lot of misgivings...
@jakobw135 4 ай бұрын
OPEN SOURCE or FREE software seems to imply that when it comes to writing fiction or nonfiction, anyone can modify the original text and call it whatever - seems to deny or interfere with - COPYRIGHT!
@perjohanaxell9862 2 жыл бұрын
I think of Linux as a possible neutral platform to run stuff on so that competition and choice can be maintained. Is the it world is shaping up it seems to be all about locking in the costumer in to an ecosystem of your own. This is horrible for compensation and gives the big companies to much pover and information about there costumers. The killer "app" with Linux is to get out of that.
@Microphunktv-jb3kj Жыл бұрын
linux killer-app .. compiz lol... that must be a troll... :DD
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