You are what you are one of my favorite one of the best super Thai teens you want to want to be best supercenter my favorite no doubt you're a great super Sentai team placenta is awesome always have been and always will be but one day I will meet you guys who knows probably come down and visit one day to Tokyo and you know we'll get to meet each other I don't know when that's going to be but it's been hectic over here all the time bad things in my life have happened I lost my mom mini vacation one day to com love to have I would love to see go up
어린시절 최고의 추억을 선물해주신 분들을 지금 다시보니 너무나 감격스럽습니다. 세월이 흐른 모습으로 변신 구호를 외치실때마다 가슴이 다 울컥해지네요. 다른 멤버분들 나오는 것도 너무 즐겁네요......계속 이런 전대멤버들이 나온다면 너무나도 행복할 것 같습니다. 항상 응원하겠습니다. 실버버튼 받으실때까지 마하 전개!