If you do for whatever reason to into the black hole at 15:40, it is outside the back of research facility right next to where you can get father goat and good goat
@imabzy6406Ай бұрын
Appreciate you again Tom mate big help 👍
@levizockshortsАй бұрын
Thanks Trophy Tom you are my live savier with the trophies in Goat Simulator without you i would never completed the game 100% ❤
@frostyfem81Ай бұрын
Couldn't get one of them forever will just have 91% 😢
@TheNyanCat69437Ай бұрын
You forgot to put this in the waste of space playlisy
@CaelanSmith-f2x3 күн бұрын
How do I go back to the test chambers after I've already completed it. I tried completing it again but I don't have the cow pictures in the labyrinth level