Great video..I love his teaching. The translator makes me laugh..he sounds like an italian football announcer...he' adds humour to a serious matter.!!
@markusbackman95054 жыл бұрын
Best preacher what i know from England
@maijaleppakoski64416 жыл бұрын
Suomessa on niin moni asia mennyt syntiseksi ettei niitä voi laskea. David Pawson puhuu asiaa joka on kerran toteutuva. Kohta maailma ei enää tunnusta koko Kristusta sillä nykyisin jopa Ruotsin Arkkipiispa ja papisto haluaa raamatun sanan olevan kuin tämän päivän politiikkaa joka ei ole mikään Jumalan sana. Politiikka ja Raamatun sana on kaksi eri asiaa. Tällä tavoin Ruotsissa saadaan ihmiset vieraiden uskojen pariin ja rikollisuuden lisääntyvän. Niin myös Ruotsin valtion kansalaiset tulevat olemaan aikanaan väärän Jumalan raamatun uskovaa kansaa ja kouluissa joissa opetetaan epäjumalan uskoa tuo Ruotsiin perheitä jotka alkavat jakaa terrorismia maailmaan.
@sirparaunio9934 Жыл бұрын
David Pawson (1930-2020)
@kimmolahde64096 жыл бұрын
To George : Yes. But in the bible doesn't reads : God hate all a time every people in the world. Through some verses we can get that opinion, but it means always : God hate our sins. Not us self. IF he doesn't love us; why he want that people become believer still and want that we take the gospel of Jesus to whole world??? In bible reads too : God is love. If some people who is interested of Jesus would hear from us : " God hate you! " He'll goes back to continue his old life with alcohol drugs etc. Do you mean that God lovED the world and sent Jesus here?? And then during this 2000 had began to hate us?? Noooope! If you think like that you make God to devil.! Or are you Calvinist??
@George__L6 жыл бұрын
No, I'm not a Calvinist! Calvinists believe that God loved *ONLY the elected ones.* I don't think like that at all! And I don't think God is the devil. And God doesn't hate those who belong to Him. Well, I don't know how you understand love and hate in the Bible... because they're not feelings there! And did you know, love and hate aren't each others opposites! They don't contradict one another (God can love and hate at the same time). But God's love doesn't mean he likes people. And we are not attractive to God... When you say: _"God lovES people"_ or _"God lovES YOU!"_ - *what you actually mean? How God lovES? Which kind of love is that? How do you see it in practice? What does this love do to people?* Is it just nice and warm feelings? Or something else? _"But in the bible doesn't reads : God hate all a time every people in the world. Through some verses we can get that opinion, but it means always : God hate our sins. Not us self."_ Well... no, but God can't hate the sin/act [object], He hates the sinner [subject]: God doesn't send sin into Hell (it's impossible!), He sends the sinner there. God cannot punish an act! People are responsible for their own actions. The idea that _"God hates the sin, but loves the sinner"_ is not biblical, it actually comes from eastern religions. And John 3:36 says: _"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, _*_but_*_ whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for _*_God’s wrath remains on them."_* [NIV] _"Whoever trusts in the Son has eternal life. _*_But_*_ whoever disobeys the Son will not see that life but _*_remains subject_*_ to _*_God’s wrath.”_* [Complete Jewish Bible] If wrath *remains* on them - doesn't it mean that it is already upon them? According to the Bible, people who are under the license or the law, are under God's wrath. But let's go back to John 3:16... what I said was that God doesn't love the whole world for whole time with 'agape' love. Agape love is something you DO, it is love of action, an act, which you do for someone's behalf. We can say there is certain types of love how God loves all people, but they're not same type of love, which is in John 3:16. God doesn't do something same thing for every people in the world at the same time, like in John 3:16 when He gave His Son. The truth is: God cannot be Almighty and all-loving at the same time. Otherwise there wouldn't be suffering in this world. And the Bible also says that the love of the Father *IS NOT* in certain people: _"Do not love the world or the things in the world. _*_If_*_ anyone _*_lovES_*_ the world, _*_the love of the Father IS NOT in him."_* [1 John 2:15, NIV] _______________ _"If some people who is interested of Jesus would hear from us : " God hate you! " He'll goes back to continue his old life with alcohol drugs etc."_ If those people hear from us: "God loves you!", then why they would repent and leave their old ways? Because they would think everything is already okey with God when they hear that God loves them. But why would you directly even say "God hates you!" or "God loves you!"? Love of the God is not the core of gospel!
@kimmolahde64097 жыл бұрын
I've listened to 1h 6 minutes. To that moment that man had make me almost hopeless! Only one verse of God's l love is enough. Joh 3:16. Through that wet know that God loves every people in the world! This man had not even mentioned that place during this time! He's speaking Satan's words! Oh thanks God that your are rightness and you'll punish that man!!!!
@George__L6 жыл бұрын
John 3:16 doesn't say God *lovES* the world (all the time). It says God *lovED* the world (once: one time in history). And he mentions Joh 3:16 in this talk. John 3:16 translates literally like this: For so God *once lovED* the world that He once gave His only unique Son, that whoever *GOES ON* BELIEVING IN Him (Jesus) shall not perish but *GOES ON* having eternal life.
@George__L6 жыл бұрын
Ja koska taidat olla suomalainen niin sanotaanpa asia vielä suomeksi... Eli Johannes 3:16 kääntyy kreikankielestä kirjaimellisesti näin: "Sillä näin Jumala *kerran rakasti* maailmaa, että kerran antoi ainutlaatuisen Poikansa, ettei yksikään, joka jatkaa uskomista Häneen hukkuisi kerran, vaan jatkaisi iankaikkisen elämän saamista." 33/38 käännös: "Sillä niin on Jumala maailmaa rakastanut, että hän antoi ainokaisen Poikansa, ettei yksikään, joka häneen uskoo, hukkuisi, vaan hänellä olisi iankaikkinen elämä." Tämäkään käännös *ei* sano: "Sillä niin Jumala maailmaa rakastaa..." On huomioitava että rakastaa verbi ei ole preesens aikamuodossa, se on kaikissa käännöksissä menneessä aikamuodossa. Kreikankielessä sana on aoristi aspektissa, mikä tarkoittaa sitä että asia on ainutkertainen tapahtuma historiassa: se on tapahtunut vain kerran. Ja sekin on huomioitava, että rakkaus sana jota käytetään on agape. Agape ei ole tunne rakkautta, se on toiminnan rakkautta, jonkin asian tekemistä toisen hyväksi. Rakastamisella tässä jakeessa tarkoitetaan sitä, että Jumala antoi oman Poikansa ihmisten syntien sovittamiseksi. Se oli rakkaudellinen teko ihmisten hyväksi - Jumala ei tee sitä jatkuvasti, Jeesuksen ristinkuolema riitti sovittamaan kaikki maailman synnit. Jumala ei siis jatkuvasti anna Poikaansa, eikä jatkuvasti rakasta maailmaa siten. Johannes 3:16:ssa ei puhuta mistään Jumalan tunteellisesta kiintymyksestä ihmisiä kohtaan, sellainen on Raamatun vääristelyä! Raamattua ei saa mennä muokkailemaan, lisäämään tai poistamaan siitä jotain.