How does things happening for our own benefit affect us when the things that happen are bad, like cancer or an earthquake? What's the benefit there and why does God make these things happen? How is it people can claim that these different Gods are just a different interpretation? There's multiple creator gods, so they can't all exist. People from every religion claim to have had NDEs and met these various Gods and again, that's not possible, so either all of them but one are imagining it, or they all are and none of these gods exist. I know believers think NDEs have some weight, but they really don't because of this simple reason. What do you think this world and it's events would be like if no God existed? Because I don't believe any Gods exist. Doesn't even seem logically possible or scientifically possible to me. We definitely have two different worldviews, but the outcomes appear to be the same. I think if any of these Gods did exist, the world would either he a nicer place, or an incredibly scary place with countries nuking other country's skies trying to destroy their Gods because "our God is superior and is the truth," yet nobody is doing that, almost like nobody takes the God concept too seriously except people who chose to pray over their sick and dying kid who would've lived if they got the child some medical attention. Just some thoughts. I'm always curious why people believe this silly stuff. The world functions the same to me without a God and doesn't need one.
@majamarinic23 күн бұрын
@ShadowveilFox I totally understand what you are trying to say here. I do believe in the creator of all this, but sometimes I do question everything regardless if something unwanted happens to me. Please, do read 3 series of the books "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch. There, you are going to get all the answers you asked here, and many more.
@ryunosuke896623 күн бұрын
You need to understand one thing: Life is unfair, God is fair, don't get the two mixed up. He can use bad for good however, this is most evident in the victory over sin when Jesus died on that cross and paid the penalty we deserved to pay ourselves.
@ryunosuke896623 күн бұрын
If you don't believe in NDEs then don't. I agree with you; people shouldn't claim that every different religion is another face of God (my mom, unfortunately says this). Rather, the true creator of the universe (since the universe was created, shown by the Big bang) reveals himself very distinctly, search for yourself and really seek for God and you will see that the God of the Bible is he who created you. These are very valid questions and I pray that you find success in your efforts to seek out God, may God bless you.