Step1: ignore what’s happening in the nat until hatch is almost finished, cancel hatch and run the drone away to another base. (Preferably your 3rd and you’ll know if he’s trying to cannon that coz you’ll have ovies out at that point, and if he does it’s still good for you). Step 2: 20drones, double gas in main. When pool is 100% immediate roach warren. Step3 x1 spine and another queen. At your second hatch use first larvae to run lings to his side of the map (forcing him to cannon back at home). Step4: you should have 6 on gas and 14 on minerals and your extra hatch (at 3rd or somewhere else) is being used to make overlords. Step5: don’t inject, queens are for transfuse and one tumor only. Then it’s roach rav queen ovies and fight. Step6: learn shift+vile micro from ravager. (Whilst having ravager selected holding shift then holding rapid fire vile cmd key then right click them back). They will move to max range then launch their vile attack and immediately come back. This stops them clumping and taking unnecessary cannon shots. ALWAYS use vile attack as much as you can, and only vile structures that are already made. None that he can cancel. Questions? Hit me up ❤ (Twitch/l0gik135)