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Bija tā lieliskā iespēja pabūt uz Dino Parka, Izgaismoto dinozauru un čūsku festivāla atklāšanu!
Šis Dino parks atrodas pilsētiņā Radaiļi, kas atrodas blakus Klaipēdai. Parkam ir sava viesnīca, restorāns, apgāztā māja un Dino parks.
No Dobeles līdz Radaiļiem ir jābrauc 2.5 stundas, 200km, lai vakarā, pēc gaismas šova, nevajadzētu braukt uzreiz mājās, mēs palikām pa nakti viesnīcā. Izbaudījām spa zonu, garšīgi paēdām restorānā un pats galvenais, izbaudījām pāsu Dino parku.
Atklāšanas dienā bija uguns šovs, kur žonglēja ar ugunīm un bērniem bija iespēja ne tikai kārtīgi iztrakoties, bet arī izbraukt ar karuseļiem, mašīnītēm, iziet spoguļu labirintu māju, nošļūkt pa kalnu ar pūšļiem un aprunāties ar Ziemas svētku vecīti un tikt pie kādas dāvaniņas.
Bērni šo parku novērtēja uz 10 no 10 un gatavi nākamajās brīvdienās atkal braukt.
Dino parks strādās Decembrī, 20-23, 25-31, Janvārī, 1.-12., 17.-19., 24.-26., 31, un februārī, 1.-2., 7.-9., 14.-23., no plkst.16.30. līdz 21:30.
It was a great opportunity to be at the opening of Dino Park, the Illuminated Dinosaur and Snake Festival!
This Dino Park is located in the town of Radaiļi, which is located next to Klaipėda. The park has its own hotel, restaurant, overturned house and Dino Park.
It takes 2.5 hours, 200km, to drive from Dobele to Radaiļi, so that in the evening, after the light show, we wouldn't have to go home right away, we stayed overnight in a hotel. We enjoyed the spa area, had a delicious meal in a restaurant and most importantly, enjoyed the Dino Park for a while.
On the opening day, there was a fire show, where they juggled with fire and the children had the opportunity not only to have a good time, but also to ride carousels, cars, go through the mirror maze house, slide down the hill with balloons and talk to Santa Claus and get a present.
The children rated this park 10 out of 10 and are ready to go again next weekend.
Dino Park will be open in December, 20-23, 25-31, January, 1-12, 17-19, 24-26, 31, and February, 1-2, 7-9, 14-23, from 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.