"Who said he's 5'2? He's 5'10" (Mark proceeds to get more drunk and down his glass of wine) 😂
@cironsilver44102 күн бұрын
Sounds like Karl pilkington “my brain is saying stuff my mouth is not aware of”. Amazing. Hahahaha
@bobthechimp54312 күн бұрын
his mouth is saying stuff his brain isn’t aware of 😂
@Real-B777Күн бұрын
Spot on 😂
@DaddyDoodleDay12 сағат бұрын
The love of two brains.
@ZeekoRamenКүн бұрын
"slip of the tong" fucking hell he's pissed 😂
@mirkys13022 сағат бұрын
That’s genuinely how he pronounces tongue when he’s sober too lol
@ZeemishКүн бұрын
Who you stalking lol 2:50
@delete90902 сағат бұрын
LMAO I saw ur comment just when it happened
@barry13692 күн бұрын
2:48 what is the context of this text 😭
@StevePlaysSteveplaysyotube2 күн бұрын
Im intrested aswell
@vMooreyКүн бұрын
his bro keeps likin a girls insta posts
@MCHAMMER-ld5grКүн бұрын
His nans insta is popping off.
@mealo4 сағат бұрын
@@vMooreynah dey talkin ab him
@vMoorey3 сағат бұрын
@@mealonah theyre selfies lad
@Michael-k3d2 күн бұрын
Mark Goldbridge is 5 ft 2”😂
@DeckerClips12 күн бұрын
Goldbridge is the Pep of the Goldbridge stream- maybe made mistakes but not gonna get sacked, hard to imagine it without him.
@AlvitoYehezkielКүн бұрын
"I think I said it" 🤣
@KakarotOwnsКүн бұрын
Even the haters love you Mark, you can't quit 😂
@skanderkroumi8655 сағат бұрын
No I hope all of his channels close I hope I never see his hypocrite face
@0BennymanКүн бұрын
That notif is so perfectly timed lmao
@Truebro792 күн бұрын
Tipsy bridge back at it
@angelo399812 сағат бұрын
The best bridge
@Astrofelt5 күн бұрын
@DesertedSocrates2 күн бұрын
Well Mark, I've really enjoyed watching you on KZbin! Adios amigo!
@ZeemishКүн бұрын
So funny how he spends the whole video certain he didn't say it and trying to reassure himself
@NotMeLolYTКүн бұрын
2:47 who's Adam bruh 😭
@Howdiddygetrightthere14 сағат бұрын
His bro
@Adam-zh4hm13 сағат бұрын
I shall not speak
@huanhoundofthevailinor23743 күн бұрын
Hahahahahaha your brain made a fart
@PremiumXII2 күн бұрын
He said martinez is “5 Foot too”*
@jintojames4293Күн бұрын
Could have defended himself with that😂😂😂
@olbapoli407422 минут бұрын
I always said this guy is the piers morgan of fan channels.....this confirms it.
@surfguy872 күн бұрын
Thanks Becky..
@ARamdas9417 сағат бұрын
One of my most favourite moments on this channel 😂😂😂
@neilg6675Күн бұрын
He hasnt quit yet
@O.N.A.AКүн бұрын
3:52 he has a point
@daze77gaming218 сағат бұрын
i stopped watching Mark...I watched TUS from 2015 up until the point he was talking rubbish about keeping ETH in a job in 2024 after that I had enough lol
@James-vy5jg14 сағат бұрын
@@daze77gaming2i mean he’s funnier for non United fans. Like arsenal fan tv
@Swish118314 сағат бұрын
Busted 😂
@landzilemagagula634153 минут бұрын
Golbridge is too stubborn
@gddanielk84912 күн бұрын
Unlucky marky moo
@TBK7Күн бұрын
his names brent
@greatbritishedits6602Күн бұрын
@@TBK7 brenty boo
@gddanielk8491Күн бұрын
@@TBK7 well done 🥇
@davidmarchant938621 сағат бұрын
He promised to be quitting then !!! Leave now !!!
@jhjh3212 күн бұрын
"Brain is saying stuff my mind is not aware of" I think you meant this the other way round, Brent. Either that or it really is.
@joaosimoes70652 күн бұрын
I think you meant "mouth" but anyway
@nem2966Сағат бұрын
@F4Bs3Y2 сағат бұрын
Gark Molbridge at it's best! Pure stupidity...
@meme_kre8930Күн бұрын
He is 5"2.... With an attitude
@Stektsopp3 сағат бұрын
Bro was so confident too 😂 Bro has to quit youtube 😂
@gmstores77944 сағат бұрын
Trust me will not be watching the one show in a week 😂
@MrGorobu2 сағат бұрын
Your brain is saying stuff your mouth isn't aware of? This says it all
@AamirAshraf-ob1mqСағат бұрын
Stay humble eh 😂
@Philip_F2 сағат бұрын
On a serious note....this clip clearly shows how narcissistic this guy is.....including many of his opinions Even with video evidence(his own video) he still said "i THINK i said it" at the beginning.....not "i said it" He find it so hard to admit he was wrong
@ACAB19032Күн бұрын
There's no chance martinez is 5 ft 10 😂😂 maybe with his high heels 👠 on
@j7sportvideo244 сағат бұрын
google says he 5'9. or 177cm in pes or fifa player card last time I checked. But hes not 5'10 for sure
@alancosta4760Күн бұрын
I disagree with myself 😂
@souhardyahalder39032 күн бұрын
Ofc the whole thing is a banter Ofc he speaks a lot of thing as a speaker of live streamer I can relate what slip of tounge is. And it's ok taking the whole thing as joke is fine But I would think it will be very childish and silly to make a serious thing out of it
@sebaslopez19Күн бұрын
Bros stalking her posts
@underdogs0017Күн бұрын
You earned subscriber man !! Well done
@5daysports3 сағат бұрын
This why I hate mark. He can’t cope when his wrong
@MadLicha2 сағат бұрын
Yet here you are commenting on his clips 😅😅😅
@ichigokurosaki-ei9sq2 сағат бұрын
Did he quit youtube?
@RashidHasanRafi-ru7fnКүн бұрын
Martinez has stopped paying him, that's why he is bitter
@JonathanTracey-b8tКүн бұрын
Talks rubbish his geezer
@Rucy_Ramone20 сағат бұрын
He does this all the time though. He will say something and I’m like huh? We’re like huh? So for example say United wins 2-1. He’ll say ‘So United wins 3-1’ or If United are playing against Bournemouth on Sunday (which they are), he’ll say ‘I’m looking forward to the United v Palace game on Sunday’ He just does it all the time. He doesn’t mean to say it, it is funny hehe
@MoksiLesi9114 сағат бұрын
@HyunsReport14 сағат бұрын
The day mark retires from the united stand will be a dark day for united fans trust me
@mealo4 сағат бұрын
akhis stalking
“I know my brain”
@freebeerishereКүн бұрын
Stop stalking her
@50SingingBadgersКүн бұрын
Daft get. 😄
@figenschau8710 сағат бұрын
Slip of the tong:P
@adhargupta8994Сағат бұрын
Has he quit youtube yet ?
@vcntwllmКүн бұрын
Did he quit KZbin?😂
@darrenhunt94802 күн бұрын
@Timesend2 күн бұрын
@Eddie_M16Күн бұрын
Too much ego on the quitting youtube part 🤢
@zorashkiКүн бұрын
He is right lol... regardless you like him or not😂
@Reece_Maharaj2 күн бұрын
@rikleblond16984 минут бұрын
@United_Wings3 күн бұрын
@Errorman0001Күн бұрын
Love you Mark, but everything you said in this video clearly tells that you're full of shit 😂😂😂
@juz882010Күн бұрын
calm down a bit jesus
@user-dp7tu4od9k6 сағат бұрын
Hes a genuinely nice guy, he’s just being a funny character. Lol
@warsymags90522 күн бұрын
This guy is an evil evil little man
@bobthechimp54312 күн бұрын
he’s 5’2
@skanderkroumi8655 сағат бұрын
Fraud hypocrite
@teletextpear2525Күн бұрын
To be fair, he plays like a centre half that is 5ft 2”
@frog605Күн бұрын
quit KZbin then goldbridge
@1995davidg2 күн бұрын
First of all Jamie carragher owns his mistakes. Second of all you went back on a promise. Absolute creep
@WattzArtist2 күн бұрын
Not that deep lol
@1995davidg2 күн бұрын
@ not that wrong though lol
@GlimpseHCКүн бұрын
He obviously isn’t gonna quit KZbin is he
@1995davidgКүн бұрын
@@GlimpseHC he goes back on his word all the time so wouldn’t expect so
@GlimpseHCКүн бұрын
@ don’t like Goldbridge but nobody in that situation would delete there million subscriber channel just hating for the point of hating 😂