It would be easy to stop trainers from having so may runners.....don't let others use their trainers licence, there is NO person on Earth who can train the number of horses that Trainers say they train these days, A Trainers licence is NO different to a Drivers Licence or a Doctors licence, How would you like to go in for an Operation by one of the world''s best surgeons and find that he was going to let someone do the operation who is NOT even a Doctor? By saying I told him what to do and where to cut? Or if you got pulled over by the Police and said "I don't actually have a drivers licence so I borrowed a Friends licence, that should be OK Officer isn't it, after all my friend also has a Horse trainers licence and he lets me us that, he knows I am using his licences...what do you think would be the Police Officers reaction? Straight to Gaol I would think Licences are issued to individuals, NOT corporations, Hong Kong has the best system, Trainers are limited to 60 horses (because that is all one trainer can manage .....and they all have 60 horses, they all use the same facilities and they all use the vets paid for by the club so NO one has an advantage....or a disadvantage and no one can dominate, if you win the premiership it is because you were the best, it was a fair fight, can't say that in Australia, Japan uses a similar system.....and where are the two healthiest racing jurisdictions in the world? That would be Hong Kong and Japan....and they get "house full" signs at their meetings Just as an example of how lopsided things are getting here that very few are even aware of..... Wealthy trainers have Hyperbaric chambers because they can afford it, costing more than $half a $million, how is that any different to using erythropoietin (EPO)???? it gives them an unfair advantage, they win more races and then grow exponentially, where will it stop? when there are only 4 or 5 trainers covering the nation with stables everywhere like Coles or Woolies? How is that healthy for racing? What is wrong with making Trainers prove they they are the ones training the horses that are trained in their NAME? They couldn't because they aren't!....that means being "hands on" knowing every horse in your stable by sight, if they are really training them, how hard would that be? Waller/GaiBott/Cummings/Maher etc farm the horses out to foremen/underlings, Owners are getting screwed and most of them don't even know it, they are paying top rates for the best trainers and they are actually getting people with no name doing the job, it doesn't matter if the "No Name" people are terrific at it, if they were training in their own name their fees would be less than half of the top rate, that should amount to Fraud It would be an easy just takes the will to make it happen but those with the power all have horses with the top trainers, so it ain't gunna change any time soon, is it? it's like taking money out of Politics, Only Politicians have the power to do it and they are the won't happen, not till it all comes Tumbling Down! Have a great day, enjoyed your show