Achieving an encaustic look with Golden Matte Mediums

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@michaelcarpenter1179 4 ай бұрын
Woah! This is cool! I really should watch EVERY video golden has posted. THAT would be smart - SO many great things to see and do.
@ignisdivinus7669 2 жыл бұрын
Very useful tips. I always use Golden Mediums it gives the best results.Thank you.
@GoldenPaints 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for choosing GOLDEN!
@MichaelWoodward_71 3 жыл бұрын
This video was excellent! Thanks as I’ve been looking a goo tutorial on this process.
@reneewilkey3438 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you . . . I wanted to try encaustics as I love the look. Now I know I can achieve the look with products I already own!!
@canweng5546 4 жыл бұрын
2:00 which interference color should we add to matte medium to achieve more realistic wax effect? What's the differences when you add interference bule, red and gold to the matte medium?
@ilove2paint 6 жыл бұрын
I love the faux encaustic look!
@GoldenPaints 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks! (But we really avoid the term "faux encaustic") the effect is beautiful and we think you have a little more control with acrylics vs. wax, and create a less vulnerable surface. Translucency is an amazing quality of acrylics, and we hope you explore it completely experimenting with mixtures of gloss and matte products, viscosity and thickness, interference and iridescence... there is so much you can do!
@gaylebyron4494 3 жыл бұрын
I took a course in encaustic painting and loved it but the start up cost was so expensive. This is a fantastic idea to get the effect with acrylic mediums. Thanks for sharing. Question can you add elements etc feathers, moss, shells? How long is the drying time I imagine it will be depending on the thickness. I my have just answered that question myself lol.
@GoldenPaints 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Gayle (is this really a 1 year old comment?!) Yes, you can embed objects in our gel mediums. Drying time depends on a number of factors, including the environment in which they're drying. I find that very thick applications do better when I slow them down a little (vs. trying to force dry with a fan) but that is personal preference. You can also build up a thick application in steps rather than all at once, that can sometimes be faster than the drying time for a single thick layer. As always, the best thing is to experiment and see what works best for your studio and practice.
@CuadritosDeColores 6 жыл бұрын
Good idea!!!
@stephaniedragonfly5619 6 жыл бұрын
Désolée mais je peins à l'encaustique ET à l'acrylique. J'utilise votre medium mat, également. S'il m'est indispensable en acrylique, j ne lui trouve pas grand chose de comparable avec l'encaustique. Pourtant j'ai essayé. Ca fait de très beaux effets mais on sent l'effet synthétique que l'encaustique n'a pas. L'encaustique n'a pas encore été imitée, manifestement ;) Ca n'enlève rien à vos médiums qui sont super pour leur usage ou même détourné pour ceux qui n'ont pas l'opportunité de s'essayer à l'encaustique. Mais ça n'y ressemble pas vraiment, rien à faire ;)
@GoldenPaints 6 жыл бұрын
Halo Sukie, Inutile de s'excuser. Nous ne supposons pas que cette technique remplace l'encaustique, mais seulement que vous pouvez obtenir un bel effet translucide avec une qualité de surface similaire à l'encaustique, mais avec quelques avantages techniques. Si l'apparence exacte de l'encaustique est ce que vous désirez, il n'y a pas de remplacement pour la cire d'abeille fondue. (S'il vous plaît pardonnez mon utilisation de Google Translate, si vous trouvez que mon français manque.)
@angelwings7930 2 жыл бұрын
How utterly dumb not to SLOW DOWN and show the spelling of the quin-whatever color acrylic paint label. Like yeah, how’s THAT spelled ? I’m sure not many colors begin with “quin”-something so I’m sure I could track it down, but that was annoying.
@GoldenPaints 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Angel, very sorry that we disappointed you in that way. Unfortunately, there are a few colors in the Quinacridone family... so you might have a little trouble even after sorting the chemical name business. Artists and folks around the factory routinely shorten Quinacridone to "Quin" - and focus on the variations of red, magenta, crimson, and violet. But, as this was about getting the look or effect of encaustic, I am pretty sure the color Kevin used is Quin Nickel Azo Gold. Again, sorry we didn't articulate that clearly or provide color names in the description.
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