Nadad yagd ch yum ene solongos haragdaj bga geed bga humuus ni solongos haragdku bno. Yahu manai ueluud bas neg iim chinhuslen ntr shig tsaraitai bsn bolohoor bj magadgue, thde l mongold iim tsaratai humuus zondoo bdiishte. Yag neg iim tsaansaa oorsdoo angligdtsan yum shig. Moka ch gsn tiim solongos gheesee iluu baruun aimgiin hun esuul ng turkic (kazak) ulsuudtai holbootoi yum shig. Anar chin ugaasaa erliiz, kazakh mongoloiin erliiz, manai surguuliin ah bsn yum. Tgd ug ni hezee ch bid nar nar gj duuddaggu bsiin, tgdsn harin tgl ortson bnle. Ayeon ch gsn iim tsaratai humuus unendee zondii l bgshte. Taa nar ygd jaahan tsarailag l hun bhaar solongos ntr geed, oorsdiigoo arail oorsoo hurtel ingej bodhoor chin de. Solonos ntr chin 45 say huntei uls shuudee, tsarai muutai humuus zondoo l bga shte tend chin. Zgr mediagaar haruuldaggui l bolohoos. Tgleech ihenh ni plastic surgyries shte. Ter singles inferno bol buur humuus ni ygd tiim aimar yarij chadahgu boltloo hiilgetsiin. Reaction guud n zgr l hiimel haragdaad. Mongolchuudaa oorsdiigoo tsarai muutai gej bitgii bodood bgachee.
@improveyourenglishmedia7 ай бұрын
Hun hunii bodol oor bgashu
@undaraatenger61357 ай бұрын
Yag tiim solongos humuus bur yagad iim tsarai muutai yumbee gj bi danda boddog do 🤣🤣 ter tsarailguudii n 50sayasa shiled entertainment hdg bh busad n bol tseverhen l bolhoos bish yag tsaraig n harval butkue butku. Solongost tsarailag hunii haritsaa 1/1000 bol mongold 1/10 gj bi boddog do 🫢
@@enhuushenhbold3750tiin.neeh yu ch chaddaggui ym bj bur durdee ortson. Chinzotoi haritsaj baigag ni haraad bur yoo yah ged bga mal ve l gj bodson. Ter aviyas deer odo yugaa ch hiigeed bgaan zavaan zangaas ni uur hiij chaddag ym terend bn u.
65 k hun uzcheed dunguj 2 k like yamar muuhai archaagui nowshnuud bdin be ta naraas yu ch unahguisht uul ni , hogiin ataarhuu nowshnuud yum daa, Anu-daa ulam ih amjilt !
ed nar ghdee uursduu sanalaaraa haschaad uilaal evgui sanagdsaan😊
@hoolidii7 ай бұрын
Honestly, I feel like Chinzo is actually not fboy, but Chinhuslen feels like he is. the stuff he talks about is just... okay but yeah he was cooking and everything, but I don't care. I feel like Chinzo has this fake persona to look like he is the fboy, but he literally said his real body count,(which was like 2 or 3), and even then when he said facts it was like I had sex with two different people in one day. When compared to other people's facts (like Anar, having a threesome) I don't feel like it's extreme. And I feel like he purposely wants to look like he is a heartbreaker or fboy, so that people wouldn't see his real emotions. I think he would be loyal if he actually finds someone good for him. Turuu bol ugaasaa helber, just listen to his songs. Actually, there are so many younger people who talks like him.
Suvgig demjij bgaa ❤ huurhun yaridag ohin yes ted narig uzdeg but 247 or mongoloos bdg g uzdeg gui
@Monroe1157 ай бұрын
American common slangs-aar ta bichleg hiivel goy ym bna. period gdg ugiin utgiig tailbarlaj bga n ih oilgomjtoi blaa.
@amunenkhtungalag34687 ай бұрын
gehde kiko bol jingeneese joohon jijken muumte shu gehde aimr huurhun egch🥰🥰
@solongo1331solongo7 ай бұрын
Nadd bol moka ugasa hud sanagdad bga, uurigu yrtuntsin tuw geed bdtsn, ghde uneheer goy ohin, gadnasa haragdah bdal n … ehleed ihersuwdiig ochd ystoi huilruulad alah bh gsn chne uneheer ugui bsn, aimr snaa muutai sanagdsn, 😅 harin kiko bol ystoi dajgui uneheer dajgui, zaya bol zuger l bodloggui, buduuleg emegtei. Esther bol nasanda bhgui snaatai, ghde dajgui yadin 😂, zalusas bol Anar dajgui ghde biy n 😅, bilguun bol jinhene ym uztsn er hun ❤😂, Za chinzoo bol huurhn ch sanagddaggui, ndd hamaagui hha sorry, turuu bol ugasa l tm yriatai cool zan aashtai zaluu I like ❤, za oor ter namone bolhr jhn haltar, BAs l ndd hamagui ehehe. Newtruulgin talaarh setgegedel bol uneheer cool sanagdlaa. Bayrlalaa ❤❤, za tgd mini l bodol shu😅😅😅😅, how bolohwii2 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉❤❤
Ugh, and don't even get me started on Ikheree acting like she's above everyone else, constantly womansplaining and being a total know-it-all. Like, hello? Just because you're on a dating show doesn't mean you're suddenly the queen of relationships, honey. She's out here acting like she's some kind of relationship guru, talking down to Chinzo and the other guys like they're clueless idiots. Newsflash, Ikheree: nobody signed up for your condescending lectures. Take a chill pill and let people actually explore connections without your(Ikheree's) unnecessary commentary. Sheesh. Good vid btw! :D
tengisiin ereg deer 247 chin deer ueiin duu bsn yumo, tgd duu ni show da ashiglaad neriig ni show ni daa ogson bnle
@Zya2787 ай бұрын
Yr n ene show +25 deesh blgah heregtei gj bodjiinoo manai mongolchuud chni ert gerledeg hvvhedtei boldog harin +25 deesh nasnii gants biy hvmvvsiig oruulwal vneheer l sonirholtoi hvmvvs bn bh
@bujinish81567 ай бұрын
kk hugjiltei yumaa sorrrriy gesen dr zunduu ineelee 😅
@mikoziko99467 ай бұрын
Том тв.нүүд зохиогчийн эрхтэй авч байгаа. Аль Voice монголд ирснээс хойш тийм болсоон. Санаа зоволтгүй ээ.
@tumenzayatseepil84937 ай бұрын
Hooloinii ungu 1l sonsood bmaar aytaihan shuu
@Unsteadywind17173 ай бұрын
Би үзээгүй Тэхдээ тайлбар чинь үнэхээр таалагдаж бна 👍
@Misheelg3367 ай бұрын
Ystoi hamgiin goy sonirholtoi tailbrlalaaa. Bugdtei n sanal neg bnaaa
@Yumyum97 ай бұрын
Panelists ali hediin yum yrij bhd nemj commentary oruulah shaardlggu dee. Single’s Inferno bol solongoschuud neeh drama involved humuus bish blhor hugjiltei blgh gd panelists bdg yum shig sngdsn. Love Island bol ugasa commentary hiijga hun ni galzuu bhgu bol bolkushde( panelists opso uchraas)