Рет қаралды 763
Okay a quick run down of the story for this video. Link and Ganon have one final epic battle. I am talking epic Anikin V.S. Obi~Won, Cloud V.S. Sephiroth, Bat~man V.S. Joker, well you get the point. Though Ganon is defeated Link is mortally wounded and dies shortly after. Zelda is heart broken because she never got to tell him how she felt about him and how much she loved him. She is now trying to deal with the fact that he is gone, Though her memories of what Link has done in the past continue to haunt her. She still feeling like he is there and is letting him know that she will always be his and his alone. That he will always have all of her.
Legend of Zelda
Into: Resident Evil Theme
Video: My Immortal by Evanescence
Credits: Here Without You by 3 Doors Down