Good to Have? GOOLOO GP4000 Battery Jump Starter, GOOLOO GT150 Tire Inflator

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Pickup Truck Plus SUV Talk

Pickup Truck Plus SUV Talk

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@Pickuptrucktalk 22 күн бұрын
Here are the links: Tire inflator: Jump starter:
@estried86 21 күн бұрын
Project Farm tested a bunch of these, I don't leave home without one. I've jumped a 5.7 Hemi, V8 GMC van, Jeep Cherokee, and lawn tractor.
@battleborn4590 21 күн бұрын
Great video! I always enjoy a new video from Tim. I bought the jumpstart/booster pack based off of the review done on it with project farm and I have used it a few times. It works great. Now I think I will have to buy the tire inflator based off of Tim’s review of it. Seems pretty good for the price.
@effortless_choice 21 күн бұрын
They (do) work, some better than others. One thing to remember when deciding which to buy; if your car/truck battery is completely dead, I mean zip, zero, nada…some of these chargers might not work. Essentially, these jump boxes need to sense some level of current before it will work. Other jump boxes have a switch, button or internal software that lets it know the vehicle battery has no charge and will make the jump box work accordingly. Can be a big deal if you were trying to jump a completely dead battery and weren’t aware of your jump box capabilities/limitations. 👍😎🇺🇸🇺🇸
@quazaar 21 күн бұрын
ALL my kids and their spouses have these OR Gooloo makes a single device with both. They all love them. I have a small 120v Air compressor from Harbor freight in the frunk of my lightning. I will grab the gooloo before I use that to fill a tire. These things are life savers! Kids in college don't drive their vehicles as much. So batteries drain, tires lose air. They can quickly manage it all on their own! A friend complained that she had to stop at 6 different gas stations to find a place with air. Guess what she got for christmas ;) The combined unit works just as well if not better.
@quazaar 21 күн бұрын
Also remember, in a pinch it can charge your phone etc as well.
@quazaar 21 күн бұрын
And you don't need to charge your battery with it. It will produce enough to start it.
@TcDesign1333 14 күн бұрын
Every vehicle should have a $20-30 12v inflator. Also an adapter to get cig lighter outlet from RV trailer connector if it is one of the newer that for some reason has no +12v outlet in the cab. This has saved me many tire changes to get a tire with slow leak home.
@grantburgstahler944 21 күн бұрын
Did it start?
@wilmarbarrick3194 21 күн бұрын
NGL, I was hoping Tim was going to hook the negative to his index finger and positive to his tongue... 😈 Happy T-day to those celebrating. 🦃
@jonmeek3879 21 күн бұрын
Love your channel BUT you seem to be completely confused about both these products and just bumbled through this video
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