Yes i see what you are saying. Unity3d can provide a great user experience but html5 is accessible to much more platforms and you can write apps much easier. Unity3d also has other technologies that compete with it such as Gamebryo and even openGL ES. The amount of energy developing for Unity apps for specific solutions is also higher. I really like Unity3d but i think a more compelling idea would be to intergrate html5 into unity game engine. YOu can request CGI programs in unity i think.
@LuigiAgosti13 жыл бұрын
I think Gwt with html5 is the solution to pursue Falling back to native in case is too bad from a user prospective thanks to Reto and Michael, awesome talk
@Anders0112 жыл бұрын
Android and iOS development is excellent as a forerunner for HTML5. And maybe that's why Google launched Android in the first place. But still, it's actually like old PC software to have to install and upgrade applications on different OSs. Notice that they conveniently skipped that part in the presentation. ;-)
@ProBloggerWorld3 ай бұрын
13 years later and I think we must say, it still depends on the use case. I lean towards a native hybrid approach, so main functionality is native, augmented by web views. Kudos to Google for having us since forever. 🎉
@marecektn13 жыл бұрын
all Google IO talks are just ASTONISHING! If only I had 120 hours of free time full of concentration :)
@xxwoman12 жыл бұрын
I wish this channel was available on ROKU! :D
@Riofriosful12 жыл бұрын
$("#section") refers to an element with id "section". However, the slide refers to an element with _tag name_ "section".
@RickBeacham11 жыл бұрын
Good point. How much energy is used to develop an app on one platform compared to another platform. If you look at Game Development on consoles it can take significantly longer while a flash based one is much shorter. But is the end user experience that same? No. The console is usually better. But in the case with flash it can do the same thing but with less energy in development. So it really depends on your target audience. Flash is great solution but not for all users.
@RickBeacham11 жыл бұрын
I use some apps only through the browser since they don't need access to my phones data. But i would rather use the native apps. How can the acccess rights be restricted on a 'as needed bases' during of which we could grant access to the native app for each request. I wonder if there is a google maps api for c and C++?? Good presentation.
@VEGETADTX11 жыл бұрын
No man, I didn't say there should be only one food to eat, only one thought in everybody's mind, only taste etc. Those things should stay diverse a matter of fact the more diverse food the healthier one is. But when it comes to programming there is not a single benefit of having bunches and bunches of different languages, and bunches of different pipelines that utilize those languages in bunches of different ways COMPLETELY UNNECESSARILY, making it just harder for all of us.
@SpectatorAlius13 жыл бұрын
@sleepysonic Sounds like a feature to add to HTML5 video support: closed captioning!
@rizchelsea644012 жыл бұрын
Good debate.Got lot information from your discussion.
@SurachetMonchawanon12 жыл бұрын
for the slide should be $("section") , I think .. for html tag selector
@Ciprian-Amarandei11 жыл бұрын
I wish Google develops a wrapper for html5 to run as a native android app just like cocoonJS does. I like cocoonJS for fast performance, but you cannot access system functions and services with that.
@dudds669911 жыл бұрын
it really depends on what you want to do. basic apps ie storing info and what not html5 no excuse. high intense graphic applications with opengl and what not native.
@MohamedElsaka9112 жыл бұрын
Great, But can we calla native java functions from HTML5 application? I think this may be applicable if android supports local server that we can relay on! and ideas ?
@dmg4666413 жыл бұрын
GWT was the real unsung hero in this talk! :-)
@Ou8y2k212 жыл бұрын
When it comes to software, I'm an early adopter. I'm using Chrome 20.0.1096.1 dev-m and it apparently randomly puts some users in the HTML5 KZbin beta program. I went to the KZbin HTML5 page and opted out. Now I can view videos without stuttering on my Athlon XP using Flash 11.2. Perhaps they should query whether a computer is dual core or higher?
@ThomasHauck10 жыл бұрын
Michael Mahemoff is the author of Ajax Design Patterns.
@lnostdal12 жыл бұрын
It's happening. see NaCL ("Google Native Client"); it will run on ARM and mixes with HTML5.
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
Remenber, we are talking about web development, aren't we? Don't compare apples with orange, Unity 3d have it way in game development as html5 in the web , flash have his nich in animation carttons and 2d/3d games. There are a tons of concept that you need to learn or experience before came to the conclusion about how thing should be done, remember that the only real programing language in html5 is javascript and with it you can make a whole game without any css and only one canvas html element.
@VEGETADTX11 жыл бұрын
Recognizing perspective in something doesn't make me childish, it just makes me someone who cares about the future. I don't understand why do you think of it as something as day dreaming or "sci fi" or such. It is real, it is absolutely possible, there is not a SINGLE THING that stops people from making something like that besides their unwillingness to do so.
@darthirakli12 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I was wondering about Chrome choosing html5 on some videos as well. Do you know if this is a bug or an intentional feature (to test youtube's html5)?
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
I care about the future too, and sometimes i aks myself questions like yours: Would the world solve its problem if there were only a unified institution(country or continent) ,if there were only one absolute concurrency , is everyone think the same, only one food to eat, only one game too play, only one dream to accomplish,A ONLY LANGUAGE,etc. It would be boring don't you think? But more i care about is the now, and that is a higher scope subject and i would get too tired to talk about it.Cheers
@Anders0112 жыл бұрын
Awesome presentation! I have only watched a bit so far but I just wanted to point out that having to install software on different OSs (like on Android and iOS) is sooo 90s!!! Why not make HTML5 fully mobile-able?
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
But did you forget what programing language are?. The technologies and it can also be applayed to what i say earlier (Do you realy want a world with a single technolgy) also remenber that there are something called "style" and people choose the language base in which style they want to code that fit they peculiar criteria. There are functional languages OOP langauges , prototypical oriented language( JS by example),etc.
@OwenPrescott12 жыл бұрын
How come they cannot just combine the web standards of html5 with the native tech?
@VEGETADTX11 жыл бұрын
Yes but my point is that all of that html css js and all of those unnecessary complications should be shrunk into one darn simple purely visual language and make our lives easier. The only people on earth who made a step in that direction are Unity3D is only a game engine for now, but I stronly believe that it will become a multipurpose programming environment in the future...I don't understand why people don't recognize it more and invest in it more.
@waqqas_the_wicked11 жыл бұрын
I believe the syntax is fairly similar though I would encourage you to look in to jQuery if you haven't done so already :) JS can be a pain!
@oneminutetomidnight13 жыл бұрын
@sleepysonic CC is working for me. Try again maybe? ;p
@getreadytotube11 жыл бұрын
Are these two battling each other? Is it like one is for HTML5 and one if for Native?
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
Well remember what html5 realy is(html,css3,js) so you could use CSS to do .button:hover{"do something} and voula and also keep in mind that: Not everyone want to use or afford a expensive graphical tool just to make a website or app. And website and apps make in flash cannot be track by search engines like google, yahoo and bin and SEO is critical for any web business. I not saying that flash is a bad tool but for web development unless is video related it is.
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
Well i think it maybe because most of mayor modern browser support and are open source, and those need more open source solution and proposals like html5 in orden to get rid propetary/restrcited things like flash. And about the ugly syntax of JS (that is subjective), you my use something like coffeescript or clojurescript to make js a more staticly appeling language than even AS3, i also know about populars AS3 animation libraries like Greensock's that had ported to JS.
@VEGETADTX11 жыл бұрын
But I was not talking about Action Script, I was talking about Flash editor. I just don't understand human kind....I will never understand...we have the ability to make a multipurpose, multiplatform, intuitive, easy to use, VISUAL programming environment (such as UDK's kismet but just multipurpose) yet NOBODY SO FAR HAS DONE IT. WHY PEOPLE DON'T CARE ABOUT IT!? That's like editing a video frame by frame with paint, and not caring about making video editors such as premiere/smoke/vegas...
@burgalarab12 жыл бұрын
A no-brainer perhaps but the only thing I have been able to fully determine is that Adobe Flash is not the future and (in my case) firmly in "the can". Current thinking = Android apps and Webviews for the re-write. I need to watch this again later... Jury is still about a bit
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
The are not "unnecassary complications" more complicate would be is i have to define my markup, style and functionality in the same language because , semantic markup(html) style(css) and the functionality (js) they are and have too different concepts in the game that need to be separate in an way to make applications more mantainable (have you heard about "progressive enhancement"?), so you realy need to give yourself a time to check how web development work and how html5 fit in that game.
@RickBeacham11 жыл бұрын
Does that browser have access to the phone and device data anyways?
@alkoxy10 жыл бұрын
do web view apps support the android intent framework?
@goldilockszone43898 жыл бұрын
I am noob and I want to get into software development- Should I start by learning app or should i learn the basic of web development. I feel that apps are taking over web development but not in the near future
@httfan234513 жыл бұрын
where I can download the presentation file ?
@NotAllowed8313 жыл бұрын
great demo!
@VEGETADTX11 жыл бұрын
I agree its all subjective of course when it comes to syntax..but man...honestly, how much coding and work you have to do to program a hover button effect in Javascript vs is incomparably in Flash its just a matter of entering the "onhover keyframe and then doing whatever you want there, in JS you have to write .ready() .live('hover') function() {.... bla bla bla yet still graphically not be able to do a darn thing compared to what you can do with flash. So I just don't understand.
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
Flash die on web development some time ago, now is more suitable for games, but still many mayor mobile game don't even use flash anymore.
@webcamsociety11 жыл бұрын
Can the mobile interface be used to develop android?
@Anders0112 жыл бұрын
As a funny little conspiracy theory, an additional reason for Android is to destroy Oracle. Haha. They tricked Oracle to buy Sun and then Oracle will sue Google again and win! And the market will get really angry at Oracle for destroying Android, while that was the plan all along.
@forresto12 жыл бұрын
What's the TL;DW?
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
Emmmm.. ok i tought that we were talking about something about flash and html5 , but CLEARLY you are tunred in something in some sci fi or anime would make, how old are again?.
@rahulsawant981611 жыл бұрын
this video is so good but its too long makes some people bore
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
And remeber that "No programming language is perfect" and "You need to pick the right tool for the job" i am sure that you heard those sentences from many professional and great developers. If you are agree with it then how can you want a world wit only a programming language/tool there ? :).
@VEGETADTX11 жыл бұрын
I know all of that...but I disagree that that's a better way of doing things...there is no way that having to know tons of stuff (out of which many are organized badly IMO) is easier than having to know how to use only ONE tool or language. Unity3D is a perfect example of that...I can't imagine that someone thinks that HTML5 and all it includes is easier than Unity3D, yet I bet Unity3D with its web player someday may become the next big thing.
@GEORGEMEJIA11 жыл бұрын
@JamesJBurt11 жыл бұрын
Michael sounds almost apologetic every time he speaks. It detracts from his ability to convince. One thing I wish he had emphasized: HTML 5 has a huge advantage in the Human-Resources consideration. a. Your company probably already has developers who know 90% of HTML_5, the additional training (from HTML_4 to HTML_5) is relatively small. b. Whatever you wish that browsers could do, they will be able to do soon, probably long before you can retrain your developers to be experts in Native programming. Unless you really need your web-app to access the barometer / gps / contact_list / accelerometer on a user's phone, you probably don't really need native code.
@TheNoih11211 жыл бұрын
Google uses JQuery?
@fanno1612 жыл бұрын
why google developers using macbook?
@digitalsketchguy11 жыл бұрын
This debate is already dated. That's technology for you! Two years!
@stevenship13 жыл бұрын
good demo!
@EvoPortal11 жыл бұрын
For anyone who does not want to waste almost 2 hours watching this video. To sum up....HTML 5 for apps SUCKS. Web Apps SUCK.
@Sakitsunebi10 жыл бұрын
Im just going to interject against your statement towards web apps. I'm personally a fan of native code and I do prefer lower levels and trying to get as close to the machine as i can, BUT a web app is an EXCELLENT place to start with an application. Like they stated, it works everywhere and you can cover almost all of your basis in one shot. Now, of course there are cons, but the all your users are happy and you have a working application. Now that your web app is functional and stable, (which is a huge task in and of itself, if youve ever built one) you begin working on the native app(s). Not to mention that since youve already build the damn thing once, you have a better understanding of how all the bits and pieces work and hopefull you'll be aware of whatever pitfalls may have come through your first build. Not to mention you'll probably add and remove some features along the way. Also, during that time, collect data from your web app and determine what features are popular, useless and future features your users might want. And lastly, to say that HTML5 sucks for web apps is an unsophisticated, and probably uneducated statement. If you've ever made a web app or even a web page, you'll know that HTML5 doesnt make any kind of app, process information or handle any kind of logic. Also, Java, C/C++, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, PHP, Ruby etc..., the code that actually DOES handle logic, are all just a means to an end, and if you're wise, you'll consider whatever tool best suits your needs for the current situation instead of just blow something off. The guys at the conference said it so well, "If there was only one way that was best, google would only do it that one way, but we dont, we do it both ways."
@EvoPortal10 жыл бұрын
Sakitsunebi You are simply scientifically incorrect.
@Sakitsunebi10 жыл бұрын
@CGExp12 жыл бұрын
I wish I had 1 hr , to watch the whole thing
@xzaz212 жыл бұрын
6:48 like the 1,337 projects
@bichitomax11 жыл бұрын
You and me are the same, we want to code in the language that fit our needs and coding style,maybe you like the syntax and concepts c++, python or AS3 and you wouldn't want to code in something else, and maybe i like javascript , php, or ruby and the same applay to me, that the beauty of having a plethora of things like programing languages (that we can choose from many what i like and make sence to me) you see?.Would you like a world were all or one single thing were a monopolio?..I won't.
@gmarchildon12 жыл бұрын
in jquery, it's $("#section")
@anynamecanbeuse12 жыл бұрын
the guys should improve their sliders
@CGExp12 жыл бұрын
I wish I had 1:01:35 UNITS of time , to watch the whole thing
@meridjal7 жыл бұрын
With people like these no wonder Android is not moving forward as fast as it should.
@Riofriosful12 жыл бұрын
5:45 Javascript should be $("section") not $("#section"). :-)
@rocwang968112 жыл бұрын
@VEGETADTX11 жыл бұрын
I never understood this irresistible urge of humankind to unnecessarily complicate things. Why can't Adobe simply make a contract with all major browsers and integrate flash player into them automatically and then make all of our lives easier. Creating drop down menus, animations, or anything else in flash is INCOMPARABLY easier, more intuitive, and more logical than anything ever done by Javascript IMHO. For my taste, JS has absolutely the ugliest syntax I have ever came across.
@TheNedflix12 жыл бұрын
they have a macbook
@manavpanchal83569 жыл бұрын
Google is always new ... (Y)
@jSKDkjsx10 жыл бұрын
@VEGETADTX11 жыл бұрын
No its not apples and oranges. I'm talking about a universal programming environment that will be applicable both to native and web programming. Both you and I know that at some point in future that must happen (otherwise I think that humanity is officially retarded). Back when all these powerful tools weren't made, as soon as you would mention an idea of it, people would reply - "stop daydreaming and work with what you've got now". Why doing the same now? Why underestimating the future?
@87chacha13 жыл бұрын
billy mays!
@cirantait12 жыл бұрын
Its jquery and its id selector!!
@zrebrutibreniti11 жыл бұрын
last comment/question = epic
@GEORGEMEJIA11 жыл бұрын
we should avoid learnign new programming languags, just learn one: html5
@gmarchildon12 жыл бұрын
oh i see, my bad
@lennyhome12 жыл бұрын
Write a program in HTML 5 and enjoy it running on several platforms... poorly. What a failure.
@ChristopherElwell12 жыл бұрын
Speed 2.0x
@boyo199111 жыл бұрын
viva web apps! :P
@xcelappcom10 жыл бұрын
This guy actually showed that BlackBerry is Java and ANDROID is "Dalvick" And when did "Dalvick" and HTML5 become a 'programming language? This video is embarassing Google. I guess he is one of your "Engineers"? lol Stick to search What a waste
@pastorbijomjosephjoseph25359 жыл бұрын
my official name is bijo mjoseph
@LostNomad31113 жыл бұрын
So much talking for topics this simple (9 minutes in).
@VEGETADTX11 жыл бұрын
But my question is WHY?!?!!? WHY!? Just why? If its more practical, faster, better anti-aliasing, simple to implement in browser and most importantly SIMPLER SOLUTION yet giving the same amount of flexibility WHY browsers don't implement flash instead of all this messy javascript and stuff... I just don't get it. Is it possible that the competition and greed is the only real obstacle? If it is, I don't even know what to say about humanity in general.
@justinjiang12 жыл бұрын
macboook ftw
@jedtech8711 жыл бұрын
That guy looks like a Bill Gates's disciple! hehehe, just kidding.