Gothic 3 Sucks -- A Critique From a Longtime Gothic Fan

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The Nocturnal Rambler

The Nocturnal Rambler

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@WandererOfWorlds0 4 жыл бұрын
Eh, at least the music is timeless.
@TheBytao7mao 4 жыл бұрын
@oldben7177 4 жыл бұрын
@Frodo1000000 4 жыл бұрын
Actually it momentarily sucks as well, whereas previous Gothics had no weak points. Combat and Myrtana Open Field music are atrocious. It's too pompous and takes attention away from the world, it illustrates, not assists. Combat music is the worst. Every time I see a bandit or a scavenger, I get shocked by the aggressive brass. The Myrtana Explore track has the same problem, just hear 4:10 in the video - suddenly fucking *attacked* by the strings. Don't get me wrong - it's good music in of itself, but for a game it's terrible and there's no question about it.
@primusro 4 жыл бұрын
The music was beautiful overall. In some moments was better than Gothis1 and 2 music. "Vista" and "Welcome to Varant" are incredible.
@TheMicholon 4 жыл бұрын
The combat music is so boring and repetable. TUDUDUDUUUUUUTUDUDUDUDUDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
@xenon333 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the game was a heartbreaking disappointment. The game itself actually contains a great example that perfectly alludes to it's own pathetic emptiness - I'm talking about the tower of Xardas. Think about it - you spend hundred hours running through an entire country looking for him, expecting some great revalations, you run up the serpentine road to the top of the highest mountain in Nordmar, you see the tower, and what is it? It's not even a tower, as it only has one floor! What are all those high walls for if not to hold more floors up above? Have you ever seen a tower with one floor? Well there you go, Gothic 3 is a one floor tower.
@TheNocturnalRambler 4 жыл бұрын
Hah, that's something I didn't even think of or notice. Something like that would surely fit well under #11 for Illogical Design Elements.
@heretyk_1337 4 жыл бұрын
There is even better example- when i played for the first time, i kept to the coast- and to explore, as previous games taught me to crawl into every corner to see if there maybe is something to loot- to get some experience, so i could invest in strength and combat... And i went so far, i actually found Xardas` tower by accident... Never went to Cape Dun, never met any task giving NPC outside Ardea... I returned with enough experience to get 200 str points, 250 of stamina and full mastery of one handed, two handed, bows and shields... When i went inland, i already was strong enough to make a short work out of ANYTHING with basic sword alone...
@Thebdippy 4 жыл бұрын
and you finally talk to him and he's just like "hey sup bro? you deal with the orcs yet?"
@adamdavidsoddities8573 4 жыл бұрын
Gothic veteran here. Been playing it ever since 2002. I finally put aside my disappointments with 3 and am now 70hrs in. With all the community patches and restored content, it really isn't that bad. Granted it will never be like 1 and 2.
@blakegunner5841 3 жыл бұрын
Also literally every town has more people than homes or beds. And there isn’t even a house where there are stairs INSIDE that lead to the next floor(s). Plus some “cities” aren’t even believable to be consider a village. (Braga, Ben erai, lago, especially Ben sala)
@StrangeNazemi 4 жыл бұрын
Yo.. About the quest with bringing healing plants for Yberion.. I did load up game like 10 times because I was thinking that I wasn't fast enough and I really didn't want him to die. It was sad.
@ayasugihada 4 жыл бұрын
on one of my playthroughs, I've already cleaned most of the world apart of Sleeper's temple at that point. I also had the plants with me so the resulting dialogue was quite funny. On another occasion, I killed everyone killable in the camp which actually led to a glitch that didn't allow me to start a ritual, because there was some dude missing & you needed to get into a dialogue with him or something. Good ol' times, good ol' times.
@lucasqwert1 3 жыл бұрын
@@ayasugihada I am playing Gothic again after many years and a few days ago I was at that point in the story where I have to walk to this guy to start the ritual. I could see him looking at me from a distance just waiting for me to get near him so he could start the trigger of the video sequence. Haha
@psychokiller8844 3 жыл бұрын
fucking fly
@ghostwolf9499 4 жыл бұрын
I never understood what I didn't like about Gothic 3 and it always bothered me. I played Gothic 1 and 2 hundreds of times and Gothic 3 I have never beat....just keep losing interest. This video essentially outlined all the issues that I didn't understand.
@koks49045 4 жыл бұрын
Well it's so obvious, like literally if you want to complete most of the quests you have to slain atleast 10 times more orcs than you slained in G1 and G2 combined, thats just too much. And same with almost every other creatures and quests.
@ghostwolf9499 4 жыл бұрын
@@koks49045 Ya I just never really thought about it, I was just always so disappointed how bored I was so quickly like I have never gone beyond the first area, I just never got enough rep with anyone to move past it.
@TheChodex 4 жыл бұрын
Probably the reason why you (and me as well) kept loosing interest is because every area / region beyond first is unfinished. It has empty, big lands that devs didn't have time to fill with proper content so what is left is probably just some random boilerplate quests that they just placed there for testing :P
@houseoffirebellytoads1439 4 жыл бұрын
Same here! Finally understand why this game sucks ass
@akbar8427 3 жыл бұрын
@iamalovingguy in gothic 3? Dude that game is easy af!
@Diegoshadow85 4 жыл бұрын
Worst thing in Gothic 3, apart from its optimalisation, was fightining system, you didn't really learned new combos like in previous ones, most of the game you just spam left click, that being said I finished it 2 times, one on premiere and second one years later with community patch and I wasn't dissapointed. I'd take Gothic 3 over Anthem any day.
@bellinthedungeon4515 4 жыл бұрын
​@Főfasírozó Can't say the same
@flachzange1614 3 жыл бұрын
The system had combos. I don't realy understand how it works but when you play a little with you mousputens you can creat combos.
@fugidincaleatirului6687 5 жыл бұрын
How they handled the whole Lee plot in G3 is what really ruined the game for me
@commander31able60 4 жыл бұрын
I'll never forget running from Xardas' tower to some are in Myrtana, where paladins *fall from the sky* and try to beat you to death with their fists.
@bonyfax2345 4 жыл бұрын
Wait, that’s Skyrim……You sure you are in the right game bro?
@commander31able60 4 жыл бұрын
@@bonyfax2345 I can't tell if you're joking...
@LetsPlayPC 3 жыл бұрын
The Morrowind and Oblivion effect is pretty obvious with Gothic 3. It's the only PB game that I never finished.
@8a8122 3 жыл бұрын
Its unfinished so not a big deal
@andrewvincent7299 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, PB should have stuck to their game design. It was far superior to whatever Bethesda was doing at the time.
@YOSEPHALLEN92 2 ай бұрын
Err, no, man. Just no. Oblivion is a masterpiece, full stop.
@YOSEPHALLEN92 2 ай бұрын
And even skyrim is a masterpiece compared to every single gothic. Story wise, playability and UIwise
@TheServerbobsNagato Ай бұрын
@@YOSEPHALLEN92 Oblivion is a master piece just like Gothic. Skyrim was released in 2011, 5 years later than Gothic 3. You cannot compare these games.
@matternicuss 3 жыл бұрын
Just finished Gothic 3 for the first time, and while I had fun exploring the world, I can’t help but agree with your review. In so many areas it’s painfully obvious that the game is simply unfinished. I mostly finished it for the sake of closure, but in the end I didn’t even get that because the story is so bare-bones.
@fritzkuhne2055 9 ай бұрын
even with this trainwreck of a game, you notice the huge amount of talent, the dev´s undoubtably had.
@PeTak006 5 жыл бұрын
Truth be told, Piranha Bytes has not made a really good game since Gothic 2 NotR. Gothic 3 was okay to me, I liked its atmosphere with great soundtrack, but it obviously can't compare even slightly to Gothic 1, and especially not Gothic 2 with it's expansion. The first Risen game was the step in the right direction. It was a game heavily inspired by original Gothic formula which gave hope for the franchise. Risen 1's combat still my favorite of all their games, but can't understand why Piranha Bytes has not simply improved upon it, instead of always making a brand new one and always sucking at it. Still, I can't raise Risen 1 to the heaven because it was way too unoriginal with too many influences by original Gothic games. Then we move onto Risen 2 and 3, which were all mediocre at best, while ELEX feels just like Risen 2 and 3 to me, but with way more interesting world. Piranha Bytes has games with it's unique charm that no other developer has to me, but I can't ignore the fact that I have not enjoyed truly a game from them since early 2000s. Weather you like Gothic 3 or not, this was a good video. Like I said, Piranha Bytes has it's unique charm and in all their games there's something to be loved a lot, but they lost it's touch way back then before Risen series. I know people like to say they lost it with Risen 2 and afterwards, Gothic 3 being a failure because of JooWood and such, but reality is, even if Gothic 3 came out finished, it's core mechanics would stay the same. I hope Elex 2 will be better, but I expect more of the same sadly.
@emilychb6621 4 жыл бұрын
@Neil O'Donnell Even Risen 2 was orders of magnitude above Risen 3, though the whole focus on the pirate mechanic wasn't really my thing. But I didn't even play through Risen 3 completely, because I got bored with driving around the boat. And I managed to finish Arcadia + expansion.
@kooroshrostami27 4 жыл бұрын
imo the game that comes closest to the Gothic 1 and 2 charm is the community game Legend of Ahssun which based on Gothic 2. They did a great job of reviving the original immerson in an entirely new, massive world and quest line. 10 times better than Gothic 3 or Risen imo.
@brohvakiindova4452 4 жыл бұрын
@Neil O'Donnell problem with risen is that it's only good in the first two chapters... from chapter 3 on it drops hard into dungeon crawling through same looking temples, also the combat system is only fun for the time where you don't kill everything in a few hits anyway it really got boring so much that I quit before the final fight last time I replayed in gothic 2 it's similar but the final part of the game is quickly done and doesn't feel like a chore
@brohvakiindova4452 4 жыл бұрын
@Neil O'Donnell yeah I didn't think of gothic 1 to be honest it's really boring later on because your decision which camp to join ultimately means little to nothing (except for the skills you can learn) and it's kind of similar to risen it's so sad that they didn't do gothic 3 on the same engine with a similar concept like gothic 2 a nice scenario would have been being shipwrecked on another island so they could have focused more on the content but ultimately it's just the publishers fault how gothic 3 went unfinished
@FalkFlak 3 жыл бұрын
I think PB's strenghtes are very subtle like modeling landscapes which are interesting to explore or NPCs reacting to your behaviour, and doing their own thing, also great soundtracks and other things. Until Risen 2 - before going nuts - they also had a clear low-fantasy, down to earth design concept about "normal" people in a rough world that just worked. But overall they don't seem to be able to produce a coherent concept and I consider Gothic 1 and 2 (basically a copy of G1) as a happy accident. They still appear as some kind of hobbyists tinkering in the garage and don't deserved that high praise as game designers.
@d0ntdiealone1 4 жыл бұрын
Damn, you nailed my thoughts about this Game, despite i got more like a love/hate relationship with this game.
@brittislove Жыл бұрын
I never played Gothic 1 or 2, but I always read rave reviews about it. I bought Gothic 3 as at the time, it was highly anticipated. It was hideous. The game did not work on release. The performance was miserable, and I remember entire fields of texture disappearing from my PC. I did not have a weak PC at the time, so this was certainly a programming issue. I know my main complaints were eventually patched away, but I'll always harbor a deep resentment to this game and believe that the fond memories people have of this game are just rose tinted glasses and the game coasting off of the previous two entries. Thank you for being real about the game, everyone else seems to love it but it doesn't deserve love. If it were my child, I would send it to bed without dinner edit: ughhhhh I forgot about the nonstop stunlocks. Wolves would stunlock me and all I could do is hope they screw up or wait til I die
@whyboar 4 жыл бұрын
25:30 turn on auto-generated caps
@kissenklauer7011 4 жыл бұрын
omg ^^
@trassage 2 ай бұрын
After I read the subtitles, i had to rewind three times to understand that he was actually saying. Nice catch :D
@adnan4688 4 жыл бұрын
Only someone who grew up as the games were coming out,can review this game as you did. Great job
@Kevin5279 4 жыл бұрын
I'm quite surprised that people till today point out that Gothic 3 is one of their favorite RPGs. There are even a bunch of gaming youtubers who share that opinion and go as far as defending every nonsensical element in the game
@adnan4688 4 жыл бұрын
Those people and those KZbinrs can suck my ballz 😂. I mean, don't get me wrong,I enjoyed Gothic 3 aswell,but 1&2 deserve a Nobel prize 😁
@Fion355 4 жыл бұрын
@@adnan4688 Come now, with the Com Patch and a few other mods the game is maybe not a masterpiece, but at least a good one.
@zalandarr 4 жыл бұрын
They are the same type of people who bend over for Chris Howard and his shenanigans. They just like games because they are grinding a mindless sandbox world, could be playing wow or minecraft they would still enjoy it cause they dont know anything about story development and immersion.
@Hangman108 5 жыл бұрын
A very good analysis and comparison. You should advertise your channel more on some forums. The video is very good, your voice is pleasant to hear and you have good diction. Very surprising you have so few views.
@MrLoneWoof 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with all you said. I don't think even the Community Story Project (if it ever releases) can salvage the game. And even if it does it was still the worst PB game to date (worse even that Risen 2, which mostly had problems due to being their first console title). The exploration is nonexistent (who tf thought tying loot to the number of chests you opened, not their location, was a good idea), the story stretched out thin, the armor/weapon and generally progression system fundamentaly broken. And so on, and on, and on. Honestly, the only good thing about G3 was the music.
@TheWhiteStar666 4 жыл бұрын
For me G3 is the biggest dissapointment in my entire gaming experience. I love G1&2 and finished G3 just after release, and I hate hearing that after those community patches it's a good game, because technical problems aren't the biggest issue with G3. It's lack of story, friends from G1&2 that are just random npc with nothing to tell, different lore (wtf happened to orcs!?), big and nice world but filled whith absolutely nothing satisfying to discover or loot. One Khorinis from G2 is much more interesting than all the cities in G3 together. So fixing bugs with community patch doesn't change anything at all. I hate this game. Finished it twice, second time after many years with community patches and while I still come back from time to time to G1&2 I will never ever even install G3 again. It just sucks and ruined the lore. this game.
@TheAquarius87 4 жыл бұрын
So much potential, such a shame. Gothic 3 felt like a complete different universe, compared to the first two games. Even the booklet that came with the game painted a different world than that turned out...
@renanaj3828 3 ай бұрын
Im a fan of Gothic 1 and 2, and I share your discontent of the 3rd game. Feels like a cheap mmo, I played only for 5 hours and was constantly finding and questioning illogical things and behaviors. One example that you didnt mention on the video, also regarding the runaway slave, is that the dude is hiding a few meters from the gate outside, you could clearly see him if you were a guard at the gate. And then once you "find" him he asks you to help him "escape" to the hunter shack that is literally in front of the town gate. The town that he "escaped" from. As much as I enjoyed the previous games, I'll have to give up on this one, it breaks immersion all the time.
@matternicuss 5 жыл бұрын
This is the best critique I’ve seen of Gothic 3 by far, so good job! I can’t remember if you mentioned it in the video, but another detail that bugs me about Gothic 3 is the lack of female NPCs. And children for that matter. Gothic 1 and 2 also don’t have many female characters, but their sparsity makes sense in Khorinis, given that it was mainly a mining and penal colony. Their rarity in Gothic 3, however, makes zero sense on the mainland. There should be families struggling to survive amidst a full scale war, but instead we get a sausage festival across an entire continent. That single oversight honestly takes away so much from the atmosphere PB was trying to achieve with this game, and to this day I don’t understand how they could have missed that.
@TheNocturnalRambler 5 жыл бұрын
Good catch! That's definitely something I noticed while playing, but forgot to include in the review. Would be a perfect fit for the "Illogical Design Elements" sections.
@bulanet271 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheNocturnalRambler i think you mentioned it when you first reached the king, and also showcased the strange bug where npc's hair was on the ground next to them instead of on their head
@baka_energy 4 жыл бұрын
I´m playing Gothic 2 and it´s full of females
@BaraTheVeggie 4 жыл бұрын
matternicuss aahhahahshshhshshsshahahs true man true
@MrTeknown 4 жыл бұрын
Gothic 3 was my favourite out of the bunch. I finished it several times with every type of character. I really loved the game.
@grovsmed4347 3 жыл бұрын
i love you
@NerevarineKing Жыл бұрын
I installed all the mods and G3 was still boring as hell. I find very little to enjoy about the game.
@martinmonroe7082 4 жыл бұрын
From my perspective... I can agree with most of what you're saying but man... I was seven years old when I first played Gothic 3, first in the franchise. Honestly, i didnt mind the game did not tell me 'where' lester is... I was just discovering the world by my own... Unlike today's open world games, Gothic 3's world was full of everything... The extreme rewarding feeling when I found nomads in one of those well hidden caves in huge desert that looked empty, but wasn't... I love this game forever.
@SimoPit 5 жыл бұрын
I completely forgot you talked for about a hour. I agree on mostly everything apart from the lore/quest parts because I've never finished the first Gothic and I barely played the second one. Great exposition indeed. It's a bit sad thinking that it could've been the definitive gothic experience or even that it could've surpassed or even beat Oblivion as an open-world rpg.
@zzDashyx 5 жыл бұрын
Great review, super entertaining and great job presenting thoughts that I've also had whilst playing the game and being a fan of the series for the last 15 years
@Thoregor 4 жыл бұрын
For a moment I was trying so hard to remember when did I post this comment...
@MeCreateAccountxD 4 жыл бұрын
You're so on point with everything, I agree with you 100%, like as if I have writen the script for this review myself. Excellent job! It's a shame PB went downhill, I really wanted a Gothic 3 game.
@bobby5972 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe its just nostalgia, but I still enjoy this game with the community patch. Wonder how great this game could have been, if they would have let Phirana Bytes finish it. This was like 30 % of the whole game as they said in interviews.
@shahaman5694 Жыл бұрын
Why they couldn’t finish it in time?
@bobby5972 Жыл бұрын
The publisher JoWood ran out off money so they had to release it early
@shahaman5694 Жыл бұрын
@@bobby5972 how is it even possible after success of previous Gothic games
@bobby5972 Жыл бұрын
@@shahaman5694 "To be fair, if we had finished it in the time that we promised, it would have been fine. But as it was, the development took longer on the project, and instead of trying to find a solution with us - how to get this right - they just wanted to release it. It was because of their stock market orientation, I think. So we decided to go separate ways then."- Piranha Bytes co-founder Michael Hoge
@MsVector666 4 жыл бұрын
Really good review, man. I became gothic fan not long time ago, I played gothic 3 on release but go on to the Oblivion, and I've completed first two games and all Risen games not long time ago, but I can't play in Gothic 3 because I always think about what a great game it could've been and it makes me sooo sad
@Darthinfernov99 Жыл бұрын
When I played this game for the first time, I enjoyed some aspects such as the soundtrack. The music really adds into the atmosphere and immersion, but unfortunate that this game didn't work out the way Piranha Bytes had intended to make it. Gothic 1, 2 are one of the best rpgs ever be made, but Gothic 3 had so much potential, and Piranha bytes sadly didn't get to finish the game, due to them selling rights. I hope the upcoming Gothic remake will bring back some nostalgia into the Gothic series.
@Modie 4 жыл бұрын
To be fair, if there is a new guy arriving in town and just now guards are being killed and things start to disappear, I don't think that it is unintuitive that the guards would start supsecting you. It is actually more immersion breaking in G1 and G2 that no one seems to care that his stuff disappears over night. That doesn't mean that G3 did it better. I think, the best way would have been the following: 1. You start killing/stealing 2. The guards pick up on that and tell you that 3. The AI is now more careful when you enter a house that is not yours (looking into the house from the outside). They already do it, but not after they warned you, just when the status is not high enough 4. You keep stealing/killing 5. The guards get even more suspicious of you and tell you that 6. The guards start now to watch every step you do. Basically there is always a guard following you that you can get rid of if you do something intelligent or maybe through some kind of perk (in the thief tree for example). The difference is that with increased murder/theft, it only gets harder for you to continue. You can still do it and you will only be attacked once they catch you while doing it, but it is not as illogical as in G1 and G2. However, my only problem with this is that saving the game makes the consequences less important. For example, if you go too far in G3 in the current system, saving doesn't really help, because once you killed too many people, the guards will always attack you. But I think, in the end, everyone can decide how much they want to abuse that.
@sanstx3987 2 жыл бұрын
I think the biggest problem in this game is the time consuming gameplay.
@TheShadowCookie 4 жыл бұрын
I grew up with Gothic as well, being German and all. Those games were my childhood, teaching me the rough ways of a hostile role-playing world, at the same time mystifying me with its beauty and immersive story. Especially Gothic 2 felt so epic, only increasing in quality with its expansion. I remember all the hype surrounding Gothic 3, feels like it was yesterday. Our magazines here were filled to the brim with articles and early footage. Nobody knew about the internal dilemmas back then, absolutely nobody. We were simply expecting the next evolutionary step on the stairway to glory. Then came the day of release, at last we received the game ... And it was awful. A bug-ridden mess of a game, featuring everything you so lovingly showcased and elaborated on in your video. Little to no connection to its predecessor, little to no character development or story, absolutely unbalanced difficulty levels, etc. It took the fans - THE FANS - years to kind of polish up the game, making it somewhat presentable. I finished it then, but sadly it was still so disappointing. An expansion, "Götterdämmerung", was eventually released, and somehow it was even worse, primarily because they had handed it off to some unknown studio without any sort of real experience. By that point, however, the series had already died. Nobody truly cared that much about Gothic 4 down the road (it wasn't that great either). I will forever remember the first two games fondly, but Gothic 3 ... Dear lord, those days were truly dreadful. A sad time for us all.
@piotrkarp9562 4 жыл бұрын
Welp, for me, worst thing in Gothic 3 is empty world. There's nothing interesting in terms of loot in world. Only those lame 'special chests'. Nor dragon's bane like in G2 or orc's bane. Nothing cool, nothing interesting.
@emilychb6621 4 жыл бұрын
Yea I'm G1/G2 exploring the environment made sense. You got the feeling you found a rare item that not everyone would have found. And the item was usually quite good. And once you knew were the item was, you could pick it up in another playthrough early if you managed to sneak past the creepy crawlers.
@Daisy_3011 4 жыл бұрын
@@emilychb6621 On my last playthrough I found some 2 amulets/rings in Night of Raven possibly for the first time that were well hidden but close for early game which surprised me as hell since they were very useful as far as I can remember lol. 1- you had to climb up from bandits hideout next to Xardass' tower on to mountain and somewhere there under a tree was just laying there while second was just outside of Khorinis on a "cliff" you had to reach from stairs onto Akil's farm on a very narrow path I always seen but never thought of exploring it for some reason found skeleton with artifact. Possibly only reason I have found those 2 is I wanted to clean entire map and all quests in chapter 1(thanks fire storm for the work in crypt😂). But back to exploring if even veteran like me could find something new on an absolute 100% run which wasn't the first but these previous weren't as thorough, it was also god knows which playthrough maybe like 30th? Haha. This just shows how much time they've spent on filling the world and making it feel alive while making the rewards feel special since they were not in the obvious places so maybe not everyone found them. How much content this game has in such a small world clearly is reflected in how long it took me to finish on that last run (82h). I doubt I'd play Gothic 3 that long on single playthrough without leaving it and never finishing.
@gamefan987 3 жыл бұрын
So when are you gonna do Arcania ? I know it's not canon anymore but it would be fun to hear you opinion.
@ArniesTech 2 жыл бұрын
And still I hold G3 close to my heart. I even installed the RAW version with the official Piranha Bytes patches up to v.1.12 (January 2007) for the ultimate nostalgia kick. At v.1.12 there are no more guru crashes and other funky stuff 💪😌
@legion999 4 жыл бұрын
I think I hated this game. The combat was hilariously broken at launch, all the humans and orcs were trivial, and all the beasts were auto-dodging stunlocking machines.
@vaqmnrg1688 3 жыл бұрын
When I first saw the Orc and their mercenaries, I hated what they did so much, i became ingame racist.
@eskapel8803 9 ай бұрын
This game is definition of wasted potential. I still love it and play it from time to time, but it had chance to be one of the best RPGs in history.
@flachzange1614 3 жыл бұрын
I honestly liked Gothic 3. It's not nearly as good as the previous titles but I still enjoyed playing this game. I liked the world and the faction dynamic and I liked that each town had it's own looks, own storys, own special things and own problems. I also liked Risen 2, it has abvious problems but they nailed the pirate setting for me. The only game I can't excuse is Risen 3.
@ceno8039 2 жыл бұрын
I played this for hundreds of hours, every spec. Mage was so OP once you got regen, melee was extremely frustrating flailing after mobs and range was massively dependent on every experience point piled into dexterity that left you horribly exposed at melee range when groups inevitably converged on you. Very tough game to remember what was where, huge areas and that ending to the game, gotta be the worst ever. Wander up a trail and click on a smudge on the cliff face, just depressing. So much promise and actually a lot to keep you interested, but could have been oh so much better. The desert areas were horrible.
@thevikingsock8527 4 жыл бұрын
Witcher 2 had the best Revengestory with Geralt and Letho, which even lets you spare him, after he explained his motives and since it wouldnt change anything or help geralt, so the best way is to actually spare him. The whole game you tried to find and chase him and punish him, also to clean your own name, since you were blamed for crimes of his doing and then in the end, it actually makes the most sense to spare him, after you had the dialogue with him
@heretyk_1337 4 жыл бұрын
May this be a good example: for some reason i still have "Gothic" 1 and 2 on my PC, and i make a point to play them at least once a year... I can`t even remember if last time i played "Gothic 3" was before 2010, or even earlier... Even "Risen 1" is better- at least combat was fun...
@FlyLikeSlion 4 жыл бұрын
imo risen destroyed everything
@heretyk_1337 4 жыл бұрын
@@FlyLikeSlion You mean second and the third? Yeah... But first was harmless
@vonpietrek 4 жыл бұрын
Piranha Bytes with Gothic 3 had a chance to enter the club of leaders of the RPG games developers. This video show perfectly why they did not succeed...
@gi-go8575 Ай бұрын
Gothic 2 has simple but insanely good combat with unlimited potential if someone were to make an ai difficulty increase. I cannot even describe how much potential it has with those simple but solid controls. Try killing skeleton goblin 1 on 1 using fists with lvl 0 character. It took me 30 minutes to finally beat him and that's how far a simple range decrease and inability to backstep took the fight. You have to be insanely precise with your distance, position, timing and understanding the combat ai of your enemy.
@SokkingBTtulaj 4 жыл бұрын
What I personally hated so much that I quit the game right before the end is the story forcing you to kill people you are friends with out of nowhere. The game is practically forcing you to be a massive jerk regardless of the faction. Adanos = Kill some innocent paladins who guard the king Innos = Kill Xardas Beliar = Kill Xardas, the paladins, the fire mages, the druids and the water mages
@Владислав-ы9м5у 4 жыл бұрын
This part had ambitions of Witcher 3, and the problems of KOTOR 2. What could possibly go wrong? EVERYTHING!
@Porkeater2610957 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything you said, tho I believe G3 had a lot of potential. I like the change of the Orcs's character, I like the big world, it's attempt at different settings and cultures, tho precisely because of all that potential, G3 is a bigger disappointment.
@TheBrazilianHue 3 жыл бұрын
You know what? You're right. I'm convinced to download the community patch and start over. I've been playing the official release for several hours now, and everything you said hit me hard, but I think I've fell in love with this game. Sincerely, a guy who just downloaded Gothic 3 without ever playing any of the former games.
@abstr4cted496 2 жыл бұрын
Gothic 2 is the pinnacle. I'd suggest downloading all the necessary patches...2.6 patch, player kit, and union patch. Then install vurts texture pack and dx 11 renderer. The game aged very well and still one of the most immersive open world rpg's ever made.
@ModernDayHeretic-m9j Жыл бұрын
@@abstr4cted496 If you are playing the GOG version of Gothic 2 (like I am), do not download the 2.6 patch. That patch has given me repeat crashes once I get around to chapter 4 or 5-ish. However I cannot speak for people who play the steam version of Gothic 2.
@abstr4cted496 Жыл бұрын
@@ModernDayHeretic-m9j Sorry the game updated since then. I think now you only should get the Union patch. Also if you haven't played Chronicles of Myrtana yet I highly recommend it.
@TKDslinger 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed on the combat is the worst I have ever seen
@Qance 4 жыл бұрын
I watched whole video, i agreeing with You with everything. I renember when i first installed G3 on my old ass PC. The loading screen lasted for about 5 minutes, and it started to lag so bad, that i was unable to play this game for years. But in 2014 i bought my first laptop and i installed Gothic 3 again with community mods, and something to make this game harder. I finished whole game with all quests and reputatnion bla bla, and it was such a disappointment. All those repetable quests, fucked up battle combat, boring story line, ehhh. I was so sad, that my memories, and expectations from 2006 were pointless. And don't get me started about G4, after 15 minutes I fucking threw it out of my computer. Greetings for all Gothic fans from Poland :)
@pooloom3821 5 жыл бұрын
Beautiful review. TBH I hope someone is gonna try to remake this game under one form or another. Just ditch the whole big map idea and go into better story and gameplay. Even a changed engine wouldn't hurt. Even going back to the Engine of G1 and G2 wouldn't be bad at all. But ultimately I know it won't happen, in an interview the boss of the PB team mentioned how diverse their fanbase got, and won't expect anything good from that new portion of the fanbase or from the game reviewers if they touched on anything the way they did in G1 and G2.
@pooloom3821 5 жыл бұрын
To put things into perspective, he seemed to imply that touching on G1 and G2 stuff might seem outdated to the public.
@ChaseforTrace 4 жыл бұрын
Gothic 3 is an average Hack and Slay game imo. it can be fun to speedrun skip every dialogue and rush through every area ... So i have to agree the Story is basicly trash ... but its kinda satisfying to be an allmighty force and kill everything in a blazing rain of fire xD .. So is it fun and worth playing? absolutly! ... Is it better than Gothic 1 or 2? .. Hell No!
@TheMrExemplar 2 жыл бұрын
terrible game at every stop, stupid enlarged world map endless running and hitting random animal. gothic 3 is totally pathetic piece of crap 1/10
@Derret134 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. Unfortunately i have to agree with everything you said. I could also add moronic companions AI.
@timurmal 3 жыл бұрын
You don't need any loading screens if you don't have any doors!
@Kilyien 3 жыл бұрын
0:14 I dont even like to consider it part of the series. "Looks at Arcania" xD
@Ancientreapers 2 жыл бұрын
In order to understand why Gothic 3 wasn't as good as the previous 2, you have to look into the past. When Gothic 3 was in development, Piranha byte was a shell of its former self. There were four founders of the development company in 1997. After Gothic 2 was released, there was some shakeup in one of the partner companies. Phenomedia Publishing gmbh. "Following a financial scandal at Phenomedia, the parent company filed for insolvency in May 2002. Piranha Bytes' management performed a management buyout, concluded in September that year, and transferred the studio's trademarks and intellectual property, including the rights to the Gothic series, to Pluto 13 GmbH, a new entity that assumed "Piranha Bytes" as its trading name. Only one of the four original founders remained with the new incorporation". There you have it. It's why Gothic 3 has the look of Gothic but not the soul. New people were brought in and more than likely they couldn't be bothered to really delve into the previous two games. We see that today in movies and TV shows. The new show runners can't be bothered to research the source material and why the products have the names and characters but the mechanics, canon and lore are completely destroyed. I'm sure the developers were getting interference from the publisher. Namely JoWooD. I know there was a dispute between PB and JoWooD after the release of Gothic 3 when the game was scorched for all the issues and the unfinished feel. Gothic 3 was definitely released not ready for prime time. Especially when dealing with an entirely new game engine. All one has to do is look at Gothic 4: Arcania.
@spambaconeggspamspam 4 жыл бұрын
Gothic 3's combat was fucking hilariouslly broken. I pumped so much strength i could use orcish weapons and i used a polearm and stun locked Trolls for crying out loud.
@MegaPepsiBlue 4 жыл бұрын
What kind of monster kills the first sheep in gothic 2 !?
@marionamewontwork2681 4 жыл бұрын
Dat 10 xp though
@brawler9406 4 жыл бұрын
It feels good when you see that sheep surviving through out all chapter´s In front of Xardas Tower all by his own.
@Blackhuf 4 жыл бұрын
I will spare it next time :D
@michakrawiec8217 4 жыл бұрын
@@Blackhuf same XD
@obiwanus 4 жыл бұрын
@BOOZE & METAL if my memory serves me well, it wasn't 1000 for the sheep, but I don't remember exactly how much. 1000 was an additional fee for joining the monastery.
@93darksage 4 жыл бұрын
Well sadly phirana bytes were forced to release the game incomplete due to them selling the rights, and as they said in interviews the game is not even 30% of what they wanted.
@janchovanec8624 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, they even scrapped horses and weapons such as polearms and other stuff. Also, one of their chief producers died at the beginning of development. Also, they didn't exactly sell the right for Gothic, they never had it. Rights belonged to Jowood production who went bust later. It was Jowood who always pressured Pyranha bytes to release their games before they were complete.
@FireLord459 4 жыл бұрын
@@janchovanec8624 I mainly blame Jowood for what happend in G3. You can see that Phirana bytes didn't even had the chance to finish quests. But I have to admit that the game concept of a massive open world without loading times was fairly ambitious maybe even too ambitious for 2006.
@FireLord459 4 жыл бұрын
@@darkmetallord666 Jup couldn't agree more with you. Thats why I wrote "mainly". I personaly didnt have a problem with the new design path they chose in G3. It's just that it was so unpolished and riddled with bugs.
@Muckytuja 4 жыл бұрын
@@darkmetallord666 I think Piranha bites proven to us, that they can make good games with Gothic 1-2. I don't think they would like to underachieve themselves with a half finished Gothic 3. They have bitten big, but I think they would love the chew on that till they can swallow it. Risen games and the Elix or what, didn't caught me at all. Those felt like came from a completely different devteam. Shame.
@TheHarkonnenScum 4 жыл бұрын
@@Muckytuja They feel like having been made by a completely a different dev team because that's what they are. None of the Gothic key staff are still part of PB.
@zerosaber257 4 жыл бұрын
the loss of ponytail of Innos' chosen was saddening to me
@TheSorrel 4 жыл бұрын
About Lee: When I met him in G3 it felt really odd that he suddenly blamed the King, but I was going along with it thinking that there must be a way to sort this stuff out. So when we reached the capital he was like "Lets go kill the King." and I was like "WTF bro?" Killing people was never something you just do in the first two Gothic games, so why so bloodthirsty now? Then, in the throne room, he just attacked Rhobar on sight and I didn't do anything since I actually didn't want to kill anyone. Lee gets his ass handed to him but doesn't die. Then he gets up and just starts hanging out with the King, until me talking to him turns him aggro again. That was the point where I had finally lost all faith in this game.
@rivz8374 4 жыл бұрын
Lee's fine. His story is revealed in previous parts of the game.
@Kevin5279 4 жыл бұрын
@@rivz8374 How is he fine then? Could you let us know?
@TheNocturnalRambler 4 жыл бұрын
@Rivz Except that, as I already indicated in the video, Lee's beef was never with the King -- it was with the nobles who murdered the queen and framed him for it, because they viewed Lee's relationship with the King as "a threat to their dirty businesses." In fact, in the original game Lee almost sounds GRATEFUL to the king for NOT killing him, and he makes it sound as if he doesn't blame the King for having him imprisoned because, although he opted to spare Lee's life, Rhobar HAD to impart some type of punishment given the circumstances of the (framed) evidence against Lee. And then suddenly in Gothic 3 he's purely mad at Rhobar for throwing him in the Colony. So not only is Gothic 3 wrong about WHOM Lee is seeking vengeance against, but it's also wrong about his motivation for WHY he's seeking vengeance.
@Kevin5279 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheNocturnalRambler And we shouldn't forget that Lee storming straight into Rhobar's court and trying to murder him in front of all the royal guards is quite unlike the Lee from the previous games. Lee in the previous has been described as a master strategist and a calm and calculating persona. For example his epic takeover of Varrant and how he opted to starve the Paladins in the second game instead of going for an all out war, which would ultimately prove detrimental to both sides. In the third game, he goes for a bravado which not only looks unplanned but makes zero sense from a militaristic point of view. Two guys just storm into the King's palace and decide to take on the full platoon of royal guards, paladins and fire magicians. It seems storyline and logic didn't matter to the developers in the third game
@TheSorrel 4 жыл бұрын
@@Kevin5279 It didn't. The publisher wanted the game out and Piranha Bytes had to ruyh what they had into some kind of finished product.
@MWaser 5 жыл бұрын
What amuses me the most perhaps is how this game has so many flaws that even talking about it for 50 minutes, there's still so many things you didn't even get to touch upon. Even some major, jarring things, like the hero once again unreasonably losing everything (under both Illogical Design and inconsistent lore), or to mention under the "bad combat mechanics" that one of the reasons for why your character advancement is meaningless being that the new damage/armor formulas for the game are completely fucked - a 300 damage weapon hardly deals more damage than a 100 damage weapon, while armor is a whole less meaningful than it used to be in the previous games as well, where having it vs not having it became a radical shift in the game's balance, helping character progression. What's even more screwed up in the damage formula is whatever causes NPCs to deal very little damage to each other, comparatively to how much you do to them or they do to you. I'm not sure if it's the fault of the community patch or not, since I refuse to even try playing the game without it, this aspect causes companions to be useless for anything other than meat shields, and it also makes fights between NPCs seem even more slow-paced and ridiculous than the regular combat in the game. And, of course, can't forget the abysmal balancing of the game - with magic being unreasonably more powerful than either the melee or ranged options, including for the AI which will annihilate you with homing Ice Lance projectiles that deal literally hundreds of damage, while no other source of damage can even remotely threaten you to that degree (except by stunlocking in the unpatched game). Overall you mentioned a lot of world design aspects of the game, which I certainly agree with and consider important, but even with your complaints, I think you still underplayed just the actual degree of bad design that are put into this game's actual mechanics. It can't even be a mindless hack and slash because it's far too obnoxious for it.
@rddtdx444444ex 4 жыл бұрын
I played as a mage in my first play through, although it was a bit hard at first due to mana issues, eventually the game became extremely easy afterwards. When I tried playing as melee character the game really becomes insanely hard resulting me to have to cheese the Ai by getting to higher ground and shooting them with bows if I'm facing multiple targets or I'm if fighting animals.
@osrictemper4225 4 жыл бұрын
I think patches rebalanced NPCs fighting each other. I remember that when i played it back then their HP bar wasn't even shortening after hits ;P
@dazerrazer3018 8 ай бұрын
you had the balance mod on and the new Ai turned on, this turns the melee harder .@@rddtdx444444ex
@KewlCrayon 4 жыл бұрын
Gothic 2 Old Camp Siege did it right, G3 Capital City should've mirrored this. Completely razed. Completely closed off. Front gate locked. Side entrance a bottleneck. Literally no word from the outside. The moment you get through, literally everyone heralds you for getting through. "Holy Shit, you're a mad man, how ever did you get through!"You are the one who managed to get through in an out so you are now the messenger. They sent messengers in and out but none made it through. If you open the gate, oops, now everyone dead. Entire keep gets seiged and totally taken out.
@MCCompanyPL 3 жыл бұрын
I geuss what saddens me the most, is that Khorinis is supposed to be a small harbor city yet it's the biggest city in the game. I think they went too far with quantity over quality... (the lack of harbor in G3 is also hilarious, never noticed it before xD)
@Derhone 3 жыл бұрын
There is no story in gothic 3 :(
@etou1146 4 жыл бұрын
Another point I would like to add is inflation and the lack of meaningful progress equipmentwise. Just by looting the very first tutorial village, you easily get around 2-3k gold, which you can use to get advanced armor, before even doing any of the other quests. In Gothic 2 it takes you around an hour to get your first peasant armor and that feels like an achievement. Some of the quests reward you with 500 gold just for doing fetch stuff like killing a few wolves or talking to another guy. It's such a cringe to reach Gotha with like 30k gold, just for the orc leader to tell you that he will sell Gorn to you for more gold than you morra will ever be able to obtain (2k), when in fact you get more gold from a random NPC in a previous village by telling him what the other mercenaries think about him, that can be completed within a few minutes. The only factors that prevent you from buying best vendor gear right away are skill points and reputation. Gold is almost meaningless.
@bizznick444joe7 9 ай бұрын
So different from Gothic 1. Any way you can make ore was to backstab someone, steal, take the ore you were given to buy a sword questline or find very far away quests to accomplish (like going to New Camp) and doing a sidequest that was hard to find and didn't expect to make money for it. There's a very long questline to achieve 200 ore for instance but not many would be able to find how to get to it. From the very beginning if you SKIPPED everything dialogue option Diego was giving in the beginning you had to pay 10 ore to get into th Old Camp. How much of a fuck you this game gives you that is actually good, the game punishes you for skipping dialogue options. Which makes sense, if you don't get into the good gracious of a person they don't give you their backing and you have to pay to get into the camp. If you didn't fully talk to Diego in the beginning, you have to salvage whatever trash you can find outside of the camp, find a person to sell them to (this also takes some exploring) to get 10 ore to get into the camp. The crazy thing is I keep replaying the new game just to do this. I must be messed up but I like how the game not only NOT holds your hand but kicks you in the ass for your choices.
@4F6D 9 ай бұрын
I know this comment is 4 years old but you are wrong. In the first 5 minutes you get the peasant armor from lobart, 30 seconds later you can loot the chest at the gate to get the commoners clothes.
@MrMockigton 3 жыл бұрын
i recently saw articles in a german gaming magazine from a guest author stating he doesnt like G1 and G2 but loved G3... modern media i guess. this channel is way more objective and conclusive than any recent media outlet. you obviously admire the first 2 games, but you do not sound blinded by nostalgia.
@lucasqwert1 3 жыл бұрын
Do you have a link for that article? No problem if it is in german.
@jh5kl 3 жыл бұрын
not really, gothic 3 is a spectacular game, period. but people think that best is just more of the same over and over again. devs just needed more time to refine the formula and finish, but the new additions were factually incredible, and many of us weren t blinded by the previous 2, so enjoyed it by the gem that it actually is
@MrMockigton 3 жыл бұрын
@@jh5kl what part did you enjoy most? the boring WoW quests? the missing main plot/quest? the bugs? the terrible combat system? the missing relations between characters? dont get me wrong, if they invested 3 or 4 more years G3 could have been good - but that never happened.
@redgarlicbred6228 7 ай бұрын
SOOOO many shit things about this game I could personally go on for hours, but here's a highlight 1. Orcs are pushovers. In Gothic 2, if you go up against just one scout orc at an early level, he'd push your shit in without any effort. And if you progress into the orc camps and jump into combat with more than 1 orc, you'd be visiting the reload screen in no time. 2. Where's my god swords? You're telling me the legendary warrior of Innos left the damn swords of God and the f***ing devil when he worked so hard to obtain them? Is this game a joke or something? 3. Everyone is an NPC. Back in actual Gothic everyone you'd interact with were CHARACTERS, with their own lives and routines, away from the player. In gothic 3 everybody exists solely to give you quests and rewards, they don't do jack except for walk around a bit (and sometimes not even that) and wait for you to interact with them. It makes the world feel soooo lifeless. 4. Why is everything so weak? I remember the first time i walked into a shadowbeast lair in gothic 2 and being promptly shown the door because of how powerful it was. You know how early I was before i killed a shadowbeast in 3? less than an hour. I got lost on my way to generic village number 4 and ran into a shadowbeast, got scared, decided to fight it, strafed and jumped around it a bit, and it shortly died. I remember teenage me going "?????" because there was no way it was that easy. TLDR; I played this game ages ago, thinking it would be another grand adventure, only to be left with disappointment
@siejac7894 4 жыл бұрын
I was so angry of the story, they make everything that we hear in g1 & g2 no sense. I even change computer just for this game and I was so disapointed.
@SHOTbyGUN 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like you have read my mind, then processed it into words and produced a video for my thoughts. I love it!
@ciupenhauer 2 жыл бұрын
I can replay G1 and 2 every 3,4 years or so, I will never touch G3 again. Can't even remember anything nice about it
@XShaneX19 4 жыл бұрын
I was 13 when I played Gothic for the first time and loved it Remember how disappointed I were with gothic 3 since i imagined the kingdom of myrtana waaaaay more epic than it was in the end.
@andrewvincent7299 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, there was something about the way Gothic 1 and 2 were that made Myrtana seem like it was this mystical place and that the orcs were these savage and mysterious beings. Then you play Gothic 3 and it was hollow. No soul.
@alexanderlauer4565 3 жыл бұрын
Talking about breaking the lore: Gothic 3 even destroys the story's central motif, namely the humans' need for magic ore, without which they cannot continue the war. In Gothic 1 there is not really a smithing skill, the ore is very easy to obtain, and therefore (if I remember correctly) it is at least implied that every sword or axe you find in the game is made of that blue ore (hence also the weapons of the king's army on the mainland). But in order to unlock the full potential of the ore and forge the most powerful weapons, you need special craftsmanship, which is also explained already in Gothic 1 and is a thing for the player to do in Gothic 2 after the ore has become scarce. In Gothic 3 the magic blue ore is scarce as well (not in Nordmar, which is consistent with the lore), and you need it to create the best weapons. So far, so good... But there is also the ordinary grey ore, which is not rare and apparently used to make ordinary weapons. These ordinary weapons, however, work just fine against the orcs, as we all know, so why put so much effort into mining the magic ore in the Colony when there is more than enough ordinary ore in Myrtana?! I mean, in Gothic 2 we learn that only the most worthy paladins are allowed to wield pure ore weapons anyway (in fact, no paladin, not even Hagen has got such a weapon; they all use the same generic paladin swords), so why does the king even need large supplies of magic ore? The ten crates Garond gets in Gothic 2 should be more than enough to forge a few powerful blades for the highest-ranking paladins, but when you tell him about Fajeth's two crates, he explodes and says he doesn't need two crates, he needs 200 crates! This only makes sense if the ore is supposed to be used for ordinary weapons for ordinary soldiers... So the king is basically a retard who doesn't know anything about the resources of his country; why else would he send his last ship and so many of his best soldiers far away from the front line to obtain some raw material of which there is an abundant supply on his own doorstep?
@golarac6433 3 жыл бұрын
I dont think you make the swords from pure magic ore, it is mixed with normal steel. Most all weapons in Gothic are normal since nobody inside the barrier has the equipment or skill to make such weapons. Only in gothic2 you have Harad that can make weapons with magic ore.
@alexanderlauer4565 3 жыл бұрын
@@golarac6433 Yeah, but in Gothic 1 they say in order to make special steel/weapons from the magic ore, you need special craftsmanship (like Harad), otherwise you just get ordinary steel/weapons. So there only is a difference between magic and normal ore if you have the ability to use the magic ore correctly.
@golarac6433 3 жыл бұрын
@@alexanderlauer4565 I guess, though that's a bit simplistic, since steel is not just some steel ore either. It's a complicated process to get a good metal.
@alexanderlauer4565 3 жыл бұрын
@@golarac6433 Agreed, but in my original comment I was trying to say that it made no sense for the king to send so many men to Khorinis when he could just use the ordinary iron ore from Myrtana, since this whole endeavour was obviously not about getting magic ore for pure magic-ore weapons (which are used by almost nobody anyway). The problem is that this ordinary ore is never mentioned until it appears in Gothic 3: nobody is mining it in the Colony, there is only the blue ore, and I guess the king doesn't exchange grey ore for blue ore... So we are led to believe the blue ore is the only kind of ore in this world, so there can be no steel without it (be it special or not), which is why the humans' war effort depends on Khorinis. Then, in Gothic 3, we learn that there are actually several iron ore mines all over Myrtana (Reddock, Okara, Nemora and many smaller ones), just as large as the mines in the Colony. So why not send your troops there in order to guarantee the supply? (In fact, the Rebels ARE there during Gothic 3, which makes this even more baffling...)
@golarac6433 3 жыл бұрын
@@alexanderlauer4565 I always thought that normal steel wasn't a problem but it was weak against orc, therefore the king needed special magic ore weapons
@tananga1523 2 жыл бұрын
The game was great but story in the game was not exciting. The story is very simple: you need to find 12 fire cups and thats all.
@BorisTratar 3 жыл бұрын
i watched a streamer quit gothic 3 as soon as i told him that "coastal bandits" were actually in the middle of the map at top of the mountain... he was like I WAS SEARCHING FOR THEM FOR 2 HOURS on COAST :D... i was laughing my ass off :)
@uneasyMeat 3 жыл бұрын
Damnit... Seriously?
@_Winfried_ 3 жыл бұрын
You mean Ortegas Gang?
@BorisTratar 3 жыл бұрын
@@_Winfried_ ye
@CainDB 4 ай бұрын
I had exact same problem, I thought they were in a cave under the village NEAR THE DAMN COAST, I don't think I ever found them
@connoredconnor6927 3 жыл бұрын
Gothic 3 just doesn't have the vibe that Gothic 1 and 2 has.
@cerocero2817 4 жыл бұрын
Another thing is clothing and armour, it looked amazing on the first ones considering the amount of polys, on gothic iii i looks so bloated
@Tiger4ever89 2 жыл бұрын
ur right with everything u said! i haven't played Gothic 1 yet.. i might give it a try I finished the 2 maybe at least 5 times and I don't exaggerate but the 3rd? oh boy... i started it like more than 10 times and got bored at around 20%... the combat was the deal breaker for me.. i didn't even bother with the story I remember in Gothic 2.. it was scary to fight face-to-face with an ORC! but in 3? it felt like ur fighting angry sheeps... sad
@Lychee-Nut 4 жыл бұрын
I hate to admit it, but yeah, your right, Story and bugs, the two main things that really killed it for most people. I personally still liked it a lot. It stood for me the direction I felt Gothic could have gone without changing the quality of the story and combat system. It represented a world that would change more dramatically with player influence, but was sadly limited to towns swapping hands, what Npc's survived and end game decisions being the only real outcomes, that changed. But otherwise I think Open-world was not a bad idea, just a poor implementation. just because a game evolved past its relatively archaic predecessors doesn't mean the decision was bad. Piranha bytes even said as much when they did point out that they lost the rights to the game, and were forced to release the game with what they estimated to be no more than half the content intended.
@bloodchilde 4 жыл бұрын
Your review is such a detailed and well done piece of work. I can't begin to imagine how much effort you've put in making it. What entertains me the most is that the best part of this G3 critique is this really amazing explanation why Gothic 1 & 2 are such great and unique gems in the RPG genre. You really did a great tribute to the first two games inside this video.
@CESSKAR 5 жыл бұрын
It made me sad, but great analysis.
@TechSupportDave 3 жыл бұрын
Ok but since the game was released incomplete, can't mods make up for it?
@CESSKAR 3 жыл бұрын
@@TechSupportDave They've been making a mod called Story Community Project for more than 10 years... Check it out.
@clauscuty 3 жыл бұрын
it is a great game , a masterpiece for it's time , from my point of view bug's just give the game more freedom to create more memorable experiences , and that is to make something even if you can't , just find the glitches , take advantage of them and play the game , just finish the game and after watch reviews , i like a game to be challenging and frustrating , if it's not i get bored , thia game has more then Gothic 1&2 to offer in terms of world regions and skills , what i didn't like is the way npc's die ... and the combat was not coordinated
@rks8820 2 жыл бұрын
@@clauscuty "from my point of view bug's just give the game more freedom to create more memorable experiences" How can one man cope this hard?
@CainDB 4 ай бұрын
​@@TechSupportDave no they can't, because no amount of mods and time can fix core aspects of the game, that would require rewriting whole game from scratch, that isn't modding anymore, that's making a whole new game
@marcwittkowski5146 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know why, but I keep getting back to this video, lamenting how much it sucks never to have gotten a proper sequel to two of my all time fevourite games. Shame.
@gooby214 3 жыл бұрын
Me too. It's not even a real sequel. It's basically a whole different universe and story, with a few elements borrowed from the first games. Even the characters personalities, goals, and looks are different, and only their names are the same. To make things worse, the third game doesn't give any final resolution to the situation and story in Gothic 2. Not even about your whole ship crew that followed you, based on your previous choices. Only a vague mention that the now totally different orcs took over Khorinis and that the water mages used magic to leave Jharkendar.
@pejgrio1809 Жыл бұрын
It baffles me how boring G3 is. I tried myself playing it several times only to just mess with the debug menu killing all the artifact holders. The dragons in this game are also something that destroys the original story where the Eye was the only thing that would make the dragons vulnerable, Sure, they might be the offsprings hatched from the eggs that the lizardmen spreaded throughout the island (and also maybe the continent, but I can't really remember seeing them in Gothic 3). All the new characters are easily forgettable. Moe would probably ask them to give 50g fee for the tavern entry everytime he sees them lol H E Y, I D O N ' K N O W Y O U
@MrBiizer 4 жыл бұрын
The worst is the lack of character progression. I can't tell how many times I have tried to finish G3 one more time just to lose interest after a few hours. The same animations, the same spells, the same enemies. And as you said the patch, CM and other mods can't fix those issues.
@jh5kl 3 жыл бұрын
yeah, you might want to try the game properly, because its the opposite of that
@MrBiizer 3 жыл бұрын
@@jh5kl Yeah, please explain to me how am I wrong when it comes to spells, animations, and enemies.
@Kacpa2 2 жыл бұрын
Another idea i had is that they should've focused on Myrtana alone and do it in same style like Gothic 1, II and NoTR to add/reveal next areas like Varrant and Nordmar. That way they could design it nice and dense keep it completely inline with Gothic 1 and II. While making expansions or sequel more impactful and easier to do justice to just like Notr with Jarkendar and Khorinis itself inregards of Gothic 1 in the sequeI. Forgotten Gods is vaguelly what base Gothic III shouldve been by limiting it to Myrtana.(of course it doesnt fix other issues like design and other things but still tries to have something there)
@Woodsaras Жыл бұрын
fuck gothic 1 and 2. gothic 3 is the best.
@aminio0 5 жыл бұрын
I enjoined the video very much. I'm happy to see someone that has almost identical opinion on G3 as me. You covered and pointed out every single issue I too have with this game. I agree with you 100% on everything, both bad and good things about G3. Besides that, I appreciate the work and time you put into making of this video. Job well done!
@bizznick444joe7 Жыл бұрын
WTF did they do to the orcs. They were intimidating, powerful and mysterious now they're just another human faction. Fine if they're the faction but I want to join them and wear a loincloth, animal hides and smash my enemies. Not just be another templar/knight
@cryohellinc 4 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video. How do you have only 1.15k subs is beyond me. Shows how broken is modern youtube - shit cat video - 10mil subs / proper content - 1.15k.
@karolexification3667 Жыл бұрын
Gothic 3 is my favorite Gothic but I completly agree with that video
@Danickas0 2 жыл бұрын
Agree I could live with the bugs and trash gameplay if the story and worldbuilding were at least on par with previous gothic games sadly it's a heavy downgrade in this regard so I never finished this game even though I really liked Gothic and Gothic 2. The braindead gameplay of Nordmar is where I gave up.
@rafachrzaszcz6997 6 ай бұрын
Gothic 3 is like two last Game of Thrones seasons. Everything denies the former plot, the action is speed up and nothing makes sense. The empty Varrant and lots of shit in the chests and merchants' offer really discourages playing. The worst thing is, that instead of making stronger creatures and bandits in Varrant, they recycled everything from Myrtana and put it IN HUNDREDS. Playing in Varrant with endless fights with swordmasters zombie is so frustrating that I deleted this game and NEVER intend to play this shit again. And this was my second (and last!) try to this game, WITH PATCHES AND MODS! And I'm a Gothic 1 & 2 lover, I finished Chronicles of Myrtana (this is Polish heritage!) two times WITH PLEASURE and waiting for Hardcore mode.
@boorka5954 2 жыл бұрын
Gothic 3 has a special place in my heart as first RPG I've ever played when I was a kid, but even now when I'm enjoying it a bit, I know that deep down it's flawed as shit. The only good thing about G3 is the music...
@thinkbeforepostingnow 2 жыл бұрын
To me the main theme is maybe the best ingame song ever made.
@patriciusvunkempen102 2 жыл бұрын
for me it was gothic 2 and i am very much happy it was gothic 2
@Gothos 4 жыл бұрын
While I agree that compared to 1 & 2, Gothic 3 sucks, I'll still happily replay it sometime this year. Yeah.
@ninetynein6853 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly it's not that bad of a game, he complains about the tutorial windows - bruh just disable it you moron you dont even have to read it
@zalandarr 4 жыл бұрын
@@ninetynein6853 problem is gothic series used to be about immersion, when the first thing that meets you in a game is world pausing microsoft popup's you know somethings wrong, it used to be about zero hand holding. The games awful at its pacing and immersion.
@LifeCacher 4 жыл бұрын
@@zalandarr So they wanted to draw a bigger crowd... dude they have been developing it for 4 years and I imagine that since that time there was no other game that was near graphicly or on scale, so it would be great if they got every money from every gamer... and you can turn them off and they are only at the begining fight... Stupid skyrim went for similar equasion about "civil war" but that is just laughing matter because after 5 years with 100x bigger studio than PB and they did like half the job with pretty much everything.... and guess why its pacing and immersion and combat are bad ? cause spoilers jowood and rushed development... but hey judge the game on what it doesnt have because they were forced to leave it that way... skyrim has one click mashing combat and final main quest boss is reskin of a first dragon that you fight in the first 5 minutes of the game, fetch and kill quest are everywhere, no decision making civil war is not working at all, exploration is worthless because after one hour of the game you have pretty much best gear, enemy scales with you so there is no point in getting better and leveling... but hey no one is complaining there and you can play it on your fridge cause its that popular...
@Carnage7209 4 жыл бұрын
I always described gothic 3 as a game you could somehow play for 60 hours hating every minute of it.
@Mikeoneus 4 жыл бұрын
I played Gothics 1 and 2 for the first time last year and I really enjoyed them. Moving on to Gothic 3 was bleak at best. It felt like anti-Gothic; the antithesis to what made the first two games what they were. I couldn't bear to finish it. About forty hours in, with a quest log full of tedious bullshit I didn't want to engage with, regularly getting stunlocked and thus killed by wolves even after sinking so many points into my stats and combat skills, with no end in sight, I threw in the towel. I didn't even understand what the story was supposed to be about. Fuck this game. I know a lot of Gothic fans don't think much of the Risen series after the first one, but Risens 2 and 3 are much more palatable than this load of clunky, unengaging wank.
@damienspectre4231 4 жыл бұрын
The companion / follower "AI" made me tear my hair out.
@alexanderzack3720 3 жыл бұрын
i lost count how many people i had to follow for a quest only for them to run into a boulder and never come out again.... quest stayed unfinished forever
@CESSKAR 5 жыл бұрын
(Ridiculous) Big world is such a condemning asset for many games. And yet it's what players want. Or think they want.
@PSEUDOSOPHER 5 жыл бұрын
CESSKAR I think that the isometric Fallouts and Fallout: New Vegas show that you really don’t need a gigantic world to make an amazing and immersive game, and i only wish more people noticed that.
@mrred773 5 жыл бұрын
@@PSEUDOSOPHER I'd argue New Vegas has a massive world, albeit one that is considerably smaller than F3. What it is though, is a much more meaty game with a bit more depth and focus. I think the reason people want a bigger world is because they want scope but also fantasy - They want to have their cake and eat it. Let's take two polar opposites, a JRPG and a randomly generated voxel game like Minecraft. A JRPG has a considerably smaller world, not only because it is limited but also because the creators spend more time crafting the environments and stories and lore, worldbuilding. They don't skimp on the gameplay, but a JRPG is a storyteller (in comparison to a Western RPG, which is more akin to a dungeonmaster). Minecraft, on the other hand, has no story - It is a limitless world with no boundries and nothing to really stop you from doing anything. That being said, it's a sandbox - And it's as deep as one. But what the sandbox formula allows the devs to do with Minecraft, is to focus on gameplay where story would've taken up the bulk of an Isometric/Japanese/Western RPG, and thus it helps create emergent gameplay a lot better. These two styles of game are fantastic, but when you put them together, they sort of detract from one another. I'd rather a puddle as deep as an ocean when it comes to an RPG. Because the world will always be at least somewhat limited if you're playing an RPG that's sort of stretched out to miles of content - It'll always be a limited world unless it's randomly generated. And either way, its content won't be all that fantastic. It's better to me, to focus all your effort on creating big quests that feel bigger than the sum of their parts. All games are is code dancing on a screen - What makes them good isn't how big you can make the worlds, it's how real you can make the worlds. It's not the size, it's what you do with it ;)
@PSEUDOSOPHER 5 жыл бұрын
Damn what a good video. Ditching my nostalgia glasses was pretty hard but it’s even harder to argue with any single point you’ve made, especially since i remember noticing some of the problems you’ve mentioned even back when i was 8 years old, and playing the game for the first time. Wish you all the best and i’ll be looking forward to any future videos.
@pooloom3821 5 жыл бұрын
Played G3 for the first time around that age as well, but I rembember always having that agressive tought: "Why are the wolves so strong? Why are the wolves so strong? Why are the wolves so strong". I always laughed at the way killing an army of orcs was easier than killing a single wolf.
@bulanet271 5 жыл бұрын
@@pooloom3821 thats actually not far from the truth. I remember watching one of the rare instances where NPCs fight animals, and laughing at how a single wolf was able to kill a whole squad of orcs thanks to the fast attacks and ridiculous stagger effect. NPCs were helpless against it
@Kevin5279 4 жыл бұрын
@@bulanet271 Hahaha yeah. Don't forget the wild boars either
@PeTak006 5 жыл бұрын
One more thing. After watching your video, which was done perfectly, I realized how I actually miss a proper Gothic 2 sequel. Thinking of a real sequel, a real Gothic 3 in a way original Gothic games were made. If PB ever decides to make another Gothic game, I am scared of what it can become. We would be better of with a remake of this game completely from ground up, but at the state that PB is rn I m not sure if I would want that. But I am glad you touched on what made the game actually good in the end, because those aspects saved the game for me.
@nuikun520 4 жыл бұрын
Risen is the closest they got to Gothic 1-2.
@Daisy_3011 4 жыл бұрын
Talking Orcs kinda killed Orcs uniqueness. It would be better if you had to learn their language and not even being allowed inside cities maybe for entire game even until you liberate it or some interesting quest to gain the trust and become their actual mercenary. Something if done well could be interesting as well and that is making your character dumped down by some sort of capture, perhaps ship crashes into cliffs and you emerge on shore enslaved by orcs and little tutorial while prison break which would have couple ways to gain freedom perhaps. Maybe sneak out, win it on the arena or uprising?
@BKNimaruIchi 2 жыл бұрын
Theres a full conversion mod for Gothic 2 called Chronicles of Myrtana: Archolos. Its a prequel to Gothic 1 and it was made by a Polish team and its incredible. 60+ hours of gameplay and honestly is a wonderful truthful interpretation of the Gothic gameplay style.
@tesselesk8 2 жыл бұрын
@@BKNimaruIchi this is the gothic 3 everyone was hoping for, and we get it. I played the entire game loving every second, in the end I just wanted more, gothic fórmula its something really unique
@SlayerOfMadness 2 жыл бұрын
@@BKNimaruIchi I fullhearteadly agree. Chronicles of Myrtana was a behemoth of a project, and it pretty much is just a completely separate professional release. If you ever loved Gothic II, please give it a try, I promise you won't regret it.
@paulothx138 2 жыл бұрын
This video will make Click4Gameplay very angry, lol.
@stefanroman3570 2 жыл бұрын
hahah :)
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