8:30 That’s me! Great to see you again Dom, thanks so much for letting me be in your video. Massive fan and the VLOG was awesome! 🙌
@j6m3scam3Ай бұрын
Absolutely loved the video definitely made me feel emotional as this seasons flown by Hyperia has been fantastic this year from watching it go up to actually riding it. Been a fantastic year and was really pleased to meet ya in person on opening day and some over days in season I can’t remember 😂 But yeah thanks again for everything you do look forward to see what happens next year take care now 😁👍
@joshuadunn4294Ай бұрын
So Cool man you definitely were the person for the BBC to have because your just great Dominic. Keep it up 😊.
@Louie_HyperiaАй бұрын
I love the professor burps impressions to much 😂 make me smile every time
@ejectorthrills3Ай бұрын
this event was absolutely incredible🔥
@Taylor_L1999Ай бұрын
What an incredible night it was 🔥 was great to meet you Dom! Bring on the 2025 season 💪🏼
@DG95OfficialАй бұрын
2024 was such a year
@gothboy_gags4786Ай бұрын
Can't wait dom!!!!! Will never forget this event truly was a amazing night
@ThemeParkChloeRobloxАй бұрын
This Vlog was absolutely amazing! It really cheered me up after I was upset today. What a great night! Absolutely loved it! It was so amazing meeting you, Jack, Archie, Luke and many others! You all made it so special for me ❤ I will never forget how you comforted me when I was upset about not making it to survival games on time. You’re one of the kindest and funniest people that I’ve ever met! Bring on the 2025 season!
@peedlejaydleАй бұрын
fellow Dom fan here, so sorry to hear you had a rough day. Will pray this week is better for you
@DanTheGamerAndTrains18 күн бұрын
2024 had to be the biggest season for thorpe park, loved it when people started chanting in mcdonalds lol.
@Coaster_MattАй бұрын
Id love to go to one of these events so much they look like so much fun
@CoasterHypeTroyАй бұрын
Great video Dom! Enjoyed reliving the night through your vlog (and seeing what professor burp is up to these days haha) Bring on 2025!!💪
@DG95OfficialАй бұрын
While Professor Burp drinks beers and soft drinks, his burps turns into bubbles. Juice + Gas = Pop
@caal1zyАй бұрын
Great vlog DG !!
@caal1zyАй бұрын
Let’s goooo 🔥🔥🔥
@poked8891Ай бұрын
Here we go
@thetecharchieАй бұрын
Amazing video Dom!!!
@andrewlevick1015Ай бұрын
Before Hyperia opened I thought I would get one or two rides at most in 2024 due to the long queues. I've managed 47 rides this year. I am missing it already.
@CoastinWithMax25 күн бұрын
18:53 #stainesmcdonalds
@TheNuke33126 күн бұрын
Battle gallons at towers is the best ride in the UK