Happy Birthday the day after Bruce and thank you for your service.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you!
@garywillhoitАй бұрын
Happy birthday. Every birthday is a reason for celebration . It was 34 when I ride this am. Still got my ride in.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
@@garywillhoit .....hope you had "longjohns" on...ha ha ha..thank you my Friend
@garywillhoitАй бұрын
@ electric ,socks,vest, trousers. Multiple layers. Getting dressed and undressed, recharging batteries is longer than my ride.🙂
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
@garywillhoit ...ha ha ha.. truth! Great job!!
@AaronHenduАй бұрын
I have the same turn signal lights on the rear of my diy bike! I added that little extra handlebar thing to my bike too, handlebar space is precious on an ebike
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Yes...those extra bars....are very helpful!
@StayConnectedEVАй бұрын
Love the video. Thanks for sharing. Good luck getting it repaired.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you my Friend!
@philsand4674Ай бұрын
Happy Birthday Bruce!!! Happy Veteran's Day as well!
@IMBruceECLECTIC29 күн бұрын
I missed this...sorry. Thank you my Friend!! Thank you...Marine Corps Birthday! :)
@AaronHenduАй бұрын
Needing a thin walled socket to remove the rear wheel is a good design to deter theft to some degree!
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
That is a good point. Where I live....taking the wheel off is not a concern. AND I can leave it unlocked in front of my gym and no one bothers it......
@WyomingRiderАй бұрын
that bag lid will help you see the display in the sun too.
@IMBruceECLECTIC29 күн бұрын
I missed this...sorry. Thank you my Friend!! yesss
@HJESRАй бұрын
Wow sorry to see the lyric have to have surgery. Prayers for a speedy recovery so she can get back to some exciting adventures. Lyric is also taking on so great add-on’s. 👍🏼
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank You my Friend! I am hoping soon.....
@WyomingRiderАй бұрын
Happy Birthday and thank you for you service my brother!
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you! You too Brother!! Did a Vet day Ride yesterday....I changed the camera battery and pressed the button to change from 360 mode to "normal" mode but had the camera in 360 position.....DOH............I have a very short video for Sunday. BUT I highlight my Vet and Patriot Friends anyway so it all worked out....just frustrating.
@WyomingRiderАй бұрын
@@IMBruceECLECTIC I totally understand. It is very frustrating when stuff like that happens.
@AaronHenduАй бұрын
I am making some adjustments to my bike over the winter...I will put my diy custom dropouts at the top of my priority list. I smash my brakes and throttle often and I don't want any accidents. I do use those things that are supposed to stop the axle from twisting out, but they seem useless, in my honest opinion. Placebo. I mean, I still have them on there, but I am designing a much simpler piece that is made from thick steel that covers the entire dropout area and includes relocated mounts for my rear pannier rack. I will use the other pannier mounting holes to mount the dropout piece I am making, along with the axle nut. My front wheel (which also has a motor), is a beefy MTB fork with beefy, recessed dropouts, so I don't do anything fancy in the front, just axle nuts and washers. My worst fear is dropping a wheel at 50+kph. I am even scared to upgrade power because of dropping a wheel out the dropouts...I have currently 2x22A controller but there are 30A controllers in the same form factor that are plug and play. Just scared lol I am so glad you avoided disaster and noticed the problem. I brakes being damaged was maybe a blessing in disguise at it allowed you to spot the issue before it became a real big issue lol
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
You have great skills my friend. I got to tell you....this incident made me think about something happening at 50 mph.....
@MickyBee73Ай бұрын
I agree with you Aaron about those cheap torque arm kits, I don't trust them.. Initially bought one for either side, but after about 50 miles I thought "Sod this, I'm gunna make some proper ones" 😅 So I got some 5mm thick steel plate and made one for both sides that holds the wheel perfectly place and is bolted to the frame... So much better, as I never trusted the ones that use the jubilee clips, (I think you guys call them 'hose clamps'). Sounds like you've got yourself a nice dual motor E-bike, stay safe and enjoy fellow e-biker! 👍⚡🚲
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
@@MickyBee73 ..you both have skills!
@GarysE-BikeAdventuresАй бұрын
Hey happy birthday my friend. I finally got a chance to watch this. I’ve been so busy this morning. All these videos dropping. You’re gonna have to go with the helmet cam with ET in front there.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
I have not even had a chance to test out his position. I have been scrambling to keep up with videos...I have had 2 deaths; doctors appointments; and, new clients and deals (thankfully). No worries from me. I appreciate you!
@ebike_tinkererАй бұрын
Sorry to see the Graphiti was injured. Happy Birthday Devil Dog!
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you my Friend!
@AaronHenduАй бұрын
It looks great, looks like a cafe style motorcycle!
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you my Friend and it feels so much better!
@blown9646Ай бұрын
Hbd 🎂 nice job and good vid. Like those snub ended wrenches and your pump release. Looks like an additional 20ah+ might just fit in that space above the stock battery.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you very much. It is easier to be "handy" with the proper tools. :) Maybe so....that would be perfect to have extra AH.....
@terryrccrazy6993Ай бұрын
Nice video, Bruce. Happy Birthday! Hopefully, your bike is on the road soon
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you my Friend...me too!
@philsand4674Ай бұрын
Damn, sorry to hear Stella is out of commission! Hopefully you'll get her up and running soon!
@IMBruceECLECTIC29 күн бұрын
I missed this...sorry. Thank you my Friend!! We are back!!
@AaronHenduАй бұрын
Brake cables are super easy to replace without any special tools, if you ever wanted to extend them for any reason. I usually just use sidecutters, and since I don't have crimps, I just use some super glue and the side cutters to "crimp" those little end dudes on. I don't know what they are called. You don't even need them though...a drop of super glue on the end of the stranded cable locks it from fraying. I've even used heatshrink. All you would need to do is get a cheap brake cable kit and you could reuse all the cable housings except the most front pieces, or just remake them all but extend the front ones.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
OMG...that is more great knowledge that I never thought of....Super Glue to stop fraying anything...... You need to write a book "Tips for those not mechanically inclined"
@WyomingRiderАй бұрын
that bag fits perfect.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Yes...I looked at about 2 dozen and compared measurements...ha ha ha
@AaronHenduАй бұрын
That storage bag you got fits almost OEM...it looks like it came on the bike.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Right...It took me a few minutes to find...and once I installed...it looks pretty good. AND perfect for odds and ends; tools; etc.!
@ActiveJoeАй бұрын
Great info - thanks Bruce. Happy Birthday..
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you. 1/2 of my ride was filmed a the sky. Hope your video turns out better. AND thank you again for coming along!
@WyomingRiderАй бұрын
ET looks happy!
@IMBruceECLECTIC29 күн бұрын
I missed this...sorry. Thank you my Friend!!
@WyomingRiderАй бұрын
I'm starting to realize not being tall isn't a bad thing. All these moped style bikes fit me perfect without having to modify them.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
ha ha ha....truth! this one is about 2" lower than the GOAT
@WyomingRiderАй бұрын
@@IMBruceECLECTIC It would be perfect sized for me then. I kinda have to tip toe on my Power Goat. I could flat foot that one.
@RandyRidesАй бұрын
Yeah I really wish I was short sometimes 😂
@WyomingRiderАй бұрын
@@RandyRides I just wish i was lighter so I could go faster 🤣
@RandyRidesАй бұрын
@ Yeah that too! I need a lot of help with that.
@harrymiram6621Ай бұрын
Hey, Bruce! Ever thought of using CamelBak-type hydration pack or backpack that fits 70-100oz bladder? Myself, I have 70oz pack that I use. Stay Safe Ride Safer, B.ET...Mahalo for your service
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Aloha...I have one of the original CamelBaks....yes...I am old.....I used to use it all of the time for hiking and riding....AND guess what.....that is a great idea....I should dig that out of my closet. Mahalo for jogging my memory.
@AaronHenduАй бұрын
You can heatshrink those cable connectors together so they don't pull apart, and it won't gum them all up with electrical tape nastiness.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
That is a great idea.........Thank you for teaching me and sharing knowledge!!
@AaronHenduАй бұрын
I put a pannier rack on the front of my bike, and a Jeep backpack is mounted up there. It actually made it more aerodynamic somehow..it increased top speed by about 2kph. I am hoping my windscreen and handguards make it even better somehow. Bikes and aero are weird. ET is probably not very aero lol Well, IRL ET might be slightly more aero.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Ha ha ha...ET is not aero and is starting to get a dirty face....he has over 3,000 miles on him!! (and tire rash from when we almost crashed). Great job with the creativity...thinking outside of the box is always a great thing!
@MickyBee73Ай бұрын
Happy Birthday mate, you kept that quiet 😅 have a great one buddy !!!
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
It is the Marine Corps Birthday..... :)
@MickyBee73Ай бұрын
@IMBruceECLECTIC oh D'oh!!! I got confused, guess it's more an American thing, I shudda known but hey well...happy belated birthday Mariners!!!
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
@@MickyBee73 ...ha ha ha...I am sure the Royal Marines do the same thing.... :)
@simms196Ай бұрын
Nice video & lots of info. Hi Bruce, do you think the rear wheel moved because it wasn't tight enough?
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you! Not sure..but the force of braking and bike weight/my weight caused it to pop backward. and the "safety" piece even broke free. Thank you for Watching, Liking and Subscribing.
@SupersangronАй бұрын
@@IMBruceECLECTIC Empirical evidence suggests that the standoff and swingarm setup are not sufficient to handle the bike's torque. There is space all around the standoff as well to allow for it to move/strip. I would go look at the Spark Brute's swingarm and standoff fit to compare the structural differences. I would have loved for Lyric to use more substantial brakes rather than the 203mm rotors given the available power/top speeds. I'm glad you were not injured. kzbin.info/www/bejne/aJ-Vcoatap5ng68 1:33 speaks to the dropouts/standoff if you are going to fashion something similar.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
@@Supersangron ..Thank you! Appreciated!! AND thank you for Watching, Liking and Subscribing!
@MickyBee73Ай бұрын
Some great additions Bruce mate, the bar risers look cool and it looks a lot better stance-wise. 2 inches is just right as any higher would destroy the (sort of) old school 'racer' look that Lyric created with this beautiful machine. The bag in the frame is perfect fit-wise, it looks like it should actually be part of the stock bike upon arrival... Lyric, take note!!! E.T's a bit up high, haha from the side profile view he looks like he's sat in a chair - it's the E.T throne!!! Good job you strapped him in or he wouldn't need to phone home, he'd be flying there soon as you hit 40+😂 Nice additions, but don't add too much as I swear you Americans are addicted to adding far too many things to your e-bikes !!! Especially on the damn handlebars, as far too much stuff to distract your field of view is just plain dumb 😅... Stella's not looking as sad now she's all dressed up, hopefully she'll be out and about asap mate 👍⚡🚲 You can tell E.T's taken to her, just look how happy he looks sat up high on his Throne in the "E.T Hut". P.S --- I wish you'd been my Teacher at School, you give out soooo many A+'s
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Ha ha ha....I am a softie with grades. I am old and I now know that nothing in life is perfect. AND I try and give everyone to fix their mistakes before they get "slashed up." Thanks Mate. YES...ET may need some adjustment but he will destroy the haters!
@anthonyungaro5665Ай бұрын
can you give me the links for the cable extensions please
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
I don't know how...I tried. I wrote down the name in the description. Amazon ebike extension cables at the baluoqi. The shortest I could find was 7". You could just run all new lines...longer than OEM and they sell them....but I did it the easier way.
@RandyRidesАй бұрын
Poor Stella 😢
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Thank you......my hopes of a fast repair are fading....
@dancurran8977Ай бұрын
Didn't you mean to say, "wooder bottle?" at kzbin.info/www/bejne/iomZdmdjociBgbs :) I just bought a new stem for my trike to get make my handlebars a couple inches closer. I had already bought a new seat.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Ha ha ha....yes! Great job!! It is always a nice sense of accomplishment even with little projects on your Trike/Bike. Thank you my Friend!
@williamdillon4282Ай бұрын
No, being born in 1944 that's old but still riding thank you.
@IMBruceECLECTICАй бұрын
Ha ha ha...great job! Fountain of Youth....Thank you for Watching, Liking and Subscribing!